In an increasingly global world, it is more important than ever that educators are equipped to respond to the needs of international student cohorts. This book is a fruitful resource for researchers, educators, and others, who wish to develop new approaches and educational models to contribute to the efficient process of learning.
Das Bildungsgesetz der spanischen Regierung aus dem Jahre 2013 (sp. LOMCE) gilt als Todesstoß für künstlerische Fächer an allgemein bildenden Schulen: Erst 1990 als Pflichtfach eingeführt, wird Musik nun nur noch als Wahlfach angeboten. Auch die Musiklehrerausbildung an den Hochschulen verzeichnet massive Einbußen. Besonders irritierend daran ist, dass die betroffenen Universitätsgremien zu dieser politischen Entscheidung nicht gehört wurden. Damit verschwindet in Spanien das Studienfach Lehramt Musik je nach Universität nach nicht einmal 18 bis 20 Jahren aus dem Studienangebot.
El libro Evaluación educativa: diálogos con formación inicial de profesores – Brasil, Colombia, Chile, España, Inglaterra, México, Nueva Zelanda y Uruguay da una nueva mirada a un tema complejo que rara vez se aborda en la producción académica mundial, a saber, la forma en que la evaluación educativa se ha enseñado, apropiado y practicado en los cursos de formación docente de diferentes universidades y países. El libro propone explorar el tema a partir de diversas referencias teórico-metodológicas y objetos de análisis, tales como: producción académica en revistas; la enseñanza de evaluación en los planes de asignaturas; y experiencias evaluativas vividas en la formación inicial y proyección para el desempeño profesional. Por su carácter integral combinado con un esmerado trabajo de organización y análisis, esta lectura se convierte en una excelente fuente de investigación para todos aquellos interesados en el área de Educación, especialmente aquellos que pasan por la evaluación educativa, la formación docente y el currículo. Además, la lectura de este libro puede orientar y calificar las prácticas educativas en el ámbito de la formación inicial y continua del profesorado, especialmente ayudando a comprender la evaluación educativa y cómo se puede enseñar en los cursos de formación del profesorado.
El libro que aquí se presenta Educación 4.0 en la época de Pandemia y Pospandemia: retos y oportunidades representa un esfuerzo consistente y pertinente que expone lecciones, aprendizajes y áreas de oportunidad que tienen las organizaciones de educación superior a partir del uso generalizado de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic), durante y posterior a la pandemia por COVID-19. Esta obra está dirigida a los docentes y actores involucrados en los procesos educativos, pues no es conveniente dar vuelta a la hoja y retomar las antiguas prácticas presenciales y tradicionales después de todo el aprendizaje acumulado que se gestó durante esta etapa de contingencia, sino que estas experiencias nos conduzcan hacia escenarios de la Educación 4.0, indispensable para la conformación de ciudadanos del México del siglo XXI. DOI:
Since 2007 and the economic meltdown caused by the financial crisis, our societies have been evolving in different ways. New political movements have emerged in Southern Europe and new social movements in pursuit of common concerns are playing a more active role in our daily lives. In a parallel way, after the failure to predict the financial crisis, economist and social science researchers seek fresh thinking and new models that can better explain this new reality. Regulations are of critical importance in shaping the welfare of economies and society. Thus, core legal disciplines are exploring the effects of the financial crisis on social rights, labour market regulations, and civil, common law or international law, among others. With no doubt, the economic crisis has deeply impacted our economic, social, political and legal environment. During the last decade, researchers from a wide range of disciplines have been looking for solutions. Now it is time make a side stop on the way and to gather results. The 1rst International SBRLab Conference, Finding solutions for a post-crisis society, is organized by the Social and Business Research Lab (SBRLab), Universitat Rovira i Virgili. It is as an international and virtual meeting point of interdisciplinary research and researchers. The purpose of this international conference is to bring together researchers from management, economics, political, social and legal disciplines in order to present and discuss new trends in their respective fields.
Balanced, concise, and practical, Waugh and Gronlund's Assessment of Student Achievement, Tenth Edition, presents an exceptionally strong set of strategies to help teachers assess all learners in today's schools. Written in a simple and direct manner, and using frequent examples and illustrations to clarify important points, the text is a balanced, concise, and practical guide for testing and performance assessment. The authors' approach emphasizes testing as well as performance evaluation--each used when it is most appropriate--as integral steps that improve student learning and ultimately build student success. This highly-regarded textbook, replete with thorough updates in the new tenth edition, prepares educators use assessment as a tool to help develop all students in their classrooms. A great portion of the textbook is devoted to preparing and using classroom tests and performance assessments, assigning grades, and interpreting standardized test scores to individual students and parents.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has disrupted businesses worldwide through the introduction of highly automated processes. This disruption has affected the way in which companies conduct business, impacting everything from managerial styles to resource allocations to necessary new skillsets. As the business world continues to change and evolve, it is imperative that business education strategies are continuously revised and updated in order to adequately prepare students who will be entering the workforce as future entrepreneurs, executives, and marketers, among other careers. The Research Anthology on Business and Technical Education in the Information Era is a vital reference source that examines the latest scholarly material on pedagogical approaches in finance, management, marketing, international business, and other fields. It also explores the implementation of curriculum development and instructional design strategies for technical education. Highlighting a range of topics such as business process management, skill development, and educational models, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for business managers, business and technical educators, entrepreneurs, academicians, upper-level students, and researchers.