This book contains short courses in current topics in nonlinear physics given by distinguished professionals in their fields. These include: nonlinear fluid dynamics, transition to turbulence, quantum hall effect, cellular automata and neural networks, phase transitions. These courses are up to date and are aimed at a wide audience, in particular to graduate students and researchers in the field of nonlinear physics.
This book contains short courses in current topics in nonlinear physics given by distinguished professionals in their fields. These include: nonlinear fluid dynamics, transition to turbulence, quantum hall effect, cellular automata and neural networks, phase transitions. These courses are up to date and are aimed at a wide audience, in particular to graduate students and researchers in the field of nonlinear physics.
This book describes the recent evolution of solid-state physics, which is primarily dedicated to examining the behavior of solids at the atomic scale. It also presents various state-of-the-art reviews and original contributions related to solid-state sciences. The book consists of four sections, namely, solid-state behavior, metastable materials, spintronics materials, and mechanics of deformable bodies. The authors’ contributions relating to solid-state behavior deal with the performance of solid matters pertaining to quantum mechanics, physical metallurgy, and crystallography. The authors’ contributions relating to metastable materials demonstrate the behavior of amorphous/bulk metallic glasses and some nonequilibrium materials. The authors’ contributions relating to spintronic materials explain the principles and equations underlying the physics, transport, and dynamics of spin in solid-state systems. The authors’ contributions relating to the mechanics of deformable bodies deal with applications of numeric and analytic solutions/models for solid-state structures under deformation. Key Features:Issues in solid-state physics, Lagrangian quantum mechanics,Quantum and thermal behavior of HCP crystals,Thermoelectric properties of semiconductors,Bulk metallic glasses and metastable atomic density determination,Applications of spintronics and Heusler alloys, 2D elastostatic, mathematical modeling and dynamic stiffness methods on deformable bodies.
Cellular automata make up a class of completely discrete dynamical systems, which have became a core subject in the sciences of complexity due to their conceptual simplicity, easiness of implementation for computer simulation, and their ability to exhibit a wide variety of amazingly complex behavior. The feature of simplicity behind complexity of cellular automata has attracted the researchers' attention from a wide range of divergent fields of study of science, which extend from the exact disciplines of mathematical physics up to the social ones, and beyond. Numerous complex systems containing many discrete elements with local interactions have been and are being conveniently modelled as cellular automata. In this book, the versatility of cellular automata as models for a wide diversity of complex systems is underlined through the study of a number of outstanding problems using these innovative techniques for modelling and simulation.
Computer-Aided Design and system analysis aim to find mathematical models that allow emulating the behaviour of components and facilities. The high competitiveness in industry, the little time available for product development and the high cost in terms of time and money of producing the initial prototypes means that the computer-aided design and analysis of products are taking on major importance. On the other hand, in most areas of engineering the components of a system are interconnected and belong to different domains of physics (mechanics, electrics, hydraulics, thermal...). When developing a complete multidisciplinary system, it needs to integrate a design procedure to ensure that it will be successfully achieved. Engineering systems require an analysis of their dynamic behaviour (evolution over time or path of their different variables). The purpose of modelling and simulating dynamic systems is to generate a set of algebraic and differential equations or a mathematical model. In order to perform rapid product optimisation iterations, the models must be formulated and evaluated in the most efficient way. Automated environments contribute to this. One of the pioneers of simulation technology in medicine defines simulation as a technique, not a technology, that replaces real experiences with guided experiences reproducing important aspects of the real world in a fully interactive fashion [iii]. In the following chapters the reader will be introduced to the world of simulation in topics of current interest such as medicine, military purposes and their use in industry for diverse applications that range from the use of networks to combining thermal, chemical or electrical aspects, among others. We hope that after reading the different sections of this book we will have succeeded in bringing across what the scientific community is doing in the field of simulation and that it will be to your interest and liking. Lastly, we would like to thank all the authors for their excellent contributions in the different areas of simulation.
This volume contains the proceedings of LATIN '92, a theoretical computer science symposium (Latin American Theoretical Informatics) held in S o Paulo, Brazil in April 1992. LATIN is intended to be a comprehensive symposium in the theory of computing, but for this first meeting the following areas were chosen for preferential coverage: algorithms and data structures, automata and formal languages, computability and complexity theory, computational geometry, cryptography, parallel and distributed computation, symbolic and algebraic computation, and combinatorial and algebraic aspects of computer science. The volume includesfull versions of the invited papers by 11 distinguished guest lecturers as well as 32 contributed papers selected from 66 submissions from authors with affiliations in 26 countries.
It is about fifteen years since we started hearing about Computational Ma terials Science and Materials Modelling and Design. Fifteen years is a long time and all of us realise that the use of computational methods in the design of materials has not been rapid enough. We also know the reasons for this. Mate rials properties are not dependent on a single phenomenon. The properties of materials cover a wide range from electronic, thermal, mechanical to chemical and electro-chemical. Each of these class of properties depend on specific phe nomenon that takes place at different scales or levels of length from sub atomic to visible length levels. The energies controlling the phenomena also varies widely from a fraction of an electron volt to many joules. The complexity of materials are such that while models and methods for treating individual phenomenon have been perfected, incorporating them into a single programme taking into account the synergism is a formidable task. Two specific areas where the progress has been very rapid and substantive are prediction of phase stability and phase diagrams and embrittlement of steels by metalloids. The first three sections of the book contain papers which review the theoreti cal principles underlying materials modeling and simulations and show how they can be applied to the problems just mentioned. There is now a strong interest in designing new materials starting from nanoparticles and clusters.