The comedy duo eventually evolved into a couple, but the pair had some growing pains to deal with before they met in junior high school...and before they were introduced to their other love, the music of Umibôzu! Plus: join the gang at the beach to see what they're up to after graduation! -- VIZ Media
Risa has finally realized that she has feelings for Ôtani, and can't wait to confess her love. But dense Ôtani won't take her hints! With the help of all their friends and a romantic beach vacation, can Risa get her affections past his thick head? -- VIZ Media
The English translation of the three-volume Exegetisches Wrterbuch zum Neuen Testament, this monumental work by an ecumenical group of scholars is first of all a complete English dictionary of New Testament Greek. Going beyond that, however EDNT also serves as a guide to the usage of every New Testament word in its various contexts, and it makes a significant contribution to New Testament exegesis and theology. EDNT's thorough, lengthy discussions of more significant words and its grouping of words related by root and meaning (with alphabetical cross-references) distinguish it from simpler Greek-English lexicons. Advancing the discussion of the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, EDNT summarizes more recent treatments of numerous questions in New Testament study and takes into consideration newer viewpoints of linguistics.
An unprecedented rereading of the passages from the New Testament and other early Christian writings that ascribe saving significance to Jesus' death on the basis of an in-depth study of second-temple Jewish thought regarding atonement, sacrifice, suffering, and death. This 2-volume work is the result of over 40 years of research on the subject.
Zusammenfassung: This is an open access book. Research and teaching activities in the fields of language, literature and culture are still being carried out even during the Covid -19 era that hit the world. It is undeniable that the results of research and learning of language, literature and culture at this time were a bit hindered because most activities were carried out from home. During the Covid-19 period, which started in early 2020, practically more activities were done at home. Likewise, institutions during the Covid-19 era were carried out online. For example, the Language Agency continues to carry out activities, but it is carried out online, such as online webinars that contribute to the wider community in accordance with the duties and functions of the Language Agency, carried out using a hybrid method or completely online. Various events are packaged creatively and innovatively to produce a new spirit in speaking. Research and teaching of language, literature and culture during the Covid-19 period resulted in many amazing innovations and creativity in line with technological developments. Covid-19 has inspired many in research on language, literature and culture. In the field of language, you can see research on the language used in Covid-19, such as said cases of suspected respiratory tract infection, ODP (People Under Monitoring), confirmed cases (a person who is late known to be infected with Covid-19, etc. That's the content -Content on YouTube about the use of language is a hot object of research to research. In terms of culture, the Government is making various efforts to break the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in a massive and systematic manner. Covid-19 is not only a deadly virus, but has a domino effect that is also terrible. One of the policies used by the government in preventing and controlling the spread of Covid-19 is implementing the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB)policy As an investment, culture also requires strategies and enablers so that it is able to achieve the target of the happiness and welfare of the Indonesian people. This strategy is implemented through providing for a diversity of cultural expressions, developing cultural practices, utilizing cultural promotion objects, accelerating institutional reform, and increasing the government's role as a facilitator. Teaching issues, especially teaching methods of language, literature and culture, need to be highlighted in terms of IT-based innovation and creativity after Covid-19. How especially teaching methods in applying the material. Research on learning methods has also been carried out a lot, especially methods that focus on students entering the new normal era or the new era after Covid-19 with innovative research and learning of language, literature and culture. It is interesting to reveal a major event, namely the 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Cultural Studies sponsored by the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar