Mercado de renta variable y mercado de divisasexpone el mundo apasionante de las bolsas de valores (mercado de renta variable) y las formas de analizarlo. Asimismo, analiza el mercado de divisas con el fin de que el lector comprenda su funcionamiento y el por qué de las variaciones del precio de unas divisas respecto a otras.
Annotation Why do gas prices rise? Can we trust companies that offer to refinance our debt? How does labor reform affect you? Which investments are right for you? At what age should you start your retirement account? Every day we face new questions regarding economic choices and decisions. A renowned economist and three journalists have taken the most common economic doubts that affect almost everyone and have converted them into questions that can be answered in a clear and simple manner, clarifying concepts and demystifying topics.
La tercera edición de este “Tesauro”, nacido en 1986, responde a la necesidad de actualizar su universo terminológico según los usos más implantados en la literatura económica más reciente. Tiene como notas diferenciales respecto a la anterior edición: la reestructuración del esquema organizativo general para acercarlo a la cosmovisión de la disciplina que generalmente tienen los economistas y hacerlo compatible con otros esquemas académicos; la reducción y sustitución de descriptores y la introducción de nuevos conceptos o la nueva formulación de otros ya existentes.
The book provides detailed descriptions, including more than 550 mathematical formulas, for more than 150 trading strategies across a host of asset classes and trading styles. These include stocks, options, fixed income, futures, ETFs, indexes, commodities, foreign exchange, convertibles, structured assets, volatility, real estate, distressed assets, cash, cryptocurrencies, weather, energy, inflation, global macro, infrastructure, and tax arbitrage. Some strategies are based on machine learning algorithms such as artificial neural networks, Bayes, and k-nearest neighbors. The book also includes source code for illustrating out-of-sample backtesting, around 2,000 bibliographic references, and more than 900 glossary, acronym and math definitions. The presentation is intended to be descriptive and pedagogical and of particular interest to finance practitioners, traders, researchers, academics, and business school and finance program students.
¿Tienes claros los conceptos de patrimonio y de familia? ¿Estás preparado para diseñar un plan estratégico que preserve e, incluso, aumente el patrimonio al mismo tiempo que cimientas las bases de una estructura y que mantenga unida a tu familia durante las próximas generaciones? Si tus respuestas son no, entonces este es el libro que te sacará de dudas. La decisión de una estirpe de poner en común recursos y alinear objetivos vitales supone un reto que va más allá de la aplicación del recetario clásico de la gestión de inversiones. Se debe reflexionar sobre estos objetivos tanto a nivel individual como familiar, puesto que así se conseguirá alinear los recursos y la energía de la familia en una dirección acorde con las metas comunes. Además, la reflexión definirá de manera explícita un sistema de valores imprescindibles para la gestión del patrimonio familiar. Para ello, habrá que recurrir a la intrahistoria de cada grupo familiar: sus antecedentes, el origen de su patrimonio, el destino o misión del mismo, los intangibles reputacionales que hay que defender, la visión particular sobre la ética, etc. Esta dimensión subjetiva y particular es, precisamente, una de las características que distinguen la gestión de patrimonios familiares frente a otras actividades de gestión fiduciaria y hace que sea un proceso dinámico que tiene que evolucionar con cada generación para evitar la tendencia natural de la separación.
This Dictionary consists of some 100,000 terms in both Spanish and English, drawn from the whole range of business, finance and banking terminology. Over 45 subject areas are covered, compiled by a team of international terminologists
During the 1980s and 1990s, financial sectors were the Achilles heel of economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Since then, these sectors have grown and deepened, becoming more integrated and competitive, with new actors, markets, and instruments springing up and financial inclusion broadening. To crown these achievements, the region s financial systems were left largely unscathed by the global financial crisis of 2008 09. Now that the successes of LAC s macrofinancial stability are widely recognized and tested, it is high time for an in-depth stocktaking of what remains to be done. Financial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Road Ahead provides both a stocktaking and a forward-looking assessment of the region s financial development. Rather than going into detail about sector-specific issues, the report focuses on the main architectural issues, overall perspectives, and interconnections. The report s value added thus hinges on its holistic view of the development process, its broad coverage of the financial services industry beyond banking, its emphasis on benchmarking, its systemic perspective, and its explicit effort to incorporate the lessons from the recent global financial crisis. Financial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Road Ahead builds on and complements several overview studies on financial development in both LAC countries and the developing world that were published in the past decade. It will be of interest to policy makers and financial analysts interested in improving the financial sector in the LAC region.