Brest, 29 au 29 novembre 2000. C'est aujourd'hui une certitude que certaines vagues outrepassent en hauteur et en cambrure les prédictions fondées sur les modèles courants. L'amélioration de la compréhension des raisons, des mécanismes, et des circonstances de leur apparition se doit donc d'être une priorité de recherche. Le colloque Rogue Waves 2000 a rassemblé à Brest nombre des scientifiques et ingénieurs actifs sur le sujet, qui y ont trouvé l'occasion de confronter et discuter leurs avancées les plus récentes en termes de définition, de statistiques, de modélisation et de prédiction de ces vagues anormales. Mots-clés : vagues, extrêmes, non-linéarités, vagues anormales, vagues scélérates.
The Twenty-Second Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics was held in Washington, D.C., from August 9-14, 1998. It coincided with the 100th anniversary of the David Taylor Model Basin. This international symposium was organized jointly by the Office of Naval Research (Mechanics and Energy Conversion S&T Division), the National Research Council (Naval Studies Board), and the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division (David Taylor Model Basin). This biennial symposium promotes the technical exchange of naval research developments of common interest to all the countries of the world. The forum encourages both formal and informal discussion of the presented papers, and the occasion provides an opportunity for direct communication between international peers.
The Symposium, held in Torino (lSI, Villa Gualino) July 1-5, 1991 is the sixth of a series of IUTAM-Symposia on the application of stochastic analysis to continuum and discrete mechanics. The previous one, held in Innsbruck (1987), was mainly concentrated on qual itative and quantitative analysis of stochastic dynamical systems as well as on bifurcation and transition to chaos of deterministic systems. This Symposium concentrated on fundamental aspects (stochastic analysis and mathe matical methods), on specific applications in various branches of mechanics, engineering and applied sciences as well as on related fields as analysis of large systems, system identifica tion, earthquake prediction. Numerical methods suitable to provide quantitative results, say stochastic finite elements, approximation of probability distribution and direct integration of differential equations have also been the object of interesting presentations. Specific topics of the sessions have been: Engineering Applications, Equivalent Lineariza tion of Discrete Stochastic Systems, Fatigue and Life Estimation, Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Methods, Random Vibration, Reliability Analysis, Stochastic Differential Equations, System Identification, Stochastic Control. We are indebted to the IUTAM Bureau for having promoted and sponsored this Sympo sium and the Scientific Committee for having collaborated to the selection of participants and lecturers as well as to a prompt reviewing of the papers submitted for publication into these proceedings. A special thank is due to Frank Kozin: the organization of this meeting was for him ';ery important; he missed the meeting but his organizer ability was present.
The International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC) is a forum for the exchange of information by experts undertaking and applying marine structural research. The aim of the ISSC is to facilitate the evaluation and dissemination of results from recent investigations, to make recommendations for standard design procedures and criteria, to discuss research in progress and planned, to identify areas requiring future research and to encourage international collaboration in furthering these aims. Ships and other marine structures used for transportation, exploration and exploitation of resources in and under the oceans are in the scope of the ISSC. The 20th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC 2018) was held in (Liège) Belgium and Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 9–14 September 2018. The first volume of the proceedings contains the eight Technical Committee reports presented and discussed at the conference and the second volume contains the reports of the eight Specialist Committees. This third volume contains the Official discusser's reports, written discussions and floor discussions, and the replies by the committees.
This textbook investigates in detail the methods for stochastic dynamic response and stability analyses of nonlinear systems (especially ships and ocean engineering systems), elucidating the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods (the statistical linearization method, the perturbation method, the Monte Carlo Simulation method, the numerical path integration method, the global geometric method and the first passage theory). Studies on stochastic dynamic analysis of nonlinear systems have attracted engineers and scientists from various disciplines, such as aeronautical, civil, mechanical and ocean engineering. Pursuing a systematic approach, this book establishes a fundamental framework for this topic, while emphasizing the importance of accurate and efficient analysis as well as the significant influence of choosing a suitable method in the design and optimization of various nonlinear engineering systems (especially ships and ocean engineering systems). The textbook is intended for upper undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in advanced dynamic analysis technologies, researchers investigating nonlinear systems under stochastic dynamic excitations, and civil/mechanical/structural/ocean engineers working on designing and optimization of real-world nonlinear engineering systems. The basis of English translation of this book from its Chinese original manuscript was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision of the content was done by the author.
CYCLES is a computer program that computes the fatigue reliability of mechanical components. It includes a rather flexible model of uncertainty, both in distribution parameters of randomly varying quantities (e.g., load environment parameters such as wave height, wind speed, etc.) and in uncertain material properties (e.g., S-N fatigue properties). The formulation is intended to be of general applicability across a range of fatigue problems. Applications are shown here to offshore structures and wind turbines, both of which may experience fatigue problems. These models are efficiently analyzed through FORM/SORM techniques (first-and second-order reliability methods). A simple, analytical 9-function (limit state) is established, which may be directly incorporated into standard FORM/SORM software packages. We describe here one such code, which includes a 24-variable formulation, its capabilities, input parameters, and output. Fatigue reliability results are shown from this code for both wave and wind applications, including failure probability variation across a range of target fatigue lives.