This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the issues surrounding freedom of expression, looking at the current legal position in a number of European countries as well as engaging with the wider debates on the topic amongst sociologists, political scientists and economists. In the book Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich addresses recent developments which have had a bearing on the debate including the changes in communication brought about by the internet, and the growing role of the European Union and the Council of Europe.
Hablar de ética en los medios de comunicación, en un momento histórico de crisis moral de valores, no resulta tarea sencilla, por lo que es imprescindible subrayar la importancia y actualidad de una deontología en este ámbito. Hoy en día, tanto estudiantes como profesionales de las ciencias de la información se enfrentan con problemas éticos que exigen tomar decisiones desde el punto de vista moral. Es lo que los anglosajones denominan making ethical decision. A tal efecto, este libro aporta fundamentales contenidos y reflexiones para una correcta resolución de los dilemas éticos en el ejercicio profesional del periodismo y de la comunicación audiovisual. Se abordan temas de actualidad y aplicación práctica como son, entre otros, el tratamiento ético de informaciones sobre violencia y terrorismo; la publicidad engañosa e información subliminal; la ética de los anuncios televisivos; la influencia de la televisión en los niños; la ética del fotógrafo en prensa y los paparazzi; la deontología del contertulio radiofónico; la importancia de la calidad de los contenidos en televisión; la telebasura y la responsabilidad social del cineasta.
This edition of the "Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights," like the volumes that precede it, includes information concerning the activities of the Organization of American States in the promotion and protection of human rights. It begins with the composition of the Commission and Court, including the biographies of the members, 1988 activities of each body, reproductions of resolutions and reports by the Commission and historic correspondences and decisions by the Court. Also included is an update on the status of the American Convention on Human Rights, which reports the relation of each country to that instrument, followed by resolutions adopted in 1988 by the OAS General Assembly. The year 1988 distinguished itself particularly because the Inter-American Court of Human Rights made its first decision on a contentious case, the "Velasquez Rodriguez" case (Honduras). This historic decision is reproduced in Part Three of this volume. Another important 1988 development in the Inter-American system was the Protocol of San Salvador, or Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, reproduced in Part Four. Also included, in its entirety, is a report on the human rights situation in Haiti, a report requested by the Organization of American States Permanent Council in Resolution 502. The "Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights" is completely bilingual (English and Spanish).