Das Lessing Jahrbuch 2018 bietet Aufsätze zur Funktion des Raumes in Lessings "Miss Sara Sampson", zu den narrativen Leerstellen in Lessings "Laokoon", zur Dialogoform in Lessings "Ernst und Falk", zu den Gedächtnisfeiern nach Lessings "Tod 1781", zur Thomas-Figur in Klopstocks "Der Messias", zur Beziehung zwischen Lessing und Mendelssohn und zu Lessings und Nietzsches Auffassungen zum Thema "Kosmopolitismus". Das Jahrbuch enthält daneben vier Vorträge zum Thema "Lessing und das Lachen" und ein Gespräch mit Guy Stern, Mitbegründer der Lessing Gesellschaft.
Das Lessing Yearbook, offizielles Organ der Lessing Society mit Sitz in Cincinnati, Ohio, ist ein weltweit anerkanntes, wichtiges Forum für alle Wissenschaftler, die sich – in englischer und deutscher Sprache – mit Literatur, Kultur und Gedankengut Deutschlands im 18. Jahrhundert beschäftigen. Guy Stern zum 100. Geburtstag. Mit Beiträgen von Tilman Venzl zum Manuskript und zur Dramaturgie der Minna von Barnhelm; Susan Morrow über Bilder und Illusionen in Lessings Laokoon; Joseph Haydt über Ironie und Wahrheit in Lessings theologischen Schriften; Till Kinzel über Jaspers und Lessing; Katherine Goodman über Luise Gottscheds Panthea und die Freidenker; Gabriel Cooper über anti-jüdische Stereotype im 18. Jahrhundert; Stefanie Stockhorst und Sotirios Agrofylax über Zeitschriften als aufklärerische Praxis; Hamilton Beck zur Rezeption Hippels im 19. Jahrhundert, und ein Forum zu Intersektionalität und Aufklärungsforschung.
Das Lessing Yearbook/Jahrbuch 2020 enthält Beiträge zu Lessings Aristoteles-Lektüre, zum Drama "Philotas" im Kontext des Siebenjährigen Krieges, zum Spiel-Begriff und zur Toleranz-Thematik in "Nathan der Weise", zu Lessings nachgelassenen Blättern zu "Nathan" und zur Rezeption von Lessings Dramen in Amsterdam. Außerdem enthält der Band Aufsätze zur Gefühlsthematik in Joachim Wilhelm von Brawes Drama "Der Freygeist", zur Rolle des Apostels Thomas in Klopstocks "Messias" und zur kognitiven Narratologie in Karl Philipp Moritz "Reisen eines Deutschen in England". Abschließend bietet der Band einen Tagungsbericht zur digitalen Erarbeitung der Texte Lessings.
Band 50 des Lessing Jahrbuchs ist ein Sonderband zum Thema "Die Aufklärung und die Geschichte der Natur" und enthält Beiträge zu Lessings kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit den Naturvorstellungen seiner Zeit: Lessing und Mylius` Natur-Konzept; Naturvorstellungen in der biblischen Dichtung des 18. Jahrhunderts; Pflanzen und Emotionen bei Buffon, Linnaeus und Humboldt; Sophie von La Roches "Erscheinungen am See Oneida"; Herders Kritik des teleologischen Historizismus Kants; Andreas Riems Klima-Theorie, und Goethes Wissenschaft der Natur.
A rich interdisciplinary exploration of the world of Sara Levy, a Jewish salonnière and skilled performing musician in late eighteenth-century Berlin, and her impact on the Bach revival, German-Jewish life, and Enlightenment culture.
Chinese Sympathies examines how Europeans—German-speaking writers and thinkers in particular—identified with Chinese intellectual and literary traditions following the circulation of Marco Polo's Travels. This sense of affinity expanded and deepened, Daniel Leonhard Purdy shows, as generations of Jesuit missionaries, baroque encyclopedists, Enlightenment moralists, and translators established intellectual regimes that framed China as being fundamentally similar to Europe. Analyzing key German literary texts—theological treatises, imperial histories, tragic dramas, moral philosophies, literary translations, and poetic cycles—Chinese Sympathies traces the paths from baroque-era missionary reports that accommodated Christianity with Confucianism to Goethe's concept of world literature, bridged by Enlightenment debates over cosmopolitanism and sympathy, culminating in a secular principle that allowed readers to identify meaningful similarities across culturally diverse literatures based on shared human experiences. This book is freely available in an open access edition thanks to TOME (Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem)—a collaboration of the Association of American Universities, the Association of University Presses, and the Association of Research Libraries—and the generous support of the Pennsylvania State University. Learn more at the TOME website, available at: openmonographs.org. The open access edition is available at Cornell Open (cornellpress.cornell.edu/cornell-open) and other repositories.
Shakespeare as German Author, edited by John McCarthy, revisits in particular the formative phase of German Shakespeare reception 1760-1830. Following a detailed introduction to the historical and theoretical parameters of an era in search of its own literary voice, six case studies examine Shakespeare’s catalytic role in reshaping German aesthetics and stage production. They illuminate what German speakers found so appealing (or off-putting) about Shakespeare’s spirit, consider how translating it nurtured new linguistic and aesthetic sensibilities, and reflect on its relationship to German Geist through translation and cultural transfer theory. In the process, they shed new light, e.g., on the rise of Hamlet to canonical status, the role of women translators, and why Titus Andronicus proved so influential in twentieth-century theater performance. Contributors are: Lisa Beesley, Astrid Dröse, Johanna Hörnig, Till Kinzel, John A. McCarthy, Curtis L. Maughan, Monika Nenon, Christine Nilsson.
By bringing the work of philosophers and psychologists together this volume is an interdisciplinary, though predominantly philosophical, exploration of an often discussed but rarely researched emotion; admiration. By exploring the moral psychology of admiration the volume examines the nature of this emotion, how it relates to other emotions such as wonder, envy and pride and what role admiration plays in our moral lives. As to the latter, a strong focus is on the potential link between admiration, emulation and the improvement of our characters, as well as of society as a whole.
The System of Ethics was published at the height of Fichte's academic career and marks the culmination of his philosophical development in Jena. Much more than a treatise on ethics narrowly construed, the System of Ethics presents a unified synthesis of Fichte's core philosophical ideas, including the principle I-hood, self-activity and self-consciousness, and also contains his most detailed treatment of action and agency. This volume brings together an international group of leading scholars on Fichte, and is the first of its kind in English to offer critical and interpretive perspectives on this work, covering topics such as normativity, belief, justification, desire, duty, and the ethical life. It will be an essential guide for scholars wanting to deepen their understanding of Fichte's ethical thought, as well as for those interested in the history of ethics more broadly.