Resolved Resonance Parameters for Uranium 238 from 4 to 6 KeV.

Resolved Resonance Parameters for Uranium 238 from 4 to 6 KeV.



Published: 1982

Total Pages:



Neutron widths for 145 resonances from 4 to 6 keV are reported from a least-squares shape analysis of the ORELA 150-m, 4-sample 238U transmission data. The resultant s-wave strength function from 4 to 6 keV is found to be substantially smaller than that from 0 to 4 keV.

Sup 56 Fe Resonance Parameters for Neutron Energies Up to 850 KeV.

Sup 56 Fe Resonance Parameters for Neutron Energies Up to 850 KeV.



Published: 1990

Total Pages: 74



High-resolution neutron measurements for 56Fe-enriched iron targets were made at the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator (ORELA) in transmission below 20 MeV and in differential elastic scattering below 5 MeV. Transmission measurements were also performed with a natural iron target below 160 keV. The transmission data were analyzed from 5 to 850 keV with the multilevel R-matrix code SAMMY which uses Bayes' theorem for the fitting process. This code provides energies and neutron widths of the resonances inside the 5- to 850-keV energy region, as well as possible parameterization for resonances external to the analyzed region to describe the smooth cross section from a few eV to 850 keV. The resulting set of resonance parameters yields the accepted values for the thermal total and capture cross sections. The differential elastic-scattering data at several scattering angles were compared to theoretical calculations from 40 to 850 keV using the R-matrix code RFUNC based on the Blatt-Biedenharn formalism. Various combinations of spin and parity were tried to predict cross sections for the well defined l> 0 resonances; comparison of these predictions with the data allowed us to determine the most likely spin and parity assignments for these resonances. The results of a capture data analysis by Corvi et al. (COR84), from 2 to 350 keV, were combined with our results to obtain the radiation widths of the resonances below 350 keV observed in transmission, capture, and differential elastic-scattering experiments.