Fundamentals of radiation for atmospheric applications -- Solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere -- Absorption and scattering of solar radiation in the atmosphere -- Thermal infrared radiation transfer in the atmosphere -- Light scattering by atmospheric particulates -- Principles of radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres -- Application of radiative transfer principles to remote sensing -- Radiation and climate.
Ein Blick auf die morphologischen, physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften von Aerosolen aus den unterschiedlichsten natürlichen und anthropogenen Quellen trägt zum besseren Verständnis der Rolle bei, die Aerosolpartikel bei der Streuung und Absorption kurz- und langwelliger Strahlung spielen. Dieses Fachbuch bietet Informationen, die sonst schwer zu finden sind, und vermittelt ausführlich die Kenntnisse, die erforderlich sind, um die mikrophysikalischen, chemischen und Strahlungsparameter zu charakterisieren, die bei der Wechselwirkung von Sonnen- und Erdstrahlen so überaus wichtig sind. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf den indirekten Auswirkungen von Aerosolen auf das Klima im Rahmen des komplexen Systems aus Aerosolen, Wolken und der Atmosphäre. Auch geht es vorrangig um die Wirkungen natürlicher und anthropogener Aerosole auf die Luftqualität und die Umwelt, auf die menschliche Gesundheit und unser kulturelles Erbe. Mit einem durchgängig lösungsorientierten Ansatz werden nicht nur die Probleme und Gefahren dieser Aerosole behandelt, sondern auch praktikable Lösungswege aufgezeigt.
Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles Treating absorption and scattering in equal measure, this self-contained, interdisciplinary study examines and illustrates how small particles absorb and scatter light. The authors emphasize that any discussion of the optical behavior of small particles is inseparable from a full understanding of the optical behavior of the parent material-bulk matter. To divorce one concept from the other is to render any study on scattering theory seriously incomplete. Special features and important topics covered in this book include: * Classical theories of optical properties based on idealized models * Measurements for three representative materials: magnesium oxide, aluminum, and water * An extensive discussion of electromagnetic theory * Numerous exact and approximate solutions to various scattering problems * Examples and applications from physics, astrophysics, atmospheric physics, and biophysics * Some 500 references emphasizing work done since Kerker's 1969 work on scattering theory * Computer programs for calculating scattering by spheres, coated spheres, and infinite cylinders
Aerosol Measurement: Principles, Techniques, and Applications Third Edition is the most detailed treatment available of the latest aerosol measurement methods. Drawing on the know-how of numerous expert contributors; it provides a solid grasp of measurement fundamentals and practices a wide variety of aerosol applications. This new edition is updated to address new and developing applications of aerosol measurement, including applications in environmental health, atmospheric science, climate change, air pollution, public health, nanotechnology, particle and powder technology, pharmaceutical research and development, clean room technology (integrated circuit manufacture), and nuclear waste management.
In this new volume in the World Soil series, the various types of Icelandic soils, their different characteristics, their formation, degradation and erosion are reviewed. At the same time, the book also deals with the agriculture and land use in general to give a complete view of Icelandic soils. The first part details the natural parameters such as the climate and the geography of Iceland. It also explains Icelandic geology, which is the major parameter controlling the soil formation in this country. The author describes the formation of Iceland, the main volcanic systems, central volcanoes, tephra production and its influence on the soils. Explanations on rocks, glaciers, rivers and other main geologic features are also given. The book continues with a description of the Icelandic geomorphology, giving insights on the main surface types, frost, cryoturbation and other cryogenic features. Then it details the different types of soils, their formation and main features, comparing the Icelandic soils to other soils elsewhere in the world. Erosion and land degradation are then reviewed, including the exceptionally active wind erosion and dust production. Finally, it gives an insight on land use, agriculture and vegetation types. All this accompanied by the most amazing photos to illustrate the great diversity of Icelandic Soil.
This volume is a collection of review articles by scientists who have pioneered many of the recent advances in studies of the optical effects of small particles. The book begins with a review of the multitude of sharp dielectric resonances which exist in all optical spectra as a result of particle size and shape. Latest advances in absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy of a single particle and/or an ensemble of particles are also discussed, as well as advances in the energy transfer mechanisms for molecules embedded in the particle. The effects of laser-induced heating on a single particle are reviewed in terms of the hydrodynamics and thermodynamics of the liquid droplet and its ambient gas surrounding. The limits of applying bulk optical constants to small particles which lie between the bulk substance and the quantum-sized substance are also presented.
The book is divided into two sections. The first section presents characterization of atmospheric aerosols and their impact on regional climate from East Asia to the Pacific. Ground-based, air-born, and satellite data were collected and analyzed. Detailed information about measurement techniques and atmospheric conditions were provided as well. In the second section, authors provide detailed information about the organic and inorganic constituents of atmospheric aerosols. They discuss the chemical and physical processes, temporal and spatial distribution, emissions, formation, and transportation of aerosol particles. In addition, new measurement techniques are introduced. This book hopes to serve as a useful resource to resolve some of the issues associated with the complex nature of the interaction between atmospheric aerosols and climatology.
This new text offers experienced students a comprehensive review of available techniques for the remote sensing of aerosols. These small particles influence both atmospheric visibility and the thermodynamics of the atmosphere. They are also of great importance in any consideration of climate change problems. Aerosols may also be responsible for the loss of harvests, human health problems and ecological disasters. Thus, this detailed study of aerosol properties on a global scale could not be more timely.