Author: Vivian Siahaan


Published: 2020-10-05

Total Pages: 684



In Tutorial 1, you will start building a Visual C# interface for database management system project using MySQL. The database, named DBMS, is created. The designed interface in this tutorial will used as the main terminal in accessing other forms. This tutorial will also discuss how to create login form and login table. In Tutorial 2, you will build a project, as part of database management system, where you can store information about valuables in school. The table will have seven fields: Item (description of the item), Location (where the item was placed), Shop (where the item was purchased), DatePurchased (when the item was purchased), Cost (how much the item cost), SerialNumber (serial number of the item), PhotoFile (path of the photo file of the item), and Fragile (indicates whether a particular item is fragile or not). In Tutorial 3 up to Tutorial 4, you will perform the steps necessary to add 6 tables using phpMyAdmin into DBMS database. You will build each table and add the associated fields as needed. In this tutorials, you will create a library database project, as part of database management system, where you can store all information about library including author, title, and publisher. In Tutorial 5 up to Tutorial 7, you will perform the steps necessary to add 8 more tables using phpMyAdmin into DBMS database. You will build each table and add the associated fields as needed. In this tutorials, you will create a high school database project, as part of database management system, where you can store all information about school including parent, teacher, student, subject, and, title, and grade.

Learn From Scratch Visual C#.NET with MySQL to Develop Desktop Applications

Learn From Scratch Visual C#.NET with MySQL to Develop Desktop Applications

Author: Rismon Hasiholan Sianipar


Published: 2020-10-05

Total Pages: 492



In Tutorial 1, you will start building a Visual C# interface for database management system project using MySQL. The database, named DBMS, is created. The designed interface in this tutorial will used as the main terminal in accessing other forms. This tutorial will also discuss how to create login form and login table.In Tutorial 2, you will build a project, as part of database management system, where you can store information about valuables in school. The table will have seven fields: Item (description of the item), Location (where the item was placed), Shop (where the item was purchased), DatePurchased (when the item was purchased), Cost (how much the item cost), SerialNumber (serial number of the item), PhotoFile (path of the photo file of the item), and Fragile (indicates whether a particular item is fragile or not).In Tutorial 3 up to Tutorial 4, you will perform the steps necessary to add 6 tables using phpMyAdmin into DBMS database. You will build each table and add the associated fields as needed. In this tutorials, you will create a library database project, as part of database management system, where you can store all information about library including author, title, and publisher.In Tutorial 5 up to Tutorial 7, you will perform the steps necessary to add 8 more tables using phpMyAdmin into DBMS database. You will build each table and add the associated fields as needed. In this tutorials, you will create a high school database project, as part of database management system, where you can store all information about school including parent, teacher, student, subject, and, title, and grade.

LEARN FROM SCRATCH VISUAL C# .NET WITH SQL SERVER To Develop Database-Driven Desktop Applications

LEARN FROM SCRATCH VISUAL C# .NET WITH SQL SERVER To Develop Database-Driven Desktop Applications



Published: 2020-10-10

Total Pages: 686



In Tutorial 1, you will start building a Visual C# interface for database management system project with SQL Server. The database, named DBMS, is created. The designed interface in this tutorial will used as the main terminal in accessing other forms. This tutorial will also discuss how to create login form and login table. In Tutorial 2, you will build a project, as part of database management system, where you can store information about valuables in school. In Tutorial 3 up to Tutorial 4, you will perform the steps necessary to add 6 tables into DBMS database. You will build each table and add the associated fields as needed. In this tutorials, you will create a library database project, as part of database management system, where you can store all information about library including author, title, and publisher. In Tutorial 5 up to Tutorial 7, you will perform the steps necessary to add 6 more tables into DBMS database. You will build each table and add the associated fields as needed. In this tutorials, you will create a high school database project, as part of database management system, where you can store all information about school including parent, teacher, student, subject, and, title, and grade.



