Presents the latest methods for designing and fabricating self-powered micro-generators and energy harvester systems Design and Fabrication of Self-Powered Micro-Harvesters introduces the latest trends of self-powered generators and energy harvester systems, including the design, analysis and fabrication of micro power systems. Presented in four distinct parts, the authors explore the design and fabrication of: vibration-induced electromagnetic micro-generators; rotary electromagnetic micro-generators; flexible piezo-micro-generator with various widths; and PVDF electrospunpiezo-energy with interdigital electrode. Focusing on the latest developments of self-powered microgenerators such as micro rotary with LTCC and filament winding method, flexible substrate, and piezo fiber-typed microgenerator with sound organization, the fabrication processes involved in MEMS and nanotechnology are introduced chapter by chapter. In addition, analytical solutions are developed for each generator to help the reader to understand the fundamentals of physical phenomena. Fully illustrated throughout and of a high technical specification, it is written in an accessible style to provide an essential reference for industry and academic researchers. Comprehensive treatment of the newer harvesting devices including vibration-induced and rotary electromagnetic microgenerators, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nanoscale/microscale fiber, and piezo-micro-generators Presents innovative technologies including LTCC (low temperature co-fire ceramic) processes, and PCB (printed circuit board) processes Offers interdisciplinary interest in MEMS/NEMS technologies, green energy applications, bio-related sensors, actuators and generators Presented in a readable style describing the fundamentals, applications and explanations of micro-harvesters, with full illustration
The papers included in this issue of ECS Transactions were originally presented in the symposium ¿Micro Power Sources¿, held during the PRiME 2008 joint international meeting of The Electrochemical Society and The Electrochemical Society of Japan, with the technical cosponsorship of the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the Korean Electrochemical Society, the Electrochemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, and the Chinese Society of Electrochemistry. This meeting was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, from October 12 to 17, 2008.
This book discusses key aspects of MEMS technology areas, organized in twenty-seven chapters that present the latest research developments in micro electronic and mechanical systems. The book addresses a wide range of fundamental and practical issues related to MEMS, advanced metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) and complementary MOS (CMOS) devices, SoC technology, integrated circuit testing and verification, and other important topics in the field. ?Several chapters cover state-of-the-art microfabrication techniques and materials as enabling technologies for the microsystems. Reliability issues concerning both electronic and mechanical aspects of these devices and systems are also addressed in various chapters.
Providing a detailed overview of the fundamentals and latest developments in the field of energy autonomous microsystems, this book delivers an in-depth study of the applications in the fields of health and usage monitoring in aeronautics, medical implants, and home automation, drawing out the main specifications on such systems. Introductory information on photovoltaic, thermal and mechanical energy harvesting, and conversion, is given, along with the latest results in these fields. This book also provides a state of the art of ultra-low power sensor interfaces, digital signal processing and wireless communications. In addition, energy optimizations at the sensor node and sensors network levels are discussed, thus completing this overview. This book details the challenges and latest techniques available to readers who are interested in this field. A major strength of this book is that the first three chapters are application orientated and thus, by setting the landscape, introduce the technical chapters. There is also a good balance between the technical application, covering all the system-related aspects and, within each chapter, details on the physics, materials and technologies associated with electronics. Contents Introduction. Introduction to Energy Autonomous Micro and Nano Systems and Presentation of Contributions, Marc Belleville and Cyril Condemine. 1. Sensors at the Core of Building Control, Gilles Chabanis, Laurent Chiesi, Hynek Raisigel, Isabelle Ressejac and Véronique Boutin. 2. Toward Energy Autonomous MedicalImplants, Raymond Campagnolo and Daniel Kroiss. 3. Energy Autonomous Systems in Aeronautic Applications, Thomas Becker, Jirka Klaue and Martin Kluge. 4. Energy Harvesting by Photovoltaic Effect, Emmanuelle Rouvière, Simon Perraud, Cyril Condemine and Guy Waltisperger. 5. Mechanical Energy Harvesting, Ghislain Despesse, Jean Jacques Chaillout, Sébastien Boisseau and Claire Jean-Mistral. 6. Thermal Energy Harvesting, Tristan Caroff, Emmanuelle Rouvière and Jérôme Willemin. 7. Lithium Micro-Batteries, Raphaël Salot. 8. Ultra-Low-Power Sensors, Pascal Nouet, Norbert Dumas, Laurent Latorre and Frédérick Mailly. 9. Ultra-Low-Power Signal Processing in Autonomous Systems, Christian Piguet. 10. Ultra-Low-Power Radio Frequency Communications and Protocols, Eric Mercier. 11. Energy Management in an Autonomous Microsystem, Jean-Frédéric Christmann, Edith Beigne, Cyril Condemine, Jérôme Willemin and Christian Piguet. 12. Optimizing Energy Efficiency of Sensor Networks, Olivier Sentieys and Olivier Berder.
