Includes French-language titles published by predominantly French-language publishers, 1967-72; includes French-language titles published by predominantly English-language publishers, 1973-74.
Der Thematik der Sprache bzw. Sprachen in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur widmet sich der Band unter drei Gesichtspunkten: Sprachenerwerb als Möglichkeit, die Welt zu erfassen, die Beziehung zwischen Identitäten und Sprache(n), erfundene Sprachen und deren Übersetzungsproblematik. Die 13 Beiträge umfassen ein mehrsprachiges Textkorpus unterschiedlichster Gattungen. Ausgangsprinzip aller Studien ist die dezidierte Aufwertung der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur gegenüber der allgemeinen Literatur. Les articles réunis dans ce recueil étudient des œuvres destinées à la jeunesse dans lesquelles la (ou les) langue(s) constituent un enjeu, à l’instar de ce qui se passe dans la littérature « générale ». La question est envisagée sous trois angles : l’apprentissage des langues comme apprentissage du monde, le rapport entre langue(s) et identités, les langues inventées et leur traduction. Autant de pistes polyglottes qui sont explorées ici dans plusieurs genres et traditions : française et allemande, britannique et américaine, mais également belge et portugaise, polonaise, russe et tchèque, voire dans une perspective « weltlittéraire » (Knauth).
This textbook includes all 13 chapters of Français interactif. It accompanies, the web-based French program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2004, and its companion site, Tex's French Grammar (2000) Français interactif is an open acess site, a free and open multimedia resources, which requires neither password nor fees. Français interactif has been funded and created by Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at the University of Texas, and is currently supported by COERLL, the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning UT-Austin, and the U.S. Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE Grant P116B070251) as an example of the open access initiative.
Arranged alphabetically from Rowland Abbott to Pieter Zwart, each author biography includes personal information, addresses, career history, writings, work in progress, and more.
Like 'Trivial Pursuit' for art lovers of all ages 600 trivia questions on every aspect of art - learn while having fun Who painted Guernica? In which museum can La Joconde be seen? How many arms has the Venus de Milo? What is Rodin's first name? Which Dutch Painter was inseparable from his wife, Saskia? Which art movement was born in England in the mid-nineteenth century? What is the name of the world's oldest auction house? The aim of the game is to be the first to reach a set score by correctly answering a set of questions. With the family, or between friends, these multiple choices questions are accessible to everyone and will help you to perfect your artistic knowledge while having fun "