Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie

Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie

Author: M. Koecher

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 299

ISBN-13: 3642967728


Dieses Buch wendet sich an aIle, die durch Neigung oder Pflicht mit der Mathematik verbunden sind: Es so11 Studierende der Mathematik in Haupt-und Nebenfach, Lehrer fUr Mathematik oder Physik an weiterfUhrenden Schulen, ausgebildete Mathematiker und cum grano salis, interessierte Laien ansprechen. Aus ihm kann man als Anfiinger die Grundzuge der linearen Algebra und der analytischen Geometrie lernen. Es eignet sich dann gleichermaBen zur Weiterbildung, zur Vorbereitung auf Prufungen im Hochschulbereich und als bescheidenes Nachschlagewerk fUr grundlegende algebraische und geometrische Begriffe. Selbst manche Begriffe und Ergebnisse der Analysis findet man in die line are Algebra eingeordnet. Das Kapitel 4 (Elementar-Geometrie) und Teile der Kapitel I, 2 und 7 sind daruber hinaus fUr Aufbau- und Leistungskurse in weiterfUhrenden Schulen sowie fUr Proseminare gut geeignet. Aber auch der ausgebildete Mathematiker wird hin und wieder neue Ge sichtspunkte der linearen Algebra oder analytischen Geometrie entdecken und historische Bezuge kennenlernen. Das ausfUhrliche Inhaltsverzeichnis gibt eine gute Ubersicht uber den behandelten Stoff. Vom Inhalt her unterscheidet sich das vorliegende Buch von den meisten Buchern zur linearen Algebra: Der algebraische Teil ist nicht Selbstzweck, sondern versucht die Aspekte der linearen Algebra hervorzuheben, die auch fUr andere Teilgebiete der Mathema tik wesentlich sind. Von Anfang an wird auf wichtige Beispiele aus der Analysis besonderer Wert gelegt. Der Matrizen-und Determinantenkalkiil wird in teilweise neuer Form dar gestellt. Die analytische Geometrie in der Ebene und im Anschauungsraum hat neben den euklidischen Vektorriiumen ihren Platz. Die sphiirische Geometrie kann als Anwendung des Vektorproduktes kurz dargestellt werden.

Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery

Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery

Author: Myra Spiliopoulou

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2013-11-26

Total Pages: 461

ISBN-13: 3319015958


Data analysis, machine learning and knowledge discovery are research areas at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematics and statistics. They cover general methods and techniques that can be applied to a vast set of applications such as web and text mining, marketing, medicine, bioinformatics and business intelligence. This volume contains the revised versions of selected papers in the field of data analysis, machine learning and knowledge discovery presented during the 36th annual conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl). The conference was held at the University of Hildesheim (Germany) in August 2012. ​

Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra

Author: Werner H. Greub

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 465

ISBN-13: 1468494465


This textbook gives a detailed and comprehensive presentation of linear algebra based on an axiomatic treatment of linear spaces. For this fourth edition some new material has been added to the text, for instance, the intrinsic treatment of the classical adjoint of a linear transformation in Chapter IV, as well as the discussion of quaternions and the classifica tion of associative division algebras in Chapter VII. Chapters XII and XIII have been substantially rewritten for the sake of clarity, but the contents remain basically the same as before. Finally, a number of problems covering new topics-e.g. complex structures, Caylay numbers and symplectic spaces - have been added. I should like to thank Mr. M. L. Johnson who made many useful suggestions for the problems in the third edition. I am also grateful to my colleague S. Halperin who assisted in the revision of Chapters XII and XIII and to Mr. F. Gomez who helped to prepare the subject index. Finally, I have to express my deep gratitude to my colleague J. R. Van stone who worked closely with me in the preparation of all the revisions and additions and who generously helped with the proof reading.

Handbook of Mathematics

Handbook of Mathematics

Author: I.N. Bronshtein

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2015-03-19

Total Pages: 1255

ISBN-13: 3662462214


This guide book to mathematics contains in handbook form the fundamental working knowledge of mathematics which is needed as an everyday guide for working scientists and engineers, as well as for students. Easy to understand, and convenient to use, this guide book gives concisely the information necessary to evaluate most problems which occur in concrete applications. In the newer editions emphasis was laid on those fields of mathematics that became more important for the formulation and modeling of technical and natural processes, namely Numerical Mathematics, Probability Theory and Statistics, as well as Information Processing. Besides many enhancements and new paragraphs, new sections on Geometric and Coordinate Transformations, Quaternions and Applications, and Lie Groups and Lie Algebras were added for the sixth edition.

