Designed for students from a wide range of backgrounds, this text takes a chronological and interdisciplinary approach to human development. With its focus on context and culture, the 8/E illustrates that the status of human development is inextricably embedded in a study of complex and changing cultures.
Desde 1996, los programas de enseñanza bilingüe con lenguas extranjeras están presentes en el panorama educativo español. En los últimos cinco años se ha producido una notable expansión de estos proyectos. Como toda novedad, esta situación platea nuevos retos al profesorado y los centros: ¿Cómo plantear la transmisión de conocimientos en otras lenguas? ¿Cómo conseguir mantener los niveles de rendimiento con el aumento del esfuerzo requerido por parte del alumnado y profesorado? ¿Cómo encontrar materiales didácticos apropiados? ¿Cómo hacer frente a las necesidades lingüísticas y de contenido en cada área? ¿Cómo evaluar los contenidos a través de una segunda lengua? Esta publicación surge con la intención de ofrecer respuestas prácticas a estos cuestionamientos del profesorado. Se presentan propuestas generales de trabajo en el aula, propuestas más específicas de trabajo en distintas áreas curriculares, propuestas de evaluación y vías de trabajo para alumnado con dificultades de aprendizaje de naturaleza lingüística.
This is a practical introduction to bilingualism answering the questions most frequently asked by parents and teachers on raising and educating bilingual children. Both authors draw on their academic expertise and ample field experience to provide straightforward answers, which contemplate multiple types of bilingual families and diverse societal conditions.
Particularly in the humanities and social sciences, festschrifts are a popular forum for discussion. The IJBF provides quick and easy general access to these important resources for scholars and students. The festschrifts are located in state and regional libraries and their bibliographic details are recorded. Since 1983, more than 639,000 articles from more than 29,500 festschrifts, published between 1977 and 2010, have been catalogued.
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: metodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2, provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art account of the main methodologies, contexts and resources in Spanish Language Teaching (SLT), a field that has experienced significant growth world-wide in recent decades and has consolidated as an autonomous discipline within Applied Linguistics. Written entirely in Spanish, the volume is the first handbook on Spanish Language Teaching to connect theories on language teaching with methodological and practical aspects from an international perspective. It brings together the most recent research and offers a broad, multifaceted view of the discipline. Features include: Forty-four chapters offering an interdisciplinary overview of SLT written by over sixty renowned experts from around the world; Five broad sections that combine theoretical and practical components: Methodology; Language Skills; Formal and Grammatical Aspects; Sociocultural Aspects; and Tools and Resources; In-depth reflections on the practical aspects of Hispanic Linguistics and Spanish Language Teaching to further engage with new theoretical ideas and to understand how to tackle classroom-related matters; A consistent inner structure for each chapter with theoretical aspects, methodological guidelines, practical considerations, and valuable references for further reading; An array of teaching techniques, reflection questions, language samples, design of activities, and methodological guidelines throughout the volume. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching contributes to enriching the field by being an essential reference work and study material for specialists, researchers, language practitioners, and current and future educators. The book will be equally useful for people interested in curriculum design and graduate students willing to acquire a complete and up-to-date view of the field with immediate applicability to the teaching of the language.
To promote a broader understanding of the increasingly important role of school psychology in educational systems throughout the world, the editors of this volume collected the works of leading international educators and authorities. Using research from 24 countries, the book provides current information on educational systems and training facilities, psychology services, educational contributions to society, and directions for shaping children's futures through education.
Detección, evaluación, orientación e intervención educativa con relación al alumnado que presenta dificultades en el aprendizaje de la lectura, ya sea en los momentos iniciales o a lo largo de su etapa escolar. En este libro encontraréis situaciones de alumnos y ejemplos con propuestas educativas para que puedan participar y aprender junto a sus compañeros.