In 1914, Luisa writes in a letter to the now Saint, Annibale M. di Francia: “I am finally sending you this handwritten copy of The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. May it all be for His greater Glory. I have also enclosed a few pages where I describe the effects and the beautiful promises that Jesus makes to everyone who meditates these Hours of the Passion. I believe that if whoever meditates on them is a sinner, he will convert; if he is imperfect, he will become perfect; if he is holy, he will become holier; if he is tempted, he will find victory; if suffering, he will find strength, medicine, and comfort in these Hours; if weak and poor, he will find a spiritual food and a mirror in which to look at himself continually and so become beautiful and similar to Jesus, our model”.
The Watchman on the Wall, Volume 2 provides you with 366 days of devotionals in the Word of God with prayers formed from the chapters you study. You will be able to learn and pray God's Word with Him for the sake of those you know and love.
The Time is here the time is now, we're in the last hours not days anymore. For what's a thousand years to my Lord or even a year but minutes in His Kingdom.
In this book, Raymond Leslie Williams traces the themes of history, culture, and identity in Fuentes' work, particularly in his complex, major novel Terra Nostra. He opens with a biography of Fuentes that links his works to his intellectual life, a life that has been centrally concerned with finding and defining the source and character of Latin American culture. The heart of the study is Williams' extensive reading of the novel Terra Nostra, in which Fuentes explores the presence of Spanish culture and history in Latin America. Williams concludes with a look at how Fuentes' other fiction relates to Terra Nostra, including Fuentes' own division of his work into fourteen cycles that he calls "La Edad del Tiempo," and with an interview in which Fuentes discusses his concept of this cyclical division.
Este libro explica en gran detalle y claridad excepcional los asuntos relacionados con el rapto de la Iglesia, el gobierno del Anticristo, la "gran tribulacin", y todos los juicios apocalpticos que Dios derramara sobre el mundo, en los ltimos das. Creemos que el rapto de la Iglesia causara el colapso de las instituciones econmicas, polticas y religiosas a travs de todo el mundo. En ese momento, la humanidad buscara un lder capaz de salvar el mundo, y de ofrecerles paz y seguridad a las gentes. De manera que por aclamacin popular, el mundo le dar la bienvenida a un falso principe que la Biblia llama el Anticristo. Este hombre inspirara las masas, dicindoles lo que ellos quieren or. El Anticristo empujara la humanidad a los niveles ms bajos de degradacin, vicios, inmoralidad, crimen y rebelin abierta contra Dios. El corromper el orden social y moral y como resultado, billones de personas morirn. El hundir la humanidad en oscuridad espiritual y la guiara derecho la perdicin. No nos podemos ni siquiera imaginar el horror y el sufrimiento sin fin que la humanidad experimentara a travs del caos que el Anticristo creara en la Tierra. La Biblia dice que el imperio del Anticristo "devorara, trillara y despedazara" toda la Tierra (Daniel 7:23b VRV). Con respecto a este periodo de sufrimiento humano, el Seor Jess dijo: "Porque aquellos das sern de tribulacin cual nunca ha habido desde el principio de la creacin que Dios creo, hasta este tiempo, ni la habr" (Marcos 13:19 VRV). La "gran tribulacin" ser un periodo caracterizado por guerra, hambre y desastres naturales a gran escala, esparcidos por toda la Tierra. La Biblia dice que 25 y 33 por ciento de la poblacin mundial morir durante ese periodo como resultado de dos eventos globales. Si esos eventos ocurrieran en nuestro tiempo, 3.56 billones de la poblacin del mundo, morira.