Live互動英語 2020 年 6 月號 No.230【有聲版】

Live互動英語 2020 年 6 月號 No.230【有聲版】

Author: LiveABC編輯群

Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司

Published: 2020-06-15

Total Pages: 106



〔適用對象:國高中生~成人,一般生活英語會話、全民英檢中級程度〕 Live互動英語雜誌:教材貼近生活、流行,內容實用充滿趣味,附真人情境式主題會話,體驗如在國外環境學英語的驚人效果,讓你輕鬆開口說英語! In Love with Lauv 憂鬱系創作歌手Lauv If songs with a blend of electronic dance beats, memorable pop choruses, and emotional lyrics sound like your thing, you’ll love the songs of Lauv. The 25-year-old San Francisco native, whose real name is Ari Leff, first found fame in 2015, but he’s been writing music for years. Lauv was interested in music from a young age and started learning the guitar at 11. Shortly after, he decided to try his hand at composing his own music. He wrote constantly about relationships and breakups, baring his soul in deeply personal songs. The irony, of course, is that up till then he himself had never been in a relationship! The young American went on to study music technology at NYU, figuring he’d do his best work behind the scenes. While writing and producing songs for other artists, he came across an interview with the musician Paul Simon. In it, Simon said that his approach to writing songs was a process of uncovering his deepest feelings. From then on, Lauv decided he would use music to explore his personal identity. He adopted the name Lauv, from the Latvian word for “lion,” as a nod to both his mother’s background and his zodiac sign, Leo. 如果歌曲融合電子舞曲節拍、令人難忘的流行樂副歌和充滿感情的歌詞聽起來像是你喜歡的東西,你就會喜歡Lauv的歌。這名二十五歲的舊金山人本名是Ari Leff,他在二○一五年開始成名,但他已經創作音樂好多年了。 Lauv從小就對音樂感興趣,並於十一歲開始學吉他。不久之後,他決定嘗試創作自己的音樂。他經常寫關於感情和分手的歌曲,透過個人歌曲傾訴衷腸。當然,諷刺的是直到那時,他自己從來沒有談過戀愛! 這名美國年輕人接著到紐約大學學習音樂科技,認為從事幕後工作會表現得最好。在替其他藝人作詞作曲時,他無意間看到音樂人保羅.賽門的訪談。在訪談中,賽門表示他寫歌的方法就是揭露他最深刻感受的過程。從那之後,Lauv決定用音樂來探索個人認同。他取了Lauv這個名字(源自拉托維亞語的「獅子」)來向母親的出身背景和他的星座獅子座致敬。 In 2015, Lauv released his first song “The Other” online. To his surprise, it went viral. Since then, he has signed a record deal, released his debut album, How I’m Feeling, had success on the Billboard charts, and gone on a world tour. It has been a wild ride, but Lauv isn’t stopping yet. He has teamed up with both Troye Sivan on “i’m so tired” and K-pop sensation BTS on “Who.” Lauv is committed to staying true to himself, which means being honest about his struggles with depression and anxiety. He often writes about his emotional state in his songs, but it has also prevented him from writing music at times. That’s why it was important to Lauv to open up about it both in his music and by working with charities to remove the stigma about mental health issues. He hopes that by telling the truth, people will see that this condition isn’t unusual, and other sufferers will feel less alone. With catchy songs that you can identify with, it’s easy to see why Lauv has become such a star. Indeed, there’s a lot to love about Lauv. 