The Higgs Hunter's Guide is a definitive and comprehensive guide to the physics of Higgs bosons. In particular, it discusses the extended Higgs sectors required by those recent theoretical approaches that go beyond the Standard Model, including supersymmetry and superstring-inspired models.
Questo documento riassume lo stato attuale degli ricerche studi, teorici e sperimentali, sulla produzione di coppie di bosoni di Higgs, e sui vincoli, sia diretti che indiretti, al valore del termine di auto-interazione del bosone di Higgs, con l’intento di servire da referenza per i prossimi anni. Il documento discute lo stato degli studi teorici, includendo le più recenti stime della sezione di produzione di coppie di bosoni di Higgs, sviluppi sulle teorie di campo efficaci, e studi su specifici scenari di nuova fisica che possono contribuire alla produzione di due bosoni di Higgs. Sono presentati i più recenti risultati sperimentali sulle ricerche di coppie di bosoni di Higgs e sui limiti diretti e indiretti al termine di auto-interazione, ottenuti al Large Hadron Collider di Ginevra, con una panoramica delle tecniche sperimentali. Infine, sono discusse le capacità dei collisionatori futuri di determinare il termine di auto-interazione del bosone di Higgs. Questo lavoro è iniziato come raccolta di contributi della conferenza “Di-Higgs ai Colliders”, che ha avuto luogo a Fermilab dal 4 al 9 settembre 2018, ma gli argomenti discussi vanno al di là di quelli presentati alla conferenza, includendo ulteriori sviluppi.
This volume is a compilation of lectures delivered at the TASI 2016 summer school, 'Anticipating the Next Discoveries in Particle Physics', held at the University of Colorado at Boulder in June 2016. The school focused on topics in theoretical particle physics, phenomenology, dark matter, and cosmology of interest to contemporary researchers in these fields. The lectures are accessible to graduate students in the initial stages of their research careers.
This concise primer reviews the latest developments in the field of jets. Jets are collinear sprays of hadrons produced in very high-energy collisions, e.g. at the LHC or at a future hadron collider. They are essential to and ubiquitous in experimental analyses, making their study crucial. At present LHC energies and beyond, massive particles around the electroweak scale are frequently produced with transverse momenta that are much larger than their mass, i.e., boosted. The decay products of such boosted massive objects tend to occupy only a relatively small and confined area of the detector and are observed as a single jet. Jets hence arise from many different sources and it is important to be able to distinguish the rare events with boosted resonances from the large backgrounds originating from Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). This requires familiarity with the internal properties of jets, such as their different radiation patterns, a field broadly known as jet substructure. This set of notes begins by providing a phenomenological motivation, explaining why the study of jets and their substructure is of particular importance for the current and future program of the LHC, followed by a brief but insightful introduction to QCD and to hadron-collider phenomenology. The next section introduces jets as complex objects constructed from a sequential recombination algorithm. In this context some experimental aspects are also reviewed. Since jet substructure calculations are multi-scale problems that call for all-order treatments (resummations), the bases of such calculations are discussed for simple jet quantities. With these QCD and jet physics ingredients in hand, readers can then dig into jet substructure itself. Accordingly, these notes first highlight the main concepts behind substructure techniques and introduce a list of the main jet substructure tools that have been used over the past decade. Analytic calculations are then provided for several families of tools, the goal being to identify their key characteristics. In closing, the book provides an overview of LHC searches and measurements where jet substructure techniques are used, reviews the main take-home messages, and outlines future perspectives.
This thesis presents innovative contributions to the CMS experiment in the new trigger system for the restart of the LHC collisions in Run II, as well as original analysis methods and important results that led to official publications of the Collaboration. The author's novel reconstruction algorithms, deployed on the Field-Programmable Gate Arrays of the new CMS trigger architecture, have brought a gain of over a factor 2 in efficiency for the identification of tau leptons, with a very significant impact on important H boson measurements, such as its decays to tau lepton pairs and the search for H boson pair production. He also describes a novel analysis of HH → bb tautau, a high priority physics topic in a difficult channel. The original strategy, optimisation of event categories, and the control of the background have made the result one of the most sensitive concerning the self-coupling of the Higgs boson among all possible channels at the LHC.
This book mainly investigates the precision predictions on the signal of new physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) scheme. The potential of the LHC to discover the signal of dark matter associated production with a photon is studied after including next-to-leading order QCD corrections. The factorization and resummation of t-channel top quark transverse momentum distribution in the standard model at both the Tevatron and the LHC with soft-collinear effective theory are presented. The potential of the early LHC to discover the signal of monotops is discussed. These examples illustrate the method of searching for new physics beyond what is known today with high precision.
This book includes review articles in the field of elliptic integrals, elliptic functions and modular forms intending to foster the discussion between theoretical physicists working on higher loop calculations and mathematicians working in the field of modular forms and functions and analytic solutions of higher order differential and difference equations.
This title provides an in-depth introduction to the particle physics of current and future experiments at particle accelerators. The text provides the reader with an overview of practically all aspects of the strong interaction necessary to understand and appreciate modern particle phenomenology at the energy frontier.