Provides advice on how to plan a winter garden that will thrive in hardiness zones six through nine of the southeastern U.S.; offers descriptions of over 450 appropriate flowers, shrubs, trees, and other plants; and includes descriptions of three gardens of the Southeast.
Malaria is an increasing worldwide threat, with more than three hundred million infections and one million deaths every year. The worlds poorest are the worst affected, and many treat themselves with traditional herbal medicines. These are often more available and affordable, and sometimes are perceived as more effective than conventional antimala
Le préparateur en pharmacie – Guide théorique et pratique, 2e édition, aborde avec clarté et simplicité les différents aspects du savoir polyvalent que l’on attend du préparateur, appelé à seconder les pharmaciens titulaires et adjoints dans maintes tâches de l’officine : dispensation, conseil et information du public, préparation et réalisation des PDA (préparations des doses à administrer), vigilance, accueil et vente, documentation, gestion des stocks, administration, hygiène, diététique et maintien à domicile… Le personnel de l’officine doit aujourd’hui exercer sa mission de conseil avec d’autant plus de clairvoyance que le public, exposé à un discours médiatique et publicitaire à forte consonance scientifique, dispose de produits cosmétiques et de thérapeutiques « alternatives » où le naturel et le végétal jouent un très grand rôle, mais où les risques de l’automédication imposent un effort de pharmacovigilance et de toxicovigilance accru. Cette nouvelle édition, entièrement réactualisée, constitue un guide de référence pour les futurs préparateurs en pharmacie en respectant le référentiel du brevet professionnel, ainsi qu’un outil indispensable à la formation continue des préparateurs en mettant à leur disposition une somme d’informations facilement accessibles. Elle est également fort utile aux étudiants en pharmacie, dont le cursus comprend de nombreux stages : d’initiation officinale, d’application des enseignements coordonnés et de pratique professionnelle.
Ivan Ross takes advantage of the significant growth in the amount of new data available to update and expand his much acclaimed Medicinal Plants of the World: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, Volume 1. This considerably enhanced second edition contains new research and references on the immunomodulatory activity present in Allium sativum, Mangifera indica, and Punica granatum, the antidiabetic effects of Momoridica charantia and Mucuna pruriens, the antiinflammatory activity found in Mangifera indica and Arbus precatorius, the cholesterol lowering effect of Allium sativum and Moringa pterygosperma, and the antitumor effect of Arbus precatorius and Moringa pterygosperma. There are also important new findings concerning the antiherpes simplex virus activity of Mangifera indica, the anti-Parkinson's activity of Mucuna pruriens, the antiviral activity in Phyllanthus niruri and Jatropha curcas, the hyperthyroid regulation properties of Moringa pterygosperma, and the antioxidant activity of Mangifera indica, Punica granatum, Psidium guajava, and Allium sativum. Allium sativum is highlighted for its treatment of unstable angina pectoris, sickle red blood cell dehydration inhibition, senescence ameliorative, chemoprotective, cardiovascular, antineoplastic, anticarcinogenic, and antiatherogenic effects. This revised and enhanced edition provides details on traditional medicinal uses, chemical constituents, pharmacological activities, clinical trials, color illustrations, Latin names, botanical descriptions, as well as providing an index and extensive bibliographies. Authoritative and exhaustively compiled, Medicinal Plants of the World: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, Volume 1, 2nd Edition offers pharmacists, physicians, medicinal chemists, toxicologists, and phytochemists a universal reference on twenty-six of the most widely used medicinal plants in the world.
PROTA 11 deals with the medicinal plants of Tropical Africa. Because the group is very large, it has been subdivided into 4 volumes. This volume, PROTA 11(2), describes 409 medicinal plants in 146 review articles. All articles are illustrated with geographic distribution maps and many with botanical line drawings.