Author: Vivian Siahaan


Published: 2020-11-04

Total Pages: 304



This book will teach you with step-by-step approach to develop from scratch a MySQL-driven desktop application that readers can develop for their own purposes to implement school database project using Visual Basic .NET. In Tutorial 1, you will perform the steps necessary to add 8 tables using phpMyAdmin into School database that you will create. You will build each table and add the associated fields as needed. In this tutorial, you will also build login form and main form. In Tutorial 2, you will build such a form for Parent table. This table has thirteen fields: ParentID, FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, Status, Ethnicity, Nationality, Mobile, Phone, Religion, Gender, PhotoFile, and FingerFile). You need fourteen label controls, two picture boxes, six text boxes, four comboxes, one check box, one date time picker, one openfiledialog, and one printpreviewdialog. You also need four buttons for navigation, six buttons for other utilities, one button for searching member’s name, one button to upload parent’s photo, and button to upload parent’s finger. Place these controls on the form. In Tutorial 3, you will build such a form for Student table. This table has fifteen fields: StudentID, ParentID, FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, YearEntry, Status, Ethnicity, Nationality, Mobile, Phone, Religion, Gender, PhotoFile, and FingerFile). You need sixteen label controls, two picture boxes, six text boxes, five comboxes, one check box, two date time pickers, one openfiledialog, and one printpreviewdialog. You also need four buttons for navigation, seven buttons for controlling editing features, one button for searching parent’s name, one button to open parent form, one button to upload student’s photo, and one button to upload student’s finger. In Tutorial 4, you will build a form for Teacher table. This table has fifteen fields: TeacherID, RegNumber, FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, Rank, Status, Ethnicity, Nationality, Mobile, Phone, Religion, Gender, PhotoFile, and FingerFile). You need an input form so that user can edit existing records, delete records, or add new records. The form will also have the capability of navigating from one record to another. You need sixteen label controls, one picture box, seven text boxes, five comboxes, one check box, one date time picker, one openfiledialog, and one printpreviewdialog. You also need four buttons for navigation, six buttons for controlling editing features, one button for searching teacher’s name, and one button to upload teacher’s photo. In Tutorial 5, you will build a form for Subject table. This table has only three fields: SubjectID, Name, and Description. You need four label controls, four text boxes, one openfiledialog, and one printpreviewdialog. You also need four buttons for navigation, secen buttons for utilities, and one button for searching subject name. Place these controls on the form. You will also build a form for Grade table. This table has seven fields: GradeID, Name, SubjectID, TeacherID, SchoolYear, TimaStart, and TimeFinish. You need to add seven label controls, one text box, four comboxes, and two date time pickers. You also need four buttons for navigation, seven buttons for controlling editing features, one button to open subject form, and one button to open teacher form. In Tutorial 6, you will build a form for Grade_Student table. This table has only three fields: Grade_StudentID, GradeID, and StudentID. You need an input form so that user can edit existing records, delete records, or add new records. The form will also have the capability of navigating from one record to another. You need two label controls and two comboxes. You also need four buttons for navigation, seven buttons for controlling editing features, one button to open grade form, and one button to open student form.



