"The NOAA estuarine and coastal ocean science framework provides long-term scientific direction in four critical estuarine and coastal ocean problem areas: freshwater inflow and circulation alterations; toxics, nutrients, and pathogens; habitat degradation; and declines in living resources. The scientific agenda described in the Framework is the foundation for NOAA's long-range planning to address these problems."--Page v
Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Subcommittee on Natural Resources, Agriculture Research, and Environment
America's unrestricted access to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Gulf of Mexico, rivers, Great Lakes, and Arctic region powers domestic and global commerce. The ease of moving cargo and people beyond our coasts fuels the Nation's competitive advantage, advances trade, generates capital, and drives the domestic economy forward, in turn projecting strength abroad and safeguarding our national interests. Similarly, the biological diversity and productivity of the ocean sustains the health of coastal communities and promotes a vibrant national economy. The ocean also plays a fundamental role in the Earth system. Ensuring responsible ocean stewardship with science and technology (S&T) breakthroughs depends on a strategic Federal portfolio supported by foundational basic research. Science and Technology for America's Oceans: A Decadal Vision identifies pressing research needs and areas of opportunity within the ocean S&T enterprise for the decade 2018-2028.
The study of estuaries and coasts has seen enormous growth in recent years, since changes in these areas have a large effect on the food chain, as well as on the physics and chemistry of the ocean. As the coasts and river banks around the world become more densely populated, the pressure on these ecosystems intensifies, putting a new focus on environmental, socio-economic and policy issues. Written by a team of international expert scientists, under the guidance of Chief Editors Eric Wolanski and Donald McClusky, the Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, Ten Volume Set examines topics in depth, and aims to provide a comprehensive scientific resource for all professionals and students in the area of estuarine and coastal science Most up-to-date reference for system-based coastal and estuarine science and management, from the inland watershed to the ocean shelf Chief editors have assembled a world-class team of volume editors and contributing authors Approach focuses on the physical, biological, chemistry, ecosystem, human, ecological and economics processes, to show how to best use multidisciplinary science to ensure earth's sustainability Provides a comprehensive scientific resource for all professionals and students in the area of estuarine and coastal science Features up-to-date chapters covering a full range of topics