METHODS AND STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING STUDENTS WITH MILD DISABILITIES: A Case-Based Approach, International Edition uses case studies and application activities for a more focused and integrated approach to teaching K-12 special education teaching methods. The case study approach is a distinctive feature of this programùwith both text case studies and video case studies in each chapter. The text provides a special emphasis on teaching children with mild to moderate disabilities such as ADHD, learning disabilities, mild mental retardation, and emotional/behavioral disorders.
This book describes characteristics of mild disabilities in an easy-to-read-and-understand format. It includes the best teaching practices for inclusion, behavior management, and classroom instruction. A chapter on parents highlights strategies for enhancing this school-family partnership. The book merges practical teaching strategies and solutions with the challenges posed by mildly disabled students. Includes appendices on the history of special education, the side effects of medications, and frequently used tests. Applicable to teachers and administrators who have students with mild disabilities, who are at-risk, or who are "mainstreamed" or included in the classroom.
Students in a typical special education methods course are often presented with and overwhelmed by myriad techniques, leaving them with insufficient opportunities to practice and reflect on covered practices. In addition, students are often uncertain how to apply the techniques in teaching situations. METHODS AND STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING STUDENTS WITH HIGH INCIDENCE DISABILITIES: A CASE-BASED APPROACH uses a more focused and integrated approach than other available texts. Each chapter presents a limited number of techniques (five to seven) in detail. The authors demonstrate effective teaching methods and techniques through application activities, anchor content around case studies, and offer an overview of techniques not covered in detail. Information addressing culturally, economically, linguistically, and ethnically diverse learners, among others, is integrated throughout. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
"I wish I had this book when I started teaching! Every teacher starts out with an empty bag of tricks; it is nice to peek into someone′s bag!" —Nicole Guyon, Special Education Teacher Westerly School Department, Cranston, RI Classroom-tested strategies that help students with learning disabilities succeed! Teachers are often challenged to help students with learning disabilities reach their full academic potential. Written with humor and empathy, this engaging book offers a straightforward approach to skillful teaching of students with learning disabilities. Developed for K–12 general and special education classrooms, this resource draws on the author′s 30 years of teaching experience to help teachers gain a greater understanding of students′ learning differences and meet individual needs. Strategies are organized by skills—including reading, writing, math, organization, attention, and test-taking—helping teachers quickly identify the best techniques for assisting each student and encouraging independent learning. Readers will find: More than 100 practical strategies, interventions, and activities that build students′ academic abilities Recommendations on appropriate accommodations, assessment techniques, and family communication Support for complying with recent federal mandates related to learning disabilities, including the ADA, Section 504, and the reauthorization of IDEA 2004 Helpful guidance and stories from the author′s own classroom experiences Ready-to-use tools, forms, and guides Discover innovative, easy-to-implement teaching methods that overcome barriers to learning and help students with special needs thrive in your classroom.
Encouraging high standards and expectations for all students, this title goes beyond other methods texts by personally connecting education professionals with the knowledge, tools, and practical strategies to be effective in today's diverse classrooms.
Teach your students learning strategies that will last a lifetime! Beyond facts and figures, special educators must teach their students how to learn: a skill that will sustain them for a lifetime. Offering an innovative organization, this book explains strategies within context and features: The most effective ways to teach vocabulary, reading, written language, math, and science Instructional strategies known to improve study skills, textbook skills, and self-regulation Informal assessments for each content or skill Case studies that link assessment results, IEP goals, and learning strategies Ready-to-use forms, think-alouds, and application activities
Strategies for Students with Mild, Moderate, and Severe Intellectual Disabilities is a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in special and general education teacher preparation programs (as well as practicing professionals) offering a solid, research based text on instructional methodologies for teaching students with intellectual disability across the spectrum of intellectual abilities. The book addresses both academic and functional curricula in addition to behavioral interventions. Additionally, Instructional Strategies for Students Mild, Moderate, and Severe Intellectual Disability adopts developmental or life span approach covering preschool through adolescence and young adulthood.
To ensure that all students receive quality instruction, Teaching Students with High-Incidence Disabilities prepares preservice teachers to teach students with learning disabilities, emotional behavioral disorders, intellectual disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity, and high functioning autism. It also serves as a reference for those who have already received formal preparation in how to teach special needs students. Focusing on research-based instructional strategies, Mary Anne Prater gives explicit instructions and includes models throughout in the form of scripted lesson plans. The book also has a broad emphasis on diversity, with a section in each chapter devoted to exploring how instructional strategies can be modified to accommodate diverse exceptional students. Real-world classrooms are brought into focus using teacher tips, embedded case studies, and technology spotlights to enhance student learning.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A non-categorical, characteristics approach to addressing high-prevalence mild disabilities. Learners with Mild Disabilities: A Characteristics Approach focuses on high-prevalence disorders affecting school learners today, including mild intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and communication disorders, as well as on low incidence conditions that may manifest in the milder range, for example sensory, physical, health, or TBI. The author lays the foundation for addressing the needs of special learners and then focuses on learners from the perspective of alternative non-categorical frameworks. She describes students with disabilities and related conditions with respect to a variety of individual strengths and needs, considering their cognitive, language, academic learning, and social/emotional characteristics. Readers see how to apply these conceptual frameworks by analyzing a number of vignettes and extended case studies based on the experiences of real children and teachers. Designed as a primary text for use in undergraduate and graduate courses addressing the characteristics of learners with high prevalence or milder levels of disability, the text is also useful for the first specialized course in a special education program. It supports programs in inclusive education or the growing area of generic special education