Author: Vivian Siahaan


Published: 2020-09-13

Total Pages: 348



In chapter one, you will learn to know the properties and events of each control in a Windows Visual C# application. You need to learn and know in order to be more familiar when applying them to some applications in this book. In chapter two, you will go through step by step to build a SALES database using MySQL. You will build each table and add associated data fields (along with the necessary keys and indexes). The first field in the Client table is ClientID. Enter the clien ID in the Name Field and select AutoNumber in the Data Type. You define primary key and other indexes which are useful for quick searching. ClientID is a primary field. You will define FamilyName as an index. You then will create Ordering table with three fields: OrderID, ClientID, and OrderDate. You then will create Purchase table with three fields: OrderID, ProductID, and Quantity. And you will create Product table with four fields: ProductID, Description, Price, and QtySold. Before designing Visual C# interface, you will build the relationships between four tables. The interface will be used to enter new orders into the database. The order form will be used to enter the following information into the database: order ID, order date, client ID, client’s first name and family name, client’s address, product information ordered. The form will have the ability to add new orders, find clients, add new clients. The completed order invoice will be provided in a printed report. In chapter three, you will build a database management system where you can store information about valuables in your warehouse. The table will have seven fields: Item (description of the item), Location (where the item was placed), Shop (where the item was purchased), DatePurchased (when the item was purchased), Cost (how much the item cost), SerialNumber (serial number of the item), PhotoFile (path of the photo file of the item), and Fragile (indicates whether a particular item is fragile or not). The development of this Warehouse Inventory Project will be performed, as usual, in a step-by-step manner. You will first create the database. Furthermore, the interface will be built so that the user can view, edit, add, or add data records from the database. Finally, you add code to create a printable list of information from the database. In chapter four, you will build an application that can be used to track daily high and low pollutant PM2.5 and air quality level. The steps that need to be taken in building Siantar Air Quality Index (SAQI) database project are: Build and test a Visual C# interface; Create an empty database using code; and Report database. The designed interface will allow the user to enter max pollutant, min pollutant, and air quality for any date that the user chooses in a particular year. This information will be stored in a database. Graphical result of the data will be provided, along with summary information relating to the maximum value, minimum value, and mean value. You will use a tab control as the main component of the interface. The control has three tabs: one for viewing and editing data, one for viewing graph of pollutant data, and another for viewing graph of air quality data. Each tab on this control operates like a Visual C# control panel. In chapter five, you will perform the steps necessary to build a MySQL book inventory database that contains 4 tables. You will build each table and add the associated fields as needed. You will have four tables in the database and define the relationship between the primary key and foreign key. You will associate AuthorID (foreign key) field in the Title_Author table with AuthorID (primary key) in the Author table. Then, you want to associate the ISBN (foreign key) field in Title_Author table with ISBN (primary key) in the Title table.