二○一五年Lauv在網路上發表他的首支單曲〈The Other〉。令他意外的是,這首歌爆紅了。在那之後,他和一間唱片公司簽約、發行首張大碟《How I’m Feeling》、在美國《告示牌》排行榜取得成功,並進行了世界巡演。這是一趟刺激的旅程,但Lauv還沒有要停下腳步。他和特洛伊.希文合作單曲〈i’m so tired〉,也和名聲大噪的韓國流行音樂天團防彈少年團合作歌曲〈Who〉。 Lauv承諾要真實的做自己,這表示對自己與憂鬱症和焦慮症的奮鬥過程要誠實以對。他經常在歌曲中書寫他的情緒狀態,但有時這也會阻礙他寫歌。那就是為什麼對Lauv來說,要消除這個心理健康問題的汙名,在音樂中以及與慈善機構的合作中能暢所欲言很重要。他希望透過說實話,人們會知道這個健康問題並不罕見,而其他受苦的人也不會感到那麼孤單。 有了讓你產生共鳴的琅琅上口的歌曲,你很容易就能明白為什麼Lauv會成為這樣的一位明星。的確,Lauv有很多值得喜愛的地方。 Live Interactive English Live互動英語 NO. 230 June 2020年6月號 4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 Hearts and Hands 〈心與手〉 〈心與手〉為美國短篇小說大師歐.亨利(O. Henry, 1862–1910)的作品,故事描述一名女子在火車上巧遇舊識並得知他年紀輕輕就成了聯邦執法官,然而…… 14 焦點人物 In Love with Lauv 憂鬱系創作歌手Lauv 外型憂鬱、嗓音充滿磁性的新世代創作才子Lauv,出道以來與許多巨星如Anne-Marie及韓國天團BTS合作,一起來認識這位串流點閱數超過十億的明日之星吧! 18 健康資訊 Why Veggies Can Be Hard to Stomach 不愛吃蔬菜跟基因有關? 許多人討厭吃蔬菜而導致營養不均衡,最新一份研究顯示,不愛吃蔬菜竟然與味覺基因有關。 20 旅遊好去處 Island Adventures in Vanuatu 萬那杜——島國探險之旅 萬那杜是一個位於南太平洋的島國,由八十二個島嶼所組成,這裡有獨特的自然奇觀,還有古老的文化等著你來探訪。 24 生活情境對話 Enjoying a Frozen Treat 享受冰品 消暑一夏! 28 追本溯源 What's in a Name? The History of Last Names 淺談姓氏的歷史 名字代表一個人的身分,而姓氏可以追溯一個人的家庭背景,然而,最初的姓氏是怎麼來的呢? 32 動物保育 World Sea Turtle Day: Don't Let It Swim Away 世界海龜日:別讓海龜從我們身邊游走了 六月十六日是世界海龜日,藉由這個節日,讓我們來瞭解海龜所面臨的處境,包括棲地遭到破壞、海洋垃圾、廢棄漁網等人類造成的威脅。為了讓這個古老的物種能繼續生活在地球上,我們該有所行動了。 36 食物趣聞 Pineapple: The Fruit That Eats You! 鳳梨:會「咬人」的水果 台灣一年四季皆吃得到鳳梨,但你可知道這種酸甜美味的水果在十七世紀可是王公貴族才吃得起的奢侈品,而鳳梨吃多了會咬舌又是為什麼呢? 40 克漏字 NASA Eyes Fungi for Mars Homes NASA打算用真菌打造火星屋 人類移居其他星球的夢想不遠了,美國太空總署NASA正利用菌絲體打造房子結構,研發可以在火星上生活的火星屋。 42 文化差異 The Great Mask Divide: Asia vs. the West 東西方文化差異:口罩篇 不論是生病、預防病毒傳播或避免空氣汙染,在亞洲戴口罩是一件再自然不過的事。然而,在歐美,戴口罩不但罕見,甚至可能觸犯法律,來一探究竟吧! 47 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 50 日常好用句 Take the bull by the horns! 當機立斷;勇敢面對困難! 51 主題式會話 Talking Trash 大家來說「垃圾」話 54 唱歌學英語 Studying English with Songs: Modern Loneliness Lauv:〈不孤單的寂寞〉 55 閱讀策略 Are Superfoods Really Super? 破解超級食物的「超級」迷思 我們常聽到許多標榜對身體好的「超級食物」,無論是十幾年前的酪梨、枸杞,或近年的紅藜、奇亞籽,這些食物並非不好,但卻不能取代其他的營養素,一起來破解超級食物的迷思吧! 62 電影快報 ? Top Gun: Maverick 《捍衛戰士:獨行俠》 ? Greyhound 《怒海戰艦》 64 Movie Trailer English 看預告片學英文 65 General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 71 GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題解答 73 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯

CNN 互動英語 2019 年 11 月號 No.230 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2019 年 11 月號 No.230 【有聲版】

Author: LiveABC編輯群

Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司


Total Pages: 86



〔新聞:時事、新知〕 〔適合對象:準備出國、生活中需要大量使用英語、TOEIC ,TOEFL考試準備者〕 CNN互動英語是全國唯一CNN官方授權,最道地的英語教材,大專院校老師一致推薦。內容豐富含財經政治、文化旅遊、體育娛樂等,每月給提供最新的全球大事,和您一起開啟英語世界的大門! ►購買完整紙本書請上: 環境 The Amazon Inferno 亞馬遜大火延燒 「地球之肺」恐成乾枯草原 Rapid Deforestation Causes Record-Breaking Wildfires in Brazil 全球最大的熱帶雨林亞馬遜森林今年遭遇史上最嚴重的野火。亞馬遜孕育了無數稀有物種,且是緩和全球暖化的減碳重地,此次大火蔓延無非是一場重創全球的生態浩劫。 科技 The Space Odyssey 雄心勃勃的中國太空夢 China Steps Up Efforts to Dominate Space 中國砸重金發展太空計畫,近年陸續有了成果。今年嫦娥四號成功在月球背面軟著陸,顯示中國在太空探索領域已成為一股不可忽視的勢力。 經濟 Trade Shift 中美貿易戰副產品 大亞洲經濟時代崛起 How America May Stagnate and Asia May Thrive in Trump’s Trade War 中美貿易戰未歇,連帶影響全球經貿關係策略,讓亞洲各國往來更趨緊密,與美國則走向脫鉤,加速區域經濟布局的洗牌。 商業 Middle Eastern Gateway 沙漠之鑰——杜拜國際機場 How Dubai International Grew from a Small, Desert Airfield to One of the Busiest Hubs in the World 杜拜在六十年內從一個名不見經傳的沙漠小鎮變身為全球最大的國際轉運站,有賴政府全力推助以及杜拜國際機場的不斷進化和轉型。 社會 A Forbidden Musical Love K-Pop魅力無法擋 脫北者也瘋狂 K-Pop Creeps into North Korea and Inspires More Defectors 南韓流行樂的影響力不僅只限於娛樂、文化層面,甚至成為北韓人民脫北的一大誘因!CNN訪問數名脫北者,聊聊K-pop何以對北韓人有著如此強大的吸引力。 商業 Cyber Gold 吸睛又吸金的網紅行銷淘金術 Making Money Online by Influencing Fashion Trends 網紅、部落客想賺錢,除了接業配、產品代言之外,還可透過許多平台賺取分紅。只要有消費者因為網紅推薦而購買某樣商品,網紅就可以得到分潤佣金。 科技 On the Right Track 日本鐵道結合人工智慧 服務口碑再升級 Japan Plans to Incorporate AI into Its Railways 為因應日本人口老化等問題,JR東日本導入人工智慧、IoT 物聯網等技術,盼減少人力,同時保有高品質的效率及安全。 專題報導 Ice Crisis 格陵蘭融冰速度再創新高 Greenland’s Glaciers Are Melting at a Rapid Rate NASA科學家持續追蹤格陵蘭的冰河及海平面高度,發現除了異常的高溫,冰層下方暖化的海水也是加速融冰的元兇之一。 專題報導 Plastic Poison 海洋浩劫!塑膠微粒流入大西洋馬尾藻海 Greenpeace Study Shows Microplastics Are Choking the Ocean 研究人員在大西洋中央的馬尾藻海發現大量塑膠微粒。海洋生物誤食塑膠碎屑後,毒素恐沿著食物鏈回到你我的餐桌。 旅遊 The Trouble with Travel 夯景點的美麗與哀愁 過度觀光成隱憂 Venice Rolls Out Plan to Combat Mass Tourism 觀光人潮為熱門景點帶來大量收入,但隨之而來的擁擠和污染也為在地居民帶來衝擊。政府祭出各項措施,希望能找到觀光發展和當地民眾權益的平衡點。 CNN 全球瞭望 Saudi Arabian Oil Facilities Attacked by Drones 沙國油廠遭攻擊 重挫全球石油產量 The Bahamas Devastated by Hurricane Dorian 多利安颶風肆虐巴哈馬 留下斷垣殘壁 Disney’s Billion-Dollar Domination 一年五部片票房破十億 迪士尼公司穩坐影壇龍頭 全方位搞懂CNN Come Together at Abbey Road! 向經典致敬 披頭四粉絲齊聚艾比路 CNN主播教你唸 全球主要機場 A Forbidden Musical Love K-Pop 魅力無法擋 脫北者也瘋狂 K-Pop Creeps into North Korea and Inspires More Defectors BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT It was a surprising and, for many North Koreans, jarring sight: a band called Red Velvet, wildly popular in South Korea and around the world, invited to perform in front of an elite audience in Pyongyang in the spring of 2018. One of their most adoring fans [is] North Korea’s usually stoic supreme leader, who was caught on camera leading the applause, even though he’s banned his own people from listening to the same songs. Kim Jong Un and his wife, Ri Sol Ju, once a singer herself, greeted the band offstage. But now, there’s growing evidence this kind of music, called K-pop, is becoming a threat to the dictator’s regime. A recent survey by South Korea’s Unification Media Group says more and more defectors now cite music as a key factor in how they became disenchanted with their government. KIM SUK-YOUNG, AUTHOR, “ILLUSIVE UTOPIA: THEATER, FILM AND EVERYDAY PERFORMANCE IN NORTH KOREA” [The] North Korean young generation find many creative ways to access foreign media. Especially South Korean pop culture has been phenomenally popular in North Korea for the past 20 years, and it’s really starting to impact the way they conceive the world as well as to reflect upon their own lives in North Korea. BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT North Korea’s first couple are such fans of that style of music themselves that they have their own girl band: