The reforms most needed to rehabilitate a developing country's planning and budgeting system are generally simple organizational measures, not sophisticated analytical techniques.
This study re-examines the role and relevance of manpower planning and analysis in the developing countries of Africa (notably Botwana) and Asia in the light of the imperatives of structural adjustment programmes, and explores the information needs of economies in transition in the context of a shift to market-oriented plicies. Topics covered include methodology, the role of government and the types of labour market analysis required. The book contains a suggested research agenda.
This book debunks the argument that quality in education can only be achieved by limiting, or trading off, equality. The quality of schooling is a major issue for Third World nations across the globe. However there is no single measure which is universally accepted. Whether it is, as some economists might argue, an issue of the number of desks per classroom or one of national sovereignty is widely disputed. Defining equality in education becomes increasingly difficult in an era of globalization in which there exists a wide gap between rich and poor, both within and between nations. In the context of an international move towards New Right politics and neo-liberal economic ideologies, both the quality and equality of education are imperiled. This book argues that any worthy definition of quality education must include the interests and participation of the underprivileged.
'The Comparative Education Reader' brings together leading scholars to provide a collection of writings on the rapidly expanding discipline of comparative education.
An examination of how Botswana overcame the legacies of exceptional resource deficiency and colonial neglect, to transform itself from one of the poorest nations of the world to a middle income economy. Contributions review how economic, social and institutional policies interacted to produce successful poverty reduction.
This book is a comparative study of government and public policy in the twenty small states of the Pacific Islands, examining the often tense societal interactions over competing conceptions of public-sector institutions and authority, rule-making, and policy processes.
Trends in smallholder livestock enterprises; The impact of the introduction of exotic cattle in East and southern Africa; Intensive animal feeding practices for optimum feed utilisation; Importance of strong research-extension linkages in increasing livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa; Research on smallholder dairy research programmes in subhumid areas; Dairy/beef production systems research programme in Malawi; Research on smallholder dairy production in coastal lowland Kenya; Smallholder dairy on-farm research in Burundi; Smallholder dairy in Ethiopia; Dual-purpose goat research in western Kenya; Contribution of crossbred goats to milk production and social welfare in Burundi; Dairy goat research and extension at Sokoine University of Agriculture (lowlands) and Mgeta (hithlands) areas of Tanzania; Dual-purpose cattle in central Tanzania; Peri-urban small-scale dairy research programme in Botswana; Research on small ruminant production systems in Zimbabwe; Disease control approaches; Economic implications of the control of East Coast fever in eastern, central and southern Africa; Immunisation of cattle against East Coast fever: experiences in Zanzibar; Sustainable control methods for ticks and tick-borne diseases in Africa; New vaccine strategies against heartwater; Economics of trypanosomiasis control: research implications; Development of smallholder dairying; Smallholder dairy production in Zambia; Smallholder dairy development in Malawi; Kenya National Dairy development project; Dairy development programme in Tanga, Tanzania; Smallholder dairy development programme in resettled and communal areas in Zimbabwe; Development of smallholder dairying in Zanzibar; Marketing options for livestock products: a total systems cum-managerial perspective; Other production systems; Group ranch concept and practice in Kenya with special emphasis on Kajiado District; Introduction of dairy cattle production systems in soil conservation areas; Wool and mohair production in Lesotho; Synthesis of constraints to livestock research and development and recommendations.
This new study shows how environmental issues represent a deep problem in conceptualising the relationship between human beings and nature. This key relationship grounds the implicit ethical and political concerns of International Relations and our understandings of environmental politics. It demonstrates that the core theoretical orientations of the study of International Relations are not only incapable of understanding and responding to contemporary problems, but are profoundly complicit in creating the ecological problems in the first place. This major book develops a sense of these realities based on the thinking of Martin Heidegger. It forwards new ways of rethinking the environmental questions and addresses crucial issues such as sovereignty, the International Law of The Sea, the Kyoto Protocol, Northern Alaskan oil exploration and exploitation and the impact of the United Nations Convention on the Law of The Sea III. This is essential specialist reading for readers concerned with the environment.
This is the first work of its kind. Original contributions from leading academicians, practitioners and accounting associations from around the world make this handbook a unique source of information on international accounting education and certification processes. A uniform format in most of the chapters allows for easy comparison between countries. This volume documents the development of accounting education and practice at country and global levels; studies the sensitivity of accounting education and practices to the unique socio-economic needs of its environment; and allows comparative studies at a time when attempts have begun to harmonize accounting education internationally. Most importantly, it shows how educational programmes around the world are preparing future accounting professionals to deal with the rapid technological and environmental changes of the 21st century.