This book explores the history of hypertext, an influential concept that forms the underlying structure of the World Wide Web and innumerable software applications. Barnet tells both the human and the technological story by weaving together contemporary literature and her exclusive interviews with those at the forefront of hypertext innovation, tracing its evolutionary roots back to the analogue machine imagined by Vannevar Bush in 1945.
This book explores the history of hypertext, an influential concept that forms the underlying structure of the World Wide Web and innumerable software applications. Barnet tells both the human and the technological story by weaving together contemporary literature and her exclusive interviews with those at the forefront of hypertext innovation, tracing its evolutionary roots back to the analogue machine imagined by Vannevar Bush in 1945.
Memory. A word so often said, often thought of, and continuously studied. Yet, we know relatively so little other than how vast and magnificent it is. In Who Will Remember You? A Philosophical History and Theory of Memory and Will, Israel B. Bitton, offers an interdisciplinary perspective that unifies philosophy of memory with history, neuroscience, culture and ethics, yielding novel insights into the elusive phenomena of memory, namely its universality. Bitton posits that the current and typical “misunderstanding of memory” stems from over-specialization in scientific research, a compartmentalization that does not support reaching holistic conclusions which are necessary for fully appreciating the totality of memory phenomena. No longer should memory be thought of as residing only in the brain, for the body is known to have memory too, but neither should it be thought of as exclusively human since it inheres in all matter as a physical and biological fact. Indeed, Bitton extends the philosophical and practical meanings of memory furthest in great detail, employing the latest research in neuroscience to support his case. In this work, Bitton traces the kernels of these ideas from the ancient Egyptians and Israelites all the way through to the modern period in philosophy, science and popular culture, demonstrating that his philosophical formulation has always been and remains accepted de facto by society as can easily be detected in various social trends. Upon offering his holistic account that considers the magnitude of memory phenomena across several disciplines, Bitton presents a novel theory that postulates the primary human drive as categorized by a will to significance, which, because of the universality of memory becomes a will to memorability. By placing the individual at the center of their own memory-reality, they can be empowered to safeguard, enhance, and extend the universal force of memory within and around them. From that vantage point, this book provides its audience with ideas meant to provoke and incite the readers’ own reflections on memory’s meaning and import as well as what it takes to be an ethical “memory agent” in an era of hyper-fake news.
Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook is a comprehensive collection of algorithms and data structures that also covers many theoretical issues. It offers a balanced perspective that reflects the needs of practitioners, including emphasis on applications within discussions on theoretical issues. Chapters include information on finite precision issues as well as discussion of specific algorithms where algorithmic techniques are of special importance, including graph drawing, robotics, forming a VLSI chip, vision and image processing, data compression, and cryptography. The book also presents some advanced topics in combinatorial optimization and parallel/distributed computing. • applications areas where algorithms and data structuring techniques are of special importance • graph drawing • robot algorithms • VLSI layout • vision and image processing algorithms • scheduling • electronic cash • data compression • dynamic graph algorithms • on-line algorithms • multidimensional data structures • cryptography • advanced topics in combinatorial optimization and parallel/distributed computing
Describes the introduction of advanced computer architecture and parallel processing. Covers the paradigms of computing like synchronous and asynchronous. Detailed explanation of the Flynn's classification, kung's taxonomy and reduction paradigm. provides a detailed treatment of abstract parallel computational models like combination circuits, sorting network, PRAM models, interconnection RAMs. Covers the parallelism in uni processor systems. Provides an extensive treatment of parallel computer structures like pipeline computers, array computers and multiprocessor systems. Covers the concepts of pipeline and classification of pipeline processors. Give description of super scalar, super pipeline design and VLIW processors. Explains the design structures and algorithms for array processors.
Abstract Machine Models have played a profound though frequently unacknowledged role in the development of modern computing systems. They provide a precise definition of vital concepts, allow system complexity to be managed by providing appropriate views of the activity under consideration, enable reasoning about the correctness and quantitative performance of proposed problem solutions, and encourage communication through a common medium of expression. Abstract Models in Parallel and Distributed computing have a particularly important role in the development of contemporary systems, encapsulating and controlling an inherently high degree of complexity. The Parallel and Distributed computing communities have traditionally considered themselves to be separate. However, there is a significant contemporary interest in both of these communities in a common hardware model; a set of workstation-class machines connected by a high-performance network. The traditional Parallel/Distributed distinction therefore appears under threat.
Offering a carefully reviewed selection of over 50 papers illustrating the breadth and depth of computer architecture, this text includes insightful introductions to guide readers through the primary sources.
The broadening of interest in parellel computing and transputers is reflected in this text. Topics covered include: concurrent programming; graphics and image processing; and robotics and control. It is based on the proceedings of the 6th Australian Transputer and Occam User Group.
This volume conveniently brings together updated versions of 30 articles that originally appeared in SIAM News from 1990 to 1995. The objective of the column from which the articles are taken is to present applications that have been successfully treated on advanced architecture computers. Astfalk edits this popular series of articles in SIAM's flagship publication, SIAM News. Algorithmic issues addressed are those which have found general use in building parallel codes for solving problems. In addition to updates that reflect advances and changes in the field of applications on advanced architecture computers, Astfalk has added an index and introductory comments to each article, making this book cohesive and interesting to practitioners and researchers alike.