The relevance of microeconomics shown through real-world business examples. One of the challenges of teaching principles of microeconomics is fostering interest in concepts that may not seem applicable to students' lives. Microeconomics makes this topic relevant by demonstrating how real businesses use microeconomics to make decisions every day. With ever-changing US and world economies, the 7th Edition has been updated with the latest developments using new real-world business and policy examples. Regardless of their future career path -- opening an art studio, trading on Wall Street, or bartending at the local pub, students will benefit from understanding the economic forces behind their work.
For courses in Principles of Microeconomics Acemoglu, Laibson, List: An evidence-based approach to economics Throughout Microeconomics, authors Daron Acemoglu, David Laibson, and John List use real economic questions and data to help students learn about the world around them. Taking a fresh approach, the authors use the themes of optimization, equilibrium and empiricism to illustrate the power of simple economic ideas, and their ability to explain, predict, and improve what happens in the world. Each chapter begins with an empirical question that is later answered using data in the Evidence-Based Economics feature. As a result of the text’s practical emphasis, students will learn to apply economic principles to guide the decisions they make in their own lives. MyEconLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts. Please note that the product you are purchasing does not include MyEconLab. MyEconLab Join over 11 million students benefiting from Pearson MyLabs. This title can be supported by MyEconLab, an online homework and tutorial system designed to test and build your understanding. Would you like to use the power of MyEconLab to accelerate your learning? You need both an access card and a course ID to access MyEconLab. These are the steps you need to take: 1. Make sure that your lecturer is already using the system Ask your lecturer before purchasing a MyLab product as you will need a course ID from them before you can gain access to the system. 2. Check whether an access card has been included with the book at a reduced cost If it has, it will be on the inside back cover of the book. 3. If you have a course ID but no access code, you can benefit from MyEconLab at a reduced price by purchasing a pack containing a copy of the book and an access code for MyEconLab (ISBN:9781292079653) 4. If your lecturer is using the MyLab and you would like to purchase the product... Go to to buy access to this interactive study programme. For educator access, contact your Pearson representative. To find out who your Pearson representative is, visit
This product accompanies: Pindyck & Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 8/EFor undergraduate and graduate economics majors who are enrolled in an Intermediate Microeconomics course. A book that provides a treatment of microeconomic theory that stresses the relevance and application to managerial and public policy decision making.This edition includes a number of new topics, updated examples, and improved exposition of existing materials
Hubbard & O'Brien is the only book that motivates students to learn economics through real business examples. The #1 question students of economics ask themselves is: "Why am I here, and will I ever use this"? Hubbard & O'Brien answer this question by demonstrating that real businesses use economics to make real decisions daily. This is motivating to all students, whether they are business majors or not. All students can relate to businesses they encounter in their everyday lives. Whether they open an art studio, do social work, trade on Wall Street, work for the government, or bartend at the local pub, students will benefit from understanding the economic forces behind their work.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Learn economics through real business examples. Hubbard/O'Brien explains the basics of economics by demonstrating how real businesses use economics to make real decisions everyday. This is something all readers can connect to, as they encounter businesses in their daily lives. And regardless of future career path—opening an art studio, doing social work, trading on Wall Street, working for the government, or bartending at the local pub—readers will benefit from understanding the economic forces behind their work.
For all intermediate Microeconomics courses at the undergraduate or graduate level. This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States Understand the practical, problem-solving aspects of microeconomic theory. Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus uses calculus, algebra, and graphs to present microeconomic theory using actual examples, and then encourages students to apply the theory to analyze real-world problems. The Third Edition has been substantially revised, 80% of the Applications are new or updated, and there are 24 new Solved Problems. Every chapter (after Chapter 1) contains a new feature (the Challenge and the Challenge Solution) and has many new end-of-chapter exercises.
A complete introduction to economics and the economy taught in undergraduate economics and masters courses in public policy. CORE's approach to teaching economics is student-centred and motivated by real-world problems and real-world data. The only introductory economics text to equip students to address today's pressing problems by mastering the conceptual and quantitative tools of contemporary economics. THE ECONOMY: is a new approach that integrates recent developments in economics including contract theory, strategic interaction, behavioural economics, and financial instability; challenges students to address inequality, climate change, economic instability, wealth creation and innovation, and other problems; provides a unified treatment of micro- and macroeconomics; motivates all models and concepts by evidence and real-world applications.
Note:This is the standalone book, if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below: 0133827054 / 9780133827057 Microeconomics, Student Value Edition Plus NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText (1-semester access) -- Access Card Package 5/e Package consists of: 0133455971 / 9780133455977 Microeconomics, Student Value Edition 0133456439 / 9780133456431 NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Microeconomics
Intended primarily for the one semester principles of microeconomics course, this text also provides practical content to current and aspiring industry professionals. Reviewers tell us that Case/Fair/Oster is one of the all-time bestselling POE texts because they trust it to be clear, thorough and complete. Case/Fair/Oster readers also come away with a basic understanding of how market economies function, an appreciation for the things they do well, and a sense of things they do poorly. Readers begin to learn the art and science of economic thinking and begin to look at some policy and even personal decisions in a different way. Note: This is the standalone book, if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below: 0134435036 / 9780134435039 Principles of Microeconomics Plus MyEconLab with Pearson eText (1-semester access) -- Access Card Package 12/e Package consists of: 0134078810 / 9780134078816 Principles of Microeconomics 0134081161 / 9780134081168 MyEconLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Principles of Microeconomics MyEconLab is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.