This proceedings volume highlights the latest research presented at the 8th International Conference on Research on National Brand & Private Label Marketing (NB&PL2021). The topics covered include: retailing, private label portfolio and assortment management, marketing of premium store brands, using national brands to exclude (delist) and include, optimal assortment size, consumer store patronage, etc. Several contributions also focus on private label pricing and promotion, especially on the relative pricing of standard and premium private labels, and with regard to the national brands in the assortment.
The marketing of a destination necessitates effective strategic planning, decision making and organization. Notwithstanding, the destination managers should possess relevant knowledge and understanding on traditional and contemporary marketing channels to better engage with prospective visitors. Strategic Perspectives in Destination Marketing is a collection of innovative research on the methods and applications of branding in the tourism, travel, and hospitality industry sectors. This book provides students and practitioners with a good understanding of the tourism marketing environment, destination branding, pricing of tourism products, tourism distribution channels, e-tourism, as well as on sustainable and responsible tourism practices, among other topics. It explores the socio-economic, environmental, and technological impacts of tourism through various regional-focused empirical studies and contemporary discussions. This book is ideally designed for managers, travel agents, tourism professionals, executives, marketing agencies, academicians, researchers, and graduate-level students seeking current research on the applications of branding strategies in the tourism sector.
This publication helps non-IP specialists understand the connection between IP, tourism and culture. Through multiple case studies, it illustrates how existing and potential IP tools, in particular branding and copyright, can add value to tourism services and products. It explains how to include IP in tourism policies, product development and destination branding, and shows how different IP rights can be leveraged for fundraising purposes. Podcast Episode 2 -- Intellectual Property and Tourism
Este manual ha sido concebido como libro de texto para el módulo profesional de Marketing Turístico, de los Ciclos Formativos de grado superior de Agencias de Viajes y Gestión de Eventos, de Gestión de Alojamientos Turísticos y de Guía, Información y Asistencias Turísticas, pertenecientes a la familia profesional de Hostelería y Turismo. Por tanto, los destinatarios principales son los profesores y los alumnos de enseñanzas turísticas, aunque se ha pretendido conscientemente que sea útil para cualquier persona interesada en adquirir los conocimientos básicos sobre este campo, así como para todos aquellos profesionales que deseen actualizar sus conocimientos, ya que pone a su disposición herramientas útiles para alcanzar un buen dominio del marketing turístico desde una óptica más actual. En esta segunda edición se ha cuidado especialmente la actualidad de los contenidos, teniendo en cuenta que en los últimos años se están produciendo cambios significativos y acelerados en el marketing turístico. Entre las novedades y las actualizaciones más importantes que se incorporan podemos citar las siguientes: tendencias de marketing, estrategia de segmentación, canales de distribución, herramientas de marketing en internet, tendencias de consumo y normativas y organismos. Asimismo, se han incorporado nuevas actividades, tablas e imágenes. Dado que en la sociedad actual la aplicación del marketing es clave para el éxito de la gestión empresarial, este libro presenta el marketing turístico de forma didáctica, práctica, actual y clara. Según lo establecido en la normativa que regula las enseñanzas de los citados Ciclos Formativos, el libro se ha estructurado en ocho unidades, que desarrollan los siguientes contenidos: la caracterización del marketing turístico; la segmentación de los mercados turísticos; el marketing-mix: la gestión del producto y del precio; el marketing-mix: la gestión de la distribución y de la comunicación; las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al marketing turístico; el plan de marketing; el proceso de decisión de compra; el consumerismo. Al mismo tiempo, para el diseño de cada unidad se han considerado unos principios básicos: la validez en todo el territorio nacional y la adaptación a las necesidades de los destinatarios y a las posibilidades de formación en un centro educativo. También se ha buscado una misma estructura en todas las unidades, incluyendo en cada una de ellas los siguientes elementos: objetivos, contenidos adecuados y suficientes, fotografías en color que ilustran el contenido, recuadros de “Sabías que…” y “Recuerda que…” para reforzar los contenidos clave, numerosas y variadas actividades; un resumen de la unidad y enlaces web de interés que permiten ampliar la información.