Moranbong—Kim Jong Un’s handpicked troupe of young women in tight dresses—who sing Korean pop songs and tributes to their boss. But one defector says that’s about the extent to which young North Koreans are allowed to consume pop music. KANG NA RA, NORTH KOREAN DEFECTOR (VIA INTERPRETER) North Korea is such a tightly-controlled society, and the style you can follow is very limited. Ri Sol Ju or Moranbong band members are our only permitted role models. BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT Kim’s regime forbids the influx of any foreign media content unless it’s heavily censored, but still, it gets in. Hyun Lee defected from North Korea five years ago. The son of a top financial official for Kim’s regime, Lee had access to South Korean K-pop, which was smuggled in by friends, while he lived in North Korea. He says any young North Korean hearing South Korean K-pop for the first time is struck by the difference. What does that music have that their music does not have? HYUN LEE, NORTH KOREAN DEFECTOR So, North Korean music doesn’t have any emotion and [or] feeling[s] of love and then, their freedom of society, but South Korean music emphasizes emotion [and] love. BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT Hyun Lee says the tide of K-pop is so enormous and the black market for the music and videos is so strong, even young people still inside North Korea know about “Gangnam Style,” the song by the artist PSY that was the first YouTube video ever to reach a billion views. But it’s a tide Kim Jong Un is trying to hold back. Analysts say North Korea’s crackdown on the consumption of K-pop by its citizens has intensified under Kim. Defectors say there’s a feared unit of Kim’s security services called Group 109—a roving group of operatives searching for banned CDs and USB drives. HYUN LEE, NORTH KOREAN DEFECTOR They basically do search your body and search your home at any time, at everywhere. Once [a] North Korean’s caught by 109, so the seria [serious] punishment was [is] execution. BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT It’s not just listening to K-pop that can get the average young North Korean in trouble. One young defector told the Washington Post that after seeing some K-pop videos, she wanted to emulate their clothing style. She put on a pair of jeans, she said, and went to a local market. She said authorities there made her take the jeans off right there, and they burned them right in front of her. CNN特派員 布萊恩.陶德 這是個出人意料,且對許多北韓人來說很刺眼的景象:一支在南韓和全球各地都大受歡迎,名為Red Velvet的樂團,受邀於二○一八年春天在平壤的一群菁英觀眾面前表演。其中一個對他們最為傾心的粉絲就是通常不苟言笑的北韓最高領導人,鏡頭捕捉到他帶領大家鼓掌,不過他卻禁止自己的人民聽相同的歌曲。 金正恩和他的妻子李雪主在表演結束後接見了該樂團,李雪主本人曾是名歌手。但是現在有愈來愈多證據顯示,這一類稱作韓國流行音樂的音樂,對這位獨裁者的政權而言漸漸成為一項威脅。 日前一項由南韓的統一媒體集團所進行的調查指出,現在有愈來愈多的脫北者說音樂是他們對政府感到幻滅的一個關鍵因素。 《飄渺的烏托邦:北韓的戲劇、電影和日常表演》作者 金淑雲(音譯) 北韓的年輕一代找到很多有創意的方法接觸外國媒體。過去二十年來,南韓流行文化在北韓受歡迎得不得了,而這確實已經開始影響北韓人對這個世界的認知,以及反思他們自己在北韓的生活。 CNN特派員 布萊恩.陶德 北韓的第一夫妻本身是那類音樂的熱衷粉絲,因此他們組了自有的女子樂團:牡丹峰,也就是金正恩精挑細選、穿著緊身洋裝的少女團體,唱著韓國流行歌曲和對他們老闆的頌歌。但是有位脫北者說,那差不多就是北韓年輕人被允許消費流行音樂的限度了。 脫北者 姜娜拉(音譯)(經由口譯) 北韓是個受到如此嚴格控制的社會,你能夠追隨的風潮非常有限。李雪主或牡丹峰樂團的成員是我們唯一被允許追隨的模範。 CNN特派員 布萊恩.陶德 金正恩政權禁止任何外國媒體內容流入,除非經過嚴格審查,但還是滲透進去了。李賢(音譯)在五年前脫北。李賢是金正恩政權下的財政高官之子,他住在北韓時,經由朋友偷偷帶入而得以接觸南韓流行音樂。他說任何第一次聽到南韓流行音樂的北韓年輕人,都會因當中的差異而感到震驚。 那種音樂中有什麼是他們的音樂所沒有的呢? 脫北者 李賢(音譯) 北韓的音樂不帶任何情感或愛的感覺,再來,也沒有社會的自由,反觀南韓的音樂重視情感和愛。 CNN特派員 布萊恩.陶德 李賢說韓國流行音樂的浪潮是如此巨大,加上這種音樂和影片的黑市需求是如此強勁,就連仍在北韓境內的年輕人都知道〈江南風格〉,那首由藝人PSY演唱的歌曲是史上首支達十億次點閱的YouTube影片。但這是股金正恩正設法壓制的浪潮。 分析師指出,在金正恩政權下,北韓對其人民消費韓國流行音樂的取締增強了。脫北者說,金正恩有個令人喪膽、叫作一○九小隊的安全勤務單位,那是一個機動式的行動小組,專門搜尋遭禁的CD和隨身碟。 脫北者 李賢(音譯) 基本上他們會隨時隨地搜你身和到你家翻箱倒櫃。一旦有北韓人被一○九小隊抓到,嚴重的懲罰是處決。 CNN特派員 布萊恩.陶德 會讓北韓一般年輕人惹禍上身的不是只有聽南韓流行音樂而已。一名年輕的脫北者告訴《華盛頓郵報》,她在看過一些韓國流行音樂的影片之後,想要仿效他們的穿著風格。她說她穿上一條牛仔褲去到當地的一個市場。她說地方當局逼她當場脫掉牛仔褲,然後當她的面把褲子給燒了。

