Revised to keep your students on top of our ever-changing world of emerging technology, this is your solution for staying current and keeping your students engaged in an information age.
This book is suitable for use in a university-level first course in computing (CS1), as well as the increasingly popular course known as CS0. It is difficult for many students to master basic concepts in computer science and programming. A large portion of the confusion can be blamed on the complexity of the tools and materials that are traditionally used to teach CS1 and CS2. This textbook was written with a single overarching goal: to present the core concepts of computer science as simply as possible without being simplistic.
Get Synched! It’s all about students and instructors tuning in to each other. And technology makes it possible. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010 is the only computer concepts product with a fully integrated and truly interactive teaching and learning environment. The printed book, companion Web site, interactive BookOnCD, and WebTrack assessment help instructors and students work synchronously to understand and apply technology in their personal and professional lives. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Class-tested and coherent, this textbook teaches classical and web information retrieval, including web search and the related areas of text classification and text clustering from basic concepts. It gives an up-to-date treatment of all aspects of the design and implementation of systems for gathering, indexing, and searching documents; methods for evaluating systems; and an introduction to the use of machine learning methods on text collections. All the important ideas are explained using examples and figures, making it perfect for introductory courses in information retrieval for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in computer science. Based on feedback from extensive classroom experience, the book has been carefully structured in order to make teaching more natural and effective. Slides and additional exercises (with solutions for lecturers) are also available through the book's supporting website to help course instructors prepare their lectures.
Introduction to Visual Computing: Core Concepts in Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing covers the fundamental concepts of visual computing. Whereas past books have treated these concepts within the context of specific fields such as computer graphics, computer vision or image processing, this book offers a unified view of these core concepts, thereby providing a unified treatment of computational and mathematical methods for creating, capturing, analyzing and manipulating visual data (e.g. 2D images, 3D models). Fundamentals covered in the book include convolution, Fourier transform, filters, geometric transformations, epipolar geometry, 3D reconstruction, color and the image synthesis pipeline. The book is organized in four parts. The first part provides an exposure to different kinds of visual data (e.g. 2D images, videos and 3D geometry) and the core mathematical techniques that are required for their processing (e.g. interpolation and linear regression.) The second part of the book on Image Based Visual Computing deals with several fundamental techniques to process 2D images (e.g. convolution, spectral analysis and feature detection) and corresponds to the low level retinal image processing that happens in the eye in the human visual system pathway. The next part of the book on Geometric Visual Computing deals with the fundamental techniques used to combine the geometric information from multiple eyes creating a 3D interpretation of the object and world around us (e.g. transformations, projective and epipolar geometry, and 3D reconstruction). This corresponds to the higher level processing that happens in the brain combining information from both the eyes thereby helping us to navigate through the 3D world around us. The last two parts of the book cover Radiometric Visual Computing and Visual Content Synthesis. These parts focus on the fundamental techniques for processing information arising from the interaction of light with objects around us, as well as the fundamentals of creating virtual computer generated worlds that mimic all the processing presented in the prior sections. The book is written for a 16 week long semester course and can be used for both undergraduate and graduate teaching, as well as a reference for professionals.
Get Synched! Learning takes place when students and instructors can effectively connect and communicate, and technology makes it possible. NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMPUTER CONCEPTS 2010 is the only guide to computer concepts that creates a fully integrated and truly interactive teaching and learning environment. The printed book, companion Web site, interactive BookOnCD with multimedia, and WebTrack assessment tool help instructors and students work in sync to explore, understand, and apply computer technology in their personal and professional lives. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
In today’s world where technology impacts every aspect of life, you need to know how to evaluate devices, choose apps, maintain a professional online reputation, and ensure digital security. NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMPUTER CONCEPTS 2018, INTRODUCTORY offers the insights to help. This book goes beyond the intuitive how-to of apps and social media to delve into broad concepts that are guiding current technologies such as self-driving cars, virtual reality, file sharing torrents, encrypted communications, photo forensics, and the Internet of Things. Numerous illustrations and interactive features make mastering technical topics a breeze, while the book’s proven learning path is structured with today's busy reader in mind. This edition offers an insightful overview of what today’s readers must know about using technology to complete an education, secure a successful career, and engage in issues that shape today's world. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice is ideal for introductory information retrieval courses at the undergraduate and graduate level in computer science, information science and computer engineering departments. It is also a valuable tool for search engine and information retrieval professionals. Written by a leader in the field of information retrieval, Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice , is designed to give undergraduate students the understanding and tools they need to evaluate, compare and modify search engines. Coverage of the underlying IR and mathematical models reinforce key concepts. The book’s numerous programming exercises make extensive use of Galago, a Java-based open source search engine.
This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the IFIP WG 11.4 International Workshop, iNetSec 2010, held in Sofia, Bulgaria, in March 2010. The 14 revised full papers presented together with an invited talk were carefully reviewed and selected during two rounds of refereeing. The papers are organized in topical sections on scheduling, adversaries, protecting resources, secure processes, and security for clouds.
Gain the full understanding of today's digital world with the cohesive framework and logical organization found only in NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMPUTER CONCEPTS 2016, ENHANCED, INTRODUCTORY. This dynamic book provides the latest updates on emerging technology with engaging learning features, informative visuals and hands-on activities proven to increase your understanding. An insightful introduction highlights today's digital evolution, while coverage of social media and online security examines concepts behind today's important trends in technology. You gain insights into the underlying principles supporting the wide scope of digital devices in use today with an emphasis on the connectivity that pervades modern life. This Enhanced Edition includes a new hands-on programming chapter that teaches you how to program using Python(TM).