Author: Vivian Siahaan


Published: 2020-11-05

Total Pages: 603



BOOK 1: VISUAL BASIC .NET AND DATABASE: PRACTICAL TUTORIALS This book aims to develop a MySQL-driven desktop application that readers can develop for their own purposes to implement library project using Visual Basic .NET. In Tutorial 1, you will build a Visual Basic interface for the database. This interface will used as the main terminal in accessing other forms. This tutorial will also discuss how to create login form and login table. You will create login form. Place on the form one picture box, two labels, one combo box, one text box, and two buttons. In Tutorial 2, you will build a school inventory project where you can store information about valuables in school. The table will have nine fields: Item (description of the item), Quantity, Location (where the item was placed), Shop (where the item was purchased), DatePurchased (when the item was purchased), Cost (how much the item cost), SerialNumber (serial number of the item), PhotoFile (path of the photo file of the item), and Fragile (indicates whether a particular item is fragile or not). In Tutorial 3, you will perform the steps necessary to add 5 new tables using phpMyAdmin into Academy database. You will build each table and add the associated fields as needed. Every table in the database will need input form. In this tutorial, you will build such a form for Author table. Although this table is quite simple (only four fields: AuthorID, Name, BirthDate, and PhotoFile), it provides a basis for illustrating the many steps in interface design. SQL statement is required by the Command object to read fields (sorted by Name). Then, you will build an interface so that the user can maintain the Publisher table in the database (Academy). The Publisher table interface is more or less the same as Author table interface. This Publisher table interface only requires more input fields. So you will use the interface for the Author table and modify it for the Publisher table. In Tutorial 4, you will perform the steps necessary to design and implement title form, library member form, and book borrowal form. You start by designing and testing the basic entry form for book titles. The Title table has nine fields: BookTitle, PublishYear, ISBN, PublisherID, AuthorID, Description, Note, Subject, and Comment. Then, you will build such a form for Member table. This table has twelve fields: MemberID, FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, Status, Ethnicity, Nationality, Mobile, Phone, Religion, Gender, and PhotoFile). You need thirteen label controls, one picture box, six text boxes, four comboxes, one check box, one date time picker, one openfiledialog, and one printpreviewdialog. You also need four buttons for navigation, six buttons for controlling editing features, one button for searching member’s name, and one button to upload member’s photo. Finally, you will build such a form for Borrow table. This table has seven fields: BorrowID, MemberID, BorrowCode, ISBN, BorrowDate, ReturnDate, and Penalty. In this form, you need fourteen label controls, seven text boxes, two comboxes, two date time pickers, and one printpreviewdialog. You also need four buttons for navigation, seven buttons for other utilities, one button to generate borrowal code, and one button to return book. BOOK 2: LEARN FROM SCRATCH VISUAL BASIC .NET WITH MYSQL This book will teach you with step-by-step approach to develop from scratch a MySQL-driven desktop application that readers can develop for their own purposes to implement school database project using Visual Basic .NET. In Tutorial 1, you will perform the steps necessary to add 8 tables using phpMyAdmin into School database that you will create. You will build each table and add the associated fields as needed. In this tutorial, you will also build login form and main form. In Tutorial 2, you will build such a form for Parent table. This table has thirteen fields: ParentID, FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, Status, Ethnicity, Nationality, Mobile, Phone, Religion, Gender, PhotoFile, and FingerFile). You need fourteen label controls, two picture boxes, six text boxes, four comboxes, one check box, one date time picker, one openfiledialog, and one printpreviewdialog. You also need four buttons for navigation, six buttons for other utilities, one button for searching member’s name, one button to upload parent’s photo, and button to upload parent’s finger. Place these controls on the form. In Tutorial 3, you will build such a form for Student table. This table has fifteen fields: StudentID, ParentID, FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, YearEntry, Status, Ethnicity, Nationality, Mobile, Phone, Religion, Gender, PhotoFile, and FingerFile). You need sixteen label controls, two picture boxes, six text boxes, five comboxes, one check box, two date time pickers, one openfiledialog, and one printpreviewdialog. You also need four buttons for navigation, seven buttons for controlling editing features, one button for searching parent’s name, one button to open parent form, one button to upload student’s photo, and one button to upload student’s finger. In Tutorial 4, you will build a form for Teacher table. This table has fifteen fields: TeacherID, RegNumber, FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, Rank, Status, Ethnicity, Nationality, Mobile, Phone, Religion, Gender, PhotoFile, and FingerFile). You need an input form so that user can edit existing records, delete records, or add new records. The form will also have the capability of navigating from one record to another. You need sixteen label controls, one picture box, seven text boxes, five comboxes, one check box, one date time picker, one openfiledialog, and one printpreviewdialog. You also need four buttons for navigation, six buttons for controlling editing features, one button for searching teacher’s name, and one button to upload teacher’s photo. In Tutorial 5, you will build a form for Subject table. This table has only three fields: SubjectID, Name, and Description. You need four label controls, four text boxes, one openfiledialog, and one printpreviewdialog. You also need four buttons for navigation, secen buttons for utilities, and one button for searching subject name. Place these controls on the form. You will also build a form for Grade table. This table has seven fields: GradeID, Name, SubjectID, TeacherID, SchoolYear, TimaStart, and TimeFinish. You need to add seven label controls, one text box, four comboxes, and two date time pickers. You also need four buttons for navigation, seven buttons for controlling editing features, one button to open subject form, and one button to open teacher form. In Tutorial 6, you will build a form for Grade_Student table. This table has only three fields: Grade_StudentID, GradeID, and StudentID. You need an input form so that user can edit existing records, delete records, or add new records. The form will also have the capability of navigating from one record to another. You need two label controls and two comboxes. You also need four buttons for navigation, seven buttons for controlling editing features, one button to open grade form, and one button to open student form.