ABC互動英語 2021 年 8 月號 No.230 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】

ABC互動英語 2021 年 8 月號 No.230 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】

Author: LiveABC編輯群

Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司

Published: 2021-08-01

Total Pages:



ABC Interactive English No. 230 August, 2021 Contents 每日一句 Interview English 英語面試實用句 本月焦點 Furniture 家具大集錦 Making a Place Ready for Living 布置新家的樂趣 品格英語 How to Take Rejection 面對拒絕,你該怎麼辦? 畫中有話 Celebrating Chinese Valentine’s Day 慶祝七夕情人節 流行最前線 Pokémon Celebrates Its 25th Birthday 寶可夢歡慶二十五週年 文法補給站 A Friend’s Wedding 參加朋友的婚宴 Under the Weather 身體不適 玩味生活 What You Need to Know About Late-Night Snacks 聰明吃宵夜 活用ABC Going Out on a Date 生活英語:約會教戰守則 短篇故事集 The Shepherd Boy 〈聰明的小牧童〉 安妮信箱 Are You a Phubber? Why or Why Not? 你是低頭族嗎?為什麼? 克漏字測驗 Turtles in Oil Spill Saved with Mayonnaise 你聽過美乃滋拯救海龜的故事嗎? 世界好望角 Animal Sleeping Habits 動物睡姿百百種 小人物大視界 Elon Musk: A Man Full of Surprises 創造驚奇的夢想實踐家——伊隆•馬斯克 悠遊文化 Break Dancing Is Taking the World Stage 霹靂舞跳上世界舞台 ABC長知識 Send Your Name to Mars 送你的名字上火星 聽說圖寫 Passenger Arrival Card 旅客入境卡 本月之星 張碩航

