Topics covered include fundamentals of sound, vibration and hearing, elements of a hearing conservation program, noise interference and annoyance, regulations, standards and laws.
Excessive noise levels are generally acknowledged to have adverse effects on our environment. Studies indicate that excessive noise levels can cause fatigue in exposed individuals, lower efficiency and productivity, impaired speech communication, and hearing loss. Excessive noise is almost everywhere today - in the office, in schools, hospitals and other institutional facilities, in all classes of public buildings, and in our factories. INDUSTRIAL NOISE High noise levels in factories can make speech communication in the plant difficult and at times impossible. Foremen are often unable to hear warning shouts from co-workers. The problem of hearing loss due to excessive noise exposure is of particular concern to industry, and to the federal government. In the early 1970s, the United States Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) which sets criteria for health hazards and established limits for noise exposure of industrial workers. The OSHA Noise Standard was amended in 1982 to require audiometric testing of all employees exposed to noise levels of 85 dB or above for eight hours. A NOISE IN COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS While noise levels in offices, stores, schools, and other commercial and institutional buildings seldom reach those encountered in many industrial environments, they often reach levels which are distracting to the occupants of such buildings. Impairment of speech communica tion among workers, or inversely the lack of speech privacy, are both deterrents to effiCiency and productivity and are detrimental to the occupants' comfort and sense of well-being.
This classic and authoritative student textbook contains information that is not over simplified and can be used to solve the real world problems encountered by noise and vibration consultants as well as the more straightforward ones handled by engineers and occupational hygienists in industry. The book covers the fundamentals of acoustics, theoretical concepts and practical application of current noise control technology. It aims to be as comprehensive as possible while still covering important concepts in sufficient detail to engender a deep understanding of the foundations upon which noise control technology is built. Topics which are extensively developed or overhauled from the fourth edition include sound propagation outdoors, amplitude modulation, hearing protection, frequency analysis, muffling devices (including 4-pole analysis and self noise), sound transmission through partitions, finite element analysis, statistical energy analysis and transportation noise. For those who are already well versed in the art and science of noise control, the book will provide an extremely useful reference. A wide range of example problems that are linked to noise control practice are available on for free download.
This manual provides direction for the preparation of noise and vibration sections of environmental documents for mass transportation projects. The manual has been developed in the interest of promoting quality and uniformity in assessments. It is expected to be used by people associated with or affected by the urban transit industry, including Federal Transit Administration (FTA) staff, grant applicants, consultants and the general public. Each of these groups has an interest in noise/vibration assessment, but not all have the need for all the details of the process. Consequently, this manual has been prepared to serve readers with varying levels of technical background and interests. It sets forth the basic concepts, methods and procedures for documenting the extent and severity of noise impacts from transit projects.
Encompasses all up-to-date aspects of noise and vibration control in building services in one simple and convenient volume. It provides the necessary background in acoustics and, more importantly, practical advice in the evaluation and control of noise and vibration, with extensive use of tables, illustrations and actual examples. The book's contributors, the senior engineering staff of SRL Ltd, have more than 150 years' collective experience in acoustics, involving design and remedial work on noise and vibration aspects of building services.
Compiling strategies from more than 30 years of experience, this book provides numerous case studies that illustrate the implementation of noise control applications, as well as solutions to common dilemmas encountered in noise reduction processes. It offers methods for predicting the noise generation level of common systems such as fans, motors, c
This book has been written to provide an intro Chapter 2 deals with the mechanism of hear duction to the fundamental concepts of sound ing and the subjective rating of sound, includ and a comprehensive coverage whereby un ing age-related and noise-induced hearing loss. wanted sound (noise) can be controlled. Al Assessment of any noise problem involves a though there are many notable textbooks which knowledge of the instrumentation available for deal primarily with the physics (or theory) of measurements, the limitations of this instru sound, and others which treat noise control in mentation, the appropriate procedures for mak a strictly practical (and sometimes even empir ing the measurements with the instrumentation, ical) manner, there are few textbooks that pro and the methods by which the measured data vide a bridging between the necessary under can be analyzed. Chapter 3 provides an up-to standing of the fundamentals of sound (its date coverage of these requirements, including generation, propagation, measurement) and the a section on one of the newest and most valu application of these fundamentals to its control. able tools in noise studies-sound intensity This book provides that link. measurement. The capability of being able to The text presents noise control primarily at measure sound intensity as compared with con the introductory level.
Explains the implications of the legislation and how to comply with it. As well as providing the background theory necessary to make noise and vibration measurement it show show to plan a survey and make assessments, and contains practical information about measuring equipment and protection devices.