The Security Development Lifecycle

The Security Development Lifecycle

Author: Michael Howard


Published: 2006

Total Pages: 364



Your customers demand and deserve better security and privacy in their software. This book is the first to detail a rigorous, proven methodology that measurably minimizes security bugs--the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). In this long-awaited book, security experts Michael Howard and Steve Lipner from the Microsoft Security Engineering Team guide you through each stage of the SDL--from education and design to testing and post-release. You get their first-hand insights, best practices, a practical history of the SDL, and lessons to help you implement the SDL in any development organization. Discover how to: Use a streamlined risk-analysis process to find security design issues before code is committed Apply secure-coding best practices and a proven testing process Conduct a final security review before a product ships Arm customers with prescriptive guidance to configure and deploy your product more securely Establish a plan to respond to new security vulnerabilities Integrate security discipline into agile methods and processes, such as Extreme Programming and Scrum Includes a CD featuring: A six-part security class video conducted by the authors and other Microsoft security experts Sample SDL documents and fuzz testing tool PLUS--Get book updates on the Web. For customers who purchase an ebook version of this title, instructions for downloading the CD files can be found in the ebook.

Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems

Author: Kenneth C. Laudon

Publisher: Pearson Educación

Published: 2004

Total Pages: 618

ISBN-13: 9789702605287


Management Information Systems provides comprehensive and integrative coverage of essential new technologies, information system applications, and their impact on business models and managerial decision-making in an exciting and interactive manner. The twelfth edition focuses on the major changes that have been made in information technology over the past two years, and includes new opening, closing, and Interactive Session cases.

MySQL for Python

MySQL for Python

Author: Albert Lukaszewski

Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd

Published: 2010-09-21

Total Pages: 661

ISBN-13: 1849510199


This is a practical, tutorial-style book that includes many examples to demonstrate the full potential of MySQL for Python. Every chapter starts with an explanation of the various areas for using MySQL for Python and ends with work on a sample application using the programming calls just learned. All complicated concepts are broken down to be very easy to understand. Everything in the book is designed to help you learn and use MySQL for Python to address your programming needs in the fastest way possible. This book is meant for intermediate users of Python who want hassle-free access to their MySQL database through Python. If you are a Python programmer who wants database-support in your Python applications, then this book is for you. This book is a must-read for every focused user of the MySQL for Python library who wants real-world applications using this powerful combination of Python and MySQL.

Murach's ASP.NET Core MVC (2nd Edition)

Murach's ASP.NET Core MVC (2nd Edition)

Author: Joel Murach


Published: 2022-11-21

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781943873029


This 2nd Edition of Murachs ASP.NET Core MVC does a better job than ever of delivering the skills you need to develop websites using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern with ASP.NET Core. If you know the basics of C#, youll quickly learn to code the way todays top web professionals do. Each section features clear, beginner-friendly examples and easy-to-understand explanations that walk you through crucial skills, best practices, and helpful tips. Im a first-time customer who has recently purchased your ASP.NET Core MVC book, and I have to say Im greatly impressed. [It] was actually fun from start to finish (and I've read many, many programming books before). - Shannon Fairchild, Senior Software Developer, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Section 1 (just 5 chapters) shows how to develop responsive web apps that follow the MVC pattern so theyll be easy to maintain as they grow and change. Then, it shows how to test and debug these apps using the debugging tools provided by Visual Studio and your browser. Section 2 builds out that set of skills to create more complex controllers, work with Razor views, handle cookies and sessions, work with model binding, validate data, and use EF Core to work with databases. Finally, section 3 presents additional skills that you can learn when you need them. Automate testing by using dependency injection and unit tests. Reduce code duplication by creating custom tag helpers and view components. Control user access to a site with ASP.NET Core Identity. Deploy a site to the cloud with Azure. And use Visual Studio Code, an increasingly popular alternative to the Visual Studio IDE. Every Murach book guarantees high quality. The complete apps show how each feature works in context. The exercises at the end of each chapter let you practice your new skills and gain valuable hands-on experience. And the distinctive paired-pages format is ideal for learning and reference.