Culture and creativity have untapped potential to deliver social, economic, and spatial benefits for cities and communities. Cultural and creative industries are key drivers of the creative economy and represent important sources of employment, economic growth, and innovation, thus contributing to city competitiveness and sustainability. Through their contribution to urban regeneration and sustainable urban development, cultural and creative industries make cities more attractive places for people to live in and for economic activity to develop. Culture and creativity also contribute to social cohesion at the neighborhood level, enable creative networks to form and advance innovation and growth, and create opportunities for those who are often socially and economically excluded. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a deep impact on the cultural sector, yet it has also revealed the power of cultural and creative industries as a resource for city recovery and resilience. More generally, cities are hubs of the creative economy and have a critical role to play in harnessing the transformative potential of cultural and creative industries through policies and enabling environments at the local level. 'Cities, Culture, and Creativity' (CCC) provides guiding principles and a CCC Framework, developed by UNESCO and the World Bank, to support cities in unlocking the power of cultural and creative industries for sustainable urban development, city competitiveness, and social inclusion. Drawing from global studies and the experiences of nine diverse cities from across the world, the CCC Framework offers concrete guidance for the range of actors -- city, state, and national governments; creative industry and related private-sector organizations; creatives; culture professionals and civil society-- to harness culture and creativity with a view to boosting their local creative economies and building resilient, inclusive, and dynamic cities.
Big data is already being used to measure, monitor, and manage tourism development, but its potential remains to be fully exploited. This report discusses the trends, opportunities, and challenges in using big data and digitalization in the tourism sector. It highlights how big data is being leveraged for COVID-19 recovery and examines its relationship with statistical frameworks to better measure the economic, social, and environmental impact of tourism. Case studies of partnerships in Asia and the Pacific between the public and private sector demonstrate ways to tap big data.
This book provides a thorough and detailed understanding of tourism marketing principles and practice within the context of inter- organisational collaboration.
Protected Area Governance and Management presents a compendium of original text, case studies and examples from across the world, by drawing on the literature, and on the knowledge and experience of those involved in protected areas. The book synthesises current knowledge and cutting-edge thinking from the diverse branches of practice and learning relevant to protected area governance and management. It is intended as an investment in the skills and competencies of people and consequently, the effective governance and management of protected areas for which they are responsible, now and into the future. The global success of the protected area concept lies in its shared vision to protect natural and cultural heritage for the long term, and organisations such as International Union for the Conservation of Nature are a unifying force in this regard. Nonetheless, protected areas are a socio-political phenomenon and the ways that nations understand, govern and manage them is always open to contest and debate. The book aims to enlighten, educate and above all to challenge readers to think deeply about protected areas—their future and their past, as well as their present. The book has been compiled by 169 authors and deals with all aspects of protected area governance and management. It provides information to support capacity development training of protected area field officers, managers in charge and executive level managers.
It is in the best interest of all concerned that tourism become sustainable and environmentally compatible. This need for "sustainable development" is and more by the responsible parties. Moreover, in the being recognised more search for solution strategies the realisation is gaining ground that tourism must be viewed as a worldwide phenomenon whose development must be co-ordinated in a co-operative effort spanning regions and continents. That the preservation of biological diversity also requires global co operation has been confirmed by over 170 countries which have already acceded to the "Convention on Biological Diversity". It is thus an important task to provide the foundations for joint action. Germany, one of the largest source countries of international tourism, must feel particularly obligated in this regard. The report published here is the result of a research project com missioned by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. The study pursued and examined the thesis that the Convention on Biological Diversity be used as a central instrument for arriving at international principles and regulations for combining nature conservation and tourism which could lead to a sustainable development of tourism. To further the discussion, the authors brought the study to a logical conclusion by working out a proposal for a "tourism protocol" additional to the existing Convention on Biodiversity. Such a protocol additional to the Convention would entail the stipulation of internationally binding implementation and regulations for achieving sustainable tourism.