This book presents the latest results from high energy physics laboratories. The topics discussed include: Cosmology, Heavy Ions, Electroweak, Heavy Flavour Physics and CP Violation/Rare Decays, QCD and Beyond the Standard Model, Planck Scale Physics, Accelerator and Non-Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation.
This book gathers the proceedings of The Hadron Collider Physics Symposia (HCP) 2005, and reviews the state-of-the-art in the key physics directions of experimental hadron collider research. Topics include QCD physics, precision electroweak physics, c-, b-, and t-quark physics, physics beyond the Standard Model, and heavy ion physics. The present volume serves as a reference for everyone working in the field of accelerator-based high-energy physics.
The 28th conference from the Rochester series was the major high energy physics conference in 1996. Volume one contains short reports on new theoretical and experimental results. Volume two consists of the review talks presented in the plenary sessions.
These proceedings consist of plenary rapporteur talks covering topics of major interest to the high energy physics community and parallel sessions papers which describe recent research results and future plans.
This book presents a comprehensive overview of high energy physics. It covers the whole range of results from the colliders and fixed-target experiments as well as the astrophysics topics related to particle physics. Also discussed are the problems of proton structure, electroweak physics, non-perturbative QCD and heavy quarks.
The 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics belongs to the Rochester Conference Series, and is the most important international conference in 2004 on high energy physics. The proceedings provide a comprehensive review on the recent developments in experimental and theoretical particle physics. The latest results on Top, Higgs search, CP violation, neutrino mixing, pentaquarks, heavy quark mesons and baryons, search for new particles and new phenomena, String theory, Extra dimension, Black hole and Lattice calculation are discussed extensively. The topics covered include not only those of main interest to the high energy physics community, but also recent research and future plans. Contents: Neutrino Masses and MixingsQuark Matter and Heavy Ion CollisionsParticle Astrophysics and CosmologyElectroweak PhysicsQCD Hard InteractionsQCD Soft InteractionsComputational Quantum Field TheoryCP Violation, Rare Kaon Decay and CKMR&D for Future Accelerator and DetectorHadron Spectroscopy and ExoticsHeavy Quark Mesons and BaryonsBeyond the Standard ModelString Theory Readership: Experimental and theoretical physicists and graduate students in the fields of particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology.Keywords:High Energy Physics;Particle Physics;Electroweak;QCD;Heavy Quark;Neutrino;Particle Astrophysics;Hadron Spectroscopy;CP Violation;Quark Matter;Future Accelerator