This Handbook brings together the foremost authorities from around the world to provide the first comprehensive account of comparative environmental law. It examines in detail the methodological foundations of the discipline as well as the substance of environmental law across countries.
Sea turtles are flagship species for the world's oceans. They traverse international boundaries during their migrations, serve as vehicles for marine nutrients to terrestrial habitats, and embody the often tenuous relationship between human action and ecosystem health. The East Pacific Ocean is home to some of the most dynamic marine ecosystems, and the most unique sea turtles. Marine biodiversity within this massive ocean region abounds in mangrove estuaries, seagrass pastures, coral reefs, the open ocean, and many other habitats, with sea turtles often the most conspicuous species present. The distinctive traits of the Eastern Pacific have resulted in the smallest leatherbacks, a singular morph of the green turtle, dark and steeply domed olive ridleys, and the most cryptic hawksbills on the planet. Only now are we beginning to understand how these varieties have evolved. However, the oceanographic conditions that make this an epicenter of sea turtle activity also promote massive artisanal and industrial fishing efforts that, coupled with illegal harvesting of eggs and turtles, have led to declines of several turtle populations in the region. The essays and stories in Sea Turtles of the Eastern Pacific describe for the first time the history of this exploitation, as well as recent sea turtle conservation initiatives and scientific research in the region. The first third of the book considers the biology of the turtles, focusing on general overviews of current ecological management challenges facing the turtles' survival. The second third treats issues of marine policy related to turtle conservation. In conclusion, the book offers six compelling stories of conservation success. By the end, readers will have gained a in-depth view not only of these magnificent creatures, but also the people involved in research and conservation efforts in one of the most remarkable regions of our planet.
Water quality is a major concern worldwide. With the increasing population and rapid industrialization, water quality is suffering. Water quality instruction in many colleges and universities tends to focus on the chemical, biological, and physical quality of water, quality management of marine and freshwater ecosystems, treatment strategies for water bodies for urban and domestic use, waterborne infectious diseases, and indicator bacteria of pollution. This book presents a comprehensive overview of water quality along with a series of solutions and recommendations detailing global treatment strategies for water pollution. It is a useful resource for students at all levels as well as researchers and industry experts in the domains of fisheries, forestry, geology, nutrition, and agriculture.
Sobre un mismo telón de fondo, los autores de este libro avanzan algunas ideas propias acerca de cómo la Corte, basándose en presuntas posiciones de las partes en conflicto en el caso incoado ante ella en 2008 por Ecuador en contra de Colombia, habría de desarrollar en su fallo sobre el fondo el Derecho Internacional Ambiental. Al así hacerlo, demuestran ellos un enfoque objetivo del caso. Es cierto que, al menos en lo que concierne a la posición del demandante, sus rasgos generales han sido ya trazados en la demanda, el escrito con que se inició la acción judicial.Merece destacar el ejemplo que ofrece el esfuerzo conjunto del estadista y publicista autor y de su aventajado discípulo, el catedrático e investigador Cárdenas Castañeda, plasmado en lo que es un verdadero Tratado. Pues no de otra forma se puede caracterizar el presente libro, que constituye un valioso aporte a la creciente bibliografía sobre el tema, en especial en idioma español. Este libro indudablemente llena un vacío en la literatura jurídica especializada en el país.Merece destacar el ejemplo que ofrece el esfuerzo conjunto del estadista y publicista autor y de su aventajado discípulo, el catedrático e investigador Cárdenas Castañeda, plasmado en lo que es un verdadero Tratado. Pues no de otra forma se puede caracterizar el presente libro, que constituye un valioso aporte a la creciente bibliografía sobre el tema, en especial en idioma español. Este libro indudablemente llena un vacío en la literatura jurídica especializada en el país.
Through a comparative survey spanning twelve legal systems and a transnational regime, the fourth volume in this series aims to shed light on the core of administrative activity that exemplifies the 'negative State'. Within the vast field of adjudication, the book addresses one of the most traditional sets of procedures, namely, the exercise of public powers affecting property rights. Following the method adopted in the CoCEAL project, this volume takes the fundamentals of expropriation in a given legal order as its starting point and examines various cases. The main requirements for property rights deprivations and restrictions are presented through national reports and discussed through hypotheticals, while the comparative analysis focuses on procedural propriety and fairness. This book is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the project and the topic. The second part covers the legal systems chosen for this study. The third goes on to present a synchronic comparison across systems, highlighting the relationship between shared and distinctive traits, with a view to the way supranational and international rules increasingly supplement municipal regimes. The concluding chapter discusses the current regime on public regulation of property in contemporary administrative systems.
"Over 3,000 legal terms, definitions, rules and legal principles taken from federal codes, federal statutes, regulations, bilateral treaties, and international agreements between the United States and Mexico."