You see things, and sa)' why? But I dream 1hings that never were, and I say, 11'hy 110t? George Bernhard Shaw Far ahead of his time, June 1st, 1909, Alexander Maximov communicated in a lecture, given in the Charite in Berlin, the fundamental knowledge, that there exists a lymphoid hemopoetic stem cell. Alexander Friedenstein explained that during the following years, Maximov also showed that the idea of interaction between hemopoetic cells and their stroma to be one of the most significant experiences. Monoclonal antibodies, recombinant DNA technics and the improvement of tissue culture models are the major developments to improve our possibilities to clarify growth and differentiation functions of hemopoetic cells. During the last two decades it was shown that soluble products, released from T cells, were not only involved in inducing B cells to produce specific immunoglobulin secretion after antigen stimulation. Furthermore, lymphokines together with other cytokines regulate the growth and differentiation of hemopoetic cells. As I have learned from Dick Gershon, our knowledge of the cellular basis for immunoregulation has come a long way since 450 B.C. Thucydides comments on the possible role of immune response in controlling the Black Death. Dick Gershon speculated that no scientific interest for these interesting observations was put forth at that time. Perhaps the problems, the Athenians were having with the Spartans, converted money from basis research into the military budget.
Organized on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie. Wilsede, June 17-20, 1984 Wilsede Joint Meeting on Pediatric Oncology III. Hamburg, June 21/22, 1984.
"Es ist ja ganz eineriei, wer es gejunden hat, die Hauptsache ist, daB es gejunden worden ist." This was said by Hermann Wilbrand, director of the department of opthalmology at the university hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (1919-1923), when others claimed priority for the long searched for cortical visuell center, which he had discovered. Five years ago we tried in Wilsede an unusual experiment, bringing together for three long days and nights scientists and medical doctors to learn like students about each others work. The hope was that the participants in the workshop would discuss the whole problem of human leukemia, and coopera tive programmes among the different specialized research groups and medical centers would be stimulated. Now five years later we feel that the experiment was a success. Coope rative research programmes around the world were started and most of us understand more and more the Frederic Stohl man question about the pratical application of our research and its benefit for the patient. The chairman have done a tremendous job organizing an up to date scientific programme for the third Wilsede meet ing. I would like to thank all of them for a programme which includes all the important results and future aspects of human leukemia.
Much of the attention presently paid to leukemia is the result of recent progress in understanding and treatment. Chemotherapy of leukemia started in the late 1940s, and combination therapy evolved in the late 1950s. It was at that time that the clonality of leukemia was realized, after the discovery of chromosomal and then biochemical and immunological markers. And now we have the new data on retroviral and cellular oncogenes and the reports on human T -cell lymphoma/ leukemia viruses. Many more steps forward could be enumerated in a field which is so rapidly making the hematological textbooks outdated. In this volume, thirteen in-depth reviews from large multicenter trials in the Federal Republic of Germany summarize the current state of diagnosis and management of leukemias. Childhood ALL and AML adult ALL and AUL were investigated. While cure appears to be achievable for more and more patients with acute leukemia, we still pursue the aim of optimal palliation in chronic leukemias. The management of patients with leukemia therefore varies to a large extent in aggressiveness of therapy. In some situations, rescue from an otherwise lethal disease is provided by bone marrow transplanta tion, which is discussed in two chapters.
Experimental Hematology Today-1985 is a memento to the superb 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, held in Jerusa lem, Israel in July 1985. It represents a selection of the best presentations at the meeting. The manuscripts were selected by the local scientific committee and care fully reviewed by the editors. The yearbook is divided into five parts and represents the most recent advances in the basic sciences and clinical applications. Part I, under the leadership of Dr. L.A. Rozenszajn, is entitled "Hematopoietic Regulators." Papers in this section discuss the most recent discoveries on the phys iological regulation of hematopoiesis. Part II, "Hematopoietic Microenvironment," introduced by Dr. J.S. Greenberger, deals with the involvement ofthe hematopoietic microenvironment in the control of hematopoiesis. Dr. M. Saito leads Part Ill, "Dif ferentiation of Normal and Leukemic Cells," while Part IV, "Leukemic Cells in Leukemogenesis," is introduced by Dr. A. Raghavacher. The important discussions on recent advances in "Bone Marrow Transplantation," Part V, are headed by Dr. M.M. Bortin. Recent findings in many disciplines in experimental and clinical hematology are presented in this yearbook. It should be of considerable value to experimental and clinical scientists. The Editors v Contents Part I. Hematopoietic Regulators L.A. Rozenszajn 1. Role of T-Lymphocyte Colony Enhancing Factor, TLCEF, in the Induction of CFU -TL L.A. Rozenszajn, 1. Goldman, H. Poran, M.M. Werber, D. Shoham, and 1. Radnay ...
and how the known vertebrate homologues of these genes are expressed normally in differentiation and proliferation pathways as well as abnormal ly in well-defined lymphomagenic and other oncogenic pathways. What emerged from this meeting are a better understanding of the evolution of these gene systems themselves and an elucidation of simpler systems open to more rapid genetic and molecular genetic analysis to reveal the normal functions of these genes and their gene products. Thus we sought new answers to several old questions concerning differenti ation, proliferation, and neoplastic transformation. We gathered together in an unusual format - that of the unique Dahlem Workshops - not just to reiterate data which has recently emerged but to think about how these findings might lead to new approaches for the understanding and therapy of the leukemias and lymphomas. We deliberately chose experts from several different disciplines, ranging from the clinicians who diag nose, describe, and treat these maladies, to the molecular geneticists trying to reduce the analysis of the problem to its simplest variables in the simplest systems possible.