Mark Johnston guides us through John's account of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. John takes us by the hand and leads us into the depths and mysteries of Christ's Person and wonders He has accomplished - so that the reader should come to living faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, and have eternal life in His Name.
because it is written in a style that appeals to the imagination, deals with people's lives, is easy to read, and wholly enjoyable. Through his narratives Luke portrays Jesus vividly and makes him accessible for anyone who seriously reads his Gospel.
'When John Mark wrote out his "good news" about Jesus two thousand years ago, his Gospel was a completely new kind of book. No one had ever written one before. In fact no one would have known what a Gospel was...What made the Gospel of Mark unique was this: it was not written merely as the memoir of Jesus as a great man, not even as the greatest man who had ever lived. Rather it was meant to persuade its readers that Jesus was the Son of God...Who is Jesus of Nazareth? What is the good news (gospel) about him?...This book presents us with Mark's answer.'
Paul's letter to the churches of Galatia seems to burst on the reader like a sudden storm. The issues it raises still generate controversy, even after two thousand years of church history. In large measure this is because what was at stake when Paul wrote was the gospel itself. The question of whether human works were to play any part in the justification of sinners had to be answered clearly if the fledgling Christian movement was to prosper. And Paul was determined to answer it with total clarity. This explains the vigour and energy of his language, and the impact the letter has had down the centuries. Derek Thomas explains the issues dealt with in the letter and refutes the contentions of the so-called 'new perspective' on Paul. His book is an important addition to this expanding series of study guides.
Peter's great themes of grace and salvation in Christ, godly living, and comfort in suffering, echo down the ages to the present day. William Harrell's fresh and lively treatment of 1 Peter shows that these themes are as relevant to the church today as they were in the first century. We, too, need to hear of the greatness of the salvation accomplished by Christ and to heed the call to consecrated and orderly living, to endurance in suffering, and to vigilant service. As with the earlier volumes in this series, the value of the exposition is enhanced by the Group Study Guide which follows. 'The whole unfolding Let's Study series is a must for every Christian home that is serious about getting to know the Word.' Covenanter Witness William W. Harrell is a minister in the Prebyterian Church in America. He has served as the pastor of Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Norfolk, Virginia, from 1981 to the present.
This easy-to-follow study will guide you through Paul's letter, pointing out the relevance to twenty-first-century Christians and churches; you will see his amazement and gratitude that Christ Jesus came to save sinners, and the church should remain a pillar of truth.
If Romans is, humanly speaking, the most impressive of Paul's letters, then Ephesians is probably the most elegant. In its opening doxology blessings cascade down upon the reader. In its closing verses the smell of the battlefield lies heavily in the air and through the smoke of war we see Christians, fully clad in the armour of spiritual warfare, still standing. From beginning to end Ephesians sets before us the wonder of God's grace, the privilege of belonging to the church, and the pattern of life-transformation the gospel produces. In Let's Study Ephesians Sinclair Ferguson skillfully leads us through this wonderful letter, explaining its teaching with masterful simplicity and showing its importance and relevance to the church today.
As their story progresses in The Shepherd’s Staff, Bill & Elaine Westover with three children, Jennifer, Betsey and Peter move from their successful inner-city ministry to a church in desperate need of revitalization. Through teaching in word and deed, Bill leads the church in renewed outreach. Engendering opposition from members who are not actually believing Christians and from the denominational leaders. Meanwhile, Elaine is hired by an attorney. Her work as their staff psychologist leads to a confrontation with a homicidal client and she begins to note destructive patterns in the life of one of the attorneys. Follow the continuing saga as Bill, Elaine Westover and their family survive and thrive in their new situation.
Buku ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan bahan ajar mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk siswa SMP dengan acuan Standar Isi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris tahun 2013. Bahan ajar ini dirancang untuk pemakaian secara nasional dan oleh karenanya guru di seluruh Indonesia dapat menggunakannya langsung di dalam kelas atau dengan melakukan adaptasi seperlunya menyesuaikan KTSP masing-masing. Materi dan tugas pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip Pendekatan Komunikatif untuk mengembangkan kompetensi siswa dalam keempat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Selain itu materi dan tugas pembelajaran secara integratif mengembangkan kecakapan hidup dalam arti luas dan peningkatan kesadaran akan kebinekaan. Materi dan tugas-tugas pembelajaran dalam buku ini diorganisasikan ke dalam dua siklus pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan menekankan pengembangan keterampilan menyimak dan berbicara, siklus tulis mengembangkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis. Sesuai dengan prinsip keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan keempat keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Selain itu, untuk keperluan pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap chapter dilengkapi dengan tugas terstruktur berupa evaluasi. Materi dan kegiatan pembelajaran dalam buku ini lebih dikembangkan untuk mendorong terjadinya learning pada diri siswa. Kegiatan-kegiatan belajar dikembangkan untuk menjadikan siswa secara individu, berpasangan, dan kelompok kecil secara aktif belajar bahasa Inggris melalui kegiatan memahami dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk mengekspresikan gagasan dan perasaan secara alami. Guru lebih bertindak sebagai fasilitator, pemberi feedback, dan pendorong siswa agar berani mengekspresikan dirinya dengan tidak mengabaikan pentingnya akurasi berbahasa. Dengan kegiatan-kegiatan pembelajaran dan peran guru yang demikian, siswa terbimbing dan memperoleh fasilitasi dalam berlatih mengekspresikan dirinya sehingga secara bertahap akhirnya mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.