Topics in Quaternion Linear Algebra

Topics in Quaternion Linear Algebra

Author: Leiba Rodman

Publisher: Princeton University Press

Published: 2014-08-24

Total Pages: 378

ISBN-13: 0691161852


Quaternions are a number system that has become increasingly useful for representing the rotations of objects in three-dimensional space and has important applications in theoretical and applied mathematics, physics, computer science, and engineering. This is the first book to provide a systematic, accessible, and self-contained exposition of quaternion linear algebra. It features previously unpublished research results with complete proofs and many open problems at various levels, as well as more than 200 exercises to facilitate use by students and instructors. Applications presented in the book include numerical ranges, invariant semidefinite subspaces, differential equations with symmetries, and matrix equations. Designed for researchers and students across a variety of disciplines, the book can be read by anyone with a background in linear algebra, rudimentary complex analysis, and some multivariable calculus. Instructors will find it useful as a complementary text for undergraduate linear algebra courses or as a basis for a graduate course in linear algebra. The open problems can serve as research projects for undergraduates, topics for graduate students, or problems to be tackled by professional research mathematicians. The book is also an invaluable reference tool for researchers in fields where techniques based on quaternion analysis are used.



Author: Wolfgang Grobner

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2013-11-21

Total Pages: 206

ISBN-13: 146847362X


Dieses Buch beruht auf 40 lahren intensiven Studiums der Differentialglei chungen, sowohl yom theoretischen als auch yom praktischen Gesichtspunkt aus, eines Studiums, das mit meiner Tatigkeit im Rechen-Institut M. Picones in Rom begann, sodann fortgesetzt wurde in der Gruppe flir Industriemathema tik der Luftfahrt-Forschungsanstalt in Braunschweig, und endlich mit meinen Vorlesungen, hauptsachlich an der Universitat Innsbruck, abgeschlossen wurde. Die Zeit der Weltraumfliige stellte hier neue Aufgaben der Bahnberechnung von Satelliten, deren Bearbeitung theoretisch eine geschlossene Formel zur Losung des n-Korper-Problems, praktisch eine neue Methode zur Berechnung von reguJaren Differentialgleichungssystemen zeitigte, die mit den besten bekannten Losungsmethoden erfolgreich in Konkurrenz treten konnte, was vor aHem meinen Mitarbeitern H. Knapp und G. Wanner zu danken war. Die Vorlesung iiber Differentialgleichungen habe ich seit 1947 in regelmaBi gen Abstanden an der Universitat Innsbruck gehalten, bei jeder Wiederholung neu bearbeitet und durch Seminararbeiten vervollstandigt; auch in meiner flir Physik-Studenten besonders gehaltenen Vorlesung iiber {raquo}Die mathemati schen Methoden der Physik{laquo} habe ich in gekiirzter Form immer die {raquo}Differen tialgleichungen{laquo} eingeschlossen. In der vorliegenden Fassung wurde vor allem das zweite Kapitel iiber Diffe rentialgleichungen mit analytischen Koeffizienten, also speziell der hypergeome trischen, Besselschen und Kummerschen Differentialgleichungen' neu gefaBt und einem neuen Ordnungsprinzip, der {raquo}Invariante{laquo}, unterworfen. Damit ge lingt es, jede vorgelegte Differentialgleichung rasch einzuordnen und auf eine dieser Standardformen zu transformieren. Diese Transformationsformeln wur den neu entwickelt und werden hier zum ersten Mal veroffentlicht. Fiir alle Satze und Entwicklungen werden strenge Beweise geboten; z. B.

Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications

Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications

Author: Miloslav Feistauer

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2004-08-12

Total Pages: 1246

ISBN-13: 9783540214601


These proceedings collect the major part of the lectures given at ENU MATH2003, the European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Ad vanced Applications, held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 18 August to 22 August, 2003. The importance of numerical and computational mathematics and sci entific computing is permanently growing. There is an increasing number of different research areas, where numerical simulation is necessary. Let us men tion fluid dynamics, continuum mechanics, electromagnetism, phase transi tion, cosmology, medicine, economics, finance, etc. The success of applications of numerical methods is conditioned by changing its basic instruments and looking for new appropriate techniques adapted to new problems as well as new computer architectures. The ENUMATH conferences were established in order to provide a fo rum for discussion of current topics of numerical mathematics. They seek to convene leading experts and young scientists with special emphasis on con tributions from Europe. Recent results and new trends are discussed in the analysis of numerical algorithms as well as in their applications to challenging scientific and industrial problems. The first ENUMATH conference was organized in Paris in 1995, then the series continued by the conferences in Heidelberg 1997, Jyvaskyla 1999 and Ischia Porto 2001. It was a great pleasure and honour for the Czech numerical community that it was decided at Ischia Porto to organize the ENUMATH2003 in Prague. It was the first time when this conference crossed the former Iron Courtain and was organized in a postsocialist country.

Analysis I

Analysis I

Author: Herbert Amann

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2006-03-14

Total Pages: 436

ISBN-13: 3764373237


"This textbook provides an outstanding introduction to analysis. It is distinguished by its high level of presentation and its focus on the essential.'' (Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendung 18, No. 4 - G. Berger, review of the first German edition) "One advantage of this presentation is that the power of the abstract concepts are convincingly demonstrated using concrete applications.'' (W. Grölz, review of the first German edition)