Publisher: Alaf 21

Published: 2013

Total Pages: 506

ISBN-13: 9831248945


Aidid Mukhlis - Berpelajaran tinggi dan mempunyai kerjaya yang bagus. Dari kecil sudah menetap di luar negara membuatkan jiwanya seakan hilang rasa cinta pada kampung halaman. Akhirnya kerana dipaksa, dia pulang juga tanpa rela. Nurul Liyana - Dia hanya gadis biasa. SPM pun setakat cukup makan. Memang dia dalam kategori bukan pelajar cerdik tapi jiwanya besar. Cintanya pada tanah air cukup menebal. Bila bertemu, mereka sentiasa berlaga angin. Seorang serius bukan main. Yang seorang lagi, nakalnya… Nauzubillah. "Macamlah bagus sangat Kota London dia tu," ejek Liyana penuh jengkel. "Memang bagus pun," jawab Aidid dengan nada yang menyakitkan hati. "Apa yang bagus sangat? Apa yang London ada, Malaysia tak ada? Cer cite....cer cite." Liyana melawan kata-kata Aidid. "Yang bagusnya, kat London tu tak ada mulut mak nenek macam kau!" Hmm....asyik bertekak sahaja Mr. London dan Ms. Langkawi ini. Kata orang, perbezaan akan mewujudkan keserasian. Tetapi adakah keserasian akan wujud dalam jiwa Aidid Mukhlis dan Nurul Liyana?

Cinta MOU

Cinta MOU

Author: Nurassyi Rashid

Publisher: Alaf 21

Published: 2014

Total Pages: 528

ISBN-13: 9831249097


“Bila aku kahwin nanti, aku nak pakai gaun kembang yang meleret sampai ke lantai. Aku nak pegang bunga tangan yang sangat cantik. Kemudian, aku lambung bunga tu ke udara. Siapa yang dapat sambut, orang tu akan bertemu jodoh.” Itulah angan-angan gadis bernama Chitra. Ketika itu, wajah Reza Irfan terbayang di ruang matanya. Ketika angan-angan hampir menjadi kenyataan, Chitra dipaksa berkahwin dengan orang lain. Jika lelaki itu masih muda, tidak mengapa. Tuan Firdaus itu sudah hendak habis tarikh luputnya.

Encik Abangku Romantik

Encik Abangku Romantik

Author: Elee Mardiana

Publisher: Alaf 21

Published: 2012

Total Pages: 576

ISBN-13: 9831248104


Kahwin? Minta maaflah! Widelia mahu jadi lawyer dan mak andam glamor terlebih dahulu. Berapa ramai pun lelaki yang mama mahu kenalkan, dia tetap tidak akan terima. Alasannya not my taste! Tapi… lelaki bernama Haikal tu lain daripada yang lain. Walau Wedia jawab tak suka, dia terus kejar dan paksa gadis itu jatuh cinta padanya. Agresif betul mamat tu! Muka temboklah katakan… Iqbal juga sukakan Widea. Tapi cuma simpan dalam hati saja. Tak berani konon! Helo, encik abang... Zaman sekarang kalau sudah tangkap cinta kenalah terus kata suka. Nanti melepas… gigit jari, padan muka! Masalahnya sekarang… Widea tetap kata, jangan buang masa. Buatlah apa pun, dia belum nak tukar status! Tapi Haikal, terus push, push, push! Iqbal pula… dalam hati ada taman bengong sorang-sorang.

Managing Chronicity in Unequal States

Managing Chronicity in Unequal States

Author: Laura Montesi

Publisher: UCL Press

Published: 2021-11-22

Total Pages: 272

ISBN-13: 180008028X


By portraying the circumstances of people living with chronic conditions in radically different contexts, from Alzheimer’s patients in the UK to homeless people with psychiatric disorders in India, Managing Chronicity in Unequal States offers glimpses of what dealing with medically complex conditions in stratified societies means. While in some places the state regulates and intrudes on the most intimate aspects of chronic living, in others it is utterly and criminally absent. Either way, it is a present/absent actor that deeply conditions people’s opportunities and strategies of care. This book explores how individuals, groups and communities navigate uncertain and unequal healthcare systems, in which inherent moral judgements on human worth have long-lasting effects on people’s wellbeing. This is key reading for anyone wishing to deconstruct the issues at stake when analysing how care and chronicity are entangled with multiple institutional, economic, and other circumstantial factors. How people access the available informal and formal resources as well as how they react to official diagnoses and decisions are important facets of the management of chronicity. In the arena of care, people with chronic conditions find themselves negotiating restrictions and handling issues of power and (inter)dependency in relationships of inequality and proximity. This is particularly relevant in current times, when care has given in to the lure of the market, and the possibility of living a long and fulfilling life has been drastically reduced, transformed into a ‘reward’ for the few who have been deemed worthy of it.

The Global Smartphone

The Global Smartphone

Author: Daniel Miller

Publisher: UCL Press

Published: 2021-05-06

Total Pages: 323

ISBN-13: 1787359611


The smartphone is often literally right in front of our nose, so you would think we would know what it is. But do we? To find out, 11 anthropologists each spent 16 months living in communities in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America, focusing on the take up of smartphones by older people. Their research reveals that smartphones are technology for everyone, not just for the young. The Global Smartphone presents a series of original perspectives deriving from this global and comparative research project. Smartphones have become as much a place within which we live as a device we use to provide ‘perpetual opportunism’, as they are always with us. The authors show how the smartphone is more than an ‘app device’ and explore differences between what people say about smartphones and how they use them. The smartphone is unprecedented in the degree to which we can transform it. As a result, it quickly assimilates personal values. In order to comprehend it, we must take into consideration a range of national and cultural nuances, such as visual communication in China and Japan, mobile money in Cameroon and Uganda, and access to health information in Chile and Ireland – all alongside diverse trajectories of ageing in Al Quds, Brazil and Italy. Only then can we know what a smartphone is and understand its consequences for people’s lives around the world.