Laudato Si

Laudato Si

Author: Pope Francis

Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor

Published: 2015-07-18

Total Pages: 119

ISBN-13: 1612783872


“In the heart of this world, the Lord of life, who loves us so much, is always present. He does not abandon us, he does not leave us alone, for he has united himself definitively to our earth, and his love constantly impels us to find new ways forward. Praise be to him!” – Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ In his second encyclical, Laudato Si’: On the Care of Our Common Home, Pope Francis draws all Christians into a dialogue with every person on the planet about our common home. We as human beings are united by the concern for our planet, and every living thing that dwells on it, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. Pope Francis’ letter joins the body of the Church’s social and moral teaching, draws on the best scientific research, providing the foundation for “the ethical and spiritual itinerary that follows.” Laudato Si’ outlines: The current state of our “common home” The Gospel message as seen through creation The human causes of the ecological crisis Ecology and the common good Pope Francis’ call to action for each of us Our Sunday Visitor has included discussion questions, making it perfect for individual or group study, leading all Catholics and Christians into a deeper understanding of the importance of this teaching.

Paul and the Person

Paul and the Person

Author: Susan Grove Eastman

Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing

Published: 2017

Total Pages: 224

ISBN-13: 0802868967


In this book Susan Grove Eastman presents a fresh and innovative exploration of Paul's participatory theology in conversation with both ancient and contemporary conceptions of the self. Juxtaposing Paul, ancient philosophers, and modern theorists of the person, Eastman opens up a conversation that illuminates Paul's thought in new ways and brings his voice into current debates about personhood.

The Future of the Public's Health in the 21st Century

The Future of the Public's Health in the 21st Century

Author: Institute of Medicine

Publisher: National Academies Press

Published: 2003-02-01

Total Pages: 536

ISBN-13: 0309133181


The anthrax incidents following the 9/11 terrorist attacks put the spotlight on the nation's public health agencies, placing it under an unprecedented scrutiny that added new dimensions to the complex issues considered in this report. The Future of the Public's Health in the 21st Century reaffirms the vision of Healthy People 2010, and outlines a systems approach to assuring the nation's health in practice, research, and policy. This approach focuses on joining the unique resources and perspectives of diverse sectors and entities and challenges these groups to work in a concerted, strategic way to promote and protect the public's health. Focusing on diverse partnerships as the framework for public health, the book discusses: The need for a shift from an individual to a population-based approach in practice, research, policy, and community engagement. The status of the governmental public health infrastructure and what needs to be improved, including its interface with the health care delivery system. The roles nongovernment actors, such as academia, business, local communities and the media can play in creating a healthy nation. Providing an accessible analysis, this book will be important to public health policy-makers and practitioners, business and community leaders, health advocates, educators and journalists.

Dive Into Deep Learning

Dive Into Deep Learning

Author: Joanne Quinn

Publisher: Corwin Press

Published: 2019-07-15

Total Pages: 297

ISBN-13: 1544385404


The leading experts in system change and learning, with their school-based partners around the world, have created this essential companion to their runaway best-seller, Deep Learning: Engage the World Change the World. This hands-on guide provides a roadmap for building capacity in teachers, schools, districts, and systems to design deep learning, measure progress, and assess conditions needed to activate and sustain innovation. Dive Into Deep Learning: Tools for Engagement is rich with resources educators need to construct and drive meaningful deep learning experiences in order to develop the kind of mindset and know-how that is crucial to becoming a problem-solving change agent in our global society. Designed in full color, this easy-to-use guide is loaded with tools, tips, protocols, and real-world examples. It includes: • A framework for deep learning that provides a pathway to develop the six global competencies needed to flourish in a complex world — character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. • Learning progressions to help educators analyze student work and measure progress. • Learning design rubrics, templates and examples for incorporating the four elements of learning design: learning partnerships, pedagogical practices, learning environments, and leveraging digital. • Conditions rubrics, teacher self-assessment tools, and planning guides to help educators build, mobilize, and sustain deep learning in schools and districts. Learn about, improve, and expand your world of learning. Put the joy back into learning for students and adults alike. Dive into deep learning to create learning experiences that give purpose, unleash student potential, and transform not only learning, but life itself.