Seeking renewable and clean energies is essential for releasing the heavy reliance on mineral-based energy and remedying the threat of global warming to our environment. In the last decade, explosive growth in research and development efforts devoted to microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology and nanowires-related nanotechnology have paved a great foundation for new mechanisms of harvesting mechanical energy at the micro/nano-meter scale. MEMS-based inertial sensors have been the enabler for numerous applications associated with smart phones, tablets, and mobile electronics. This is a valuable reference for all those faced with the challenging problems created by the ever-increasing interest in MEMS and nanotechnology-based energy harvesters and their applications. This book presents fundamental physics, theoretical design, and method of modeling for four mainstream energy harvesting mechanisms -- piezoelectric, electromagnetic, electrostatic, and triboelectric. Readers are provided with a comprehensive technical review and historical view of each mechanism. The authors also present current challenges in energy harvesting technology, technical reviews, design requirements, case studies, along with unique and representative examples of energy harvester applications.
Cet ouvrage propose un panorama détaillé des micro et nanosystèmes autonomes en énergie, couvrant à la fois les principes mis en oeuvre et les derniers développements. Une étude approfondie d'applications dans les domaines aéronautiques, médicaux et du contrôle des bâtiments permet de dresser les grandes spécifications de tels systèmes et de leurs sous-composants. Les techniques les plus récentes de récupération et conversion d'énergie d'origine photovoltaïque, thermique et mécanique sont présentées. Un état de l'art sur les interfaces capteurs, le traitement du signal numérique et les liaisons radiofréquence, ultra-basse consommation, complète ce panorama. Enfin, des techniques d'optimisation de l'énergie au niveau du microsystème/noeud de capteur et d'un réseau de capteurs sont introduites et discutées.
Energiegewinnung im Mikromaßstab -- eine Alternative zu Energiespeichern (Batterien, Akkumulatoren) für mobile elektrische Geräte? Durchaus, wie dieser Band eindrucksvoll zeigt. Die einzelnen Beiträge, verfasst von international anerkannten Fachleuten, befassen sich mit Grundlagen der Energiegewinnung, Strategien und Designfragen bis hin zur konkreten technischen Umsetzung. Ergänzend werden Themen wie die Verarbeitung und Bereitstellung von Brennstoffen, die Steuerung von Stoff- und Wärmeströmen sowie Fragen der Wirtschaftlichkeit und Qualitätssicherung besprochen.
Pulsed laser–based techniques for depositing and processing materials are an important area of modern experimental and theoretical scientific research and development, with promising, challenging opportunities in the fields of nanofabrication and nanostructuring. Understanding the interplay between deposition/processing conditions, laser parameters, as well as material properties and dimensionality is demanding for improved fundamental knowledge and novel applications. This book introduces and discusses the basic principles of pulsed laser–matter interaction, with a focus on its peculiarities and perspectives compared to other conventional techniques and state-of-the-art applications. The book starts with an overview of the growth topics, followed by a discussion of laser–matter interaction depending on laser pulse duration, background conditions, materials, and combination of materials and structures. The information outlines the foundation to introduce examples of laser nanostructuring/processing of materials, pointing out the importance of pulsed laser–based technologies in modern (nano)science. With respect to similar texts and monographs, the book offers a comprehensive review including bottom-up and top-down laser-induced processes for nanoparticles and nanomicrostructure generation. Theoretical models are discussed by correlation with advanced experimental protocols in order to account for the fundamentals and underline physical mechanisms of laser–matter interaction. Reputed, internationally recognized experts in the field have contributed to this book. In particular, this book is suitable for a reader (graduate students as well as postgraduates and more generally researchers) new to the subject of pulsed laser ablation in order to gain physical insight into and advanced knowledge of mechanisms and processes involved in any deposition/processing experiment based on pulsed laser–matter interaction. Since knowledge in the field is given step by step comprehensively, this book serves as a valid introduction to the field as well as a foundation for further specific readings.