Itinerant Jihadis

Itinerant Jihadis

Author: Raphael Israeli

Publisher: Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency

Published: 2017-11-04

Total Pages: 390

ISBN-13: 1681819821


We watch with amazement the Muslim Jihadists of our time, moving from one killing field to another, mobilized, physically and spiritually for the cause of Islam, and risking their lives to accomplish a goal that usually escapes us. It turns out this practice took root since the inception of Islam, and that its miraculous expansion worldwide was due to a great extent to the masses of volunteers who sprang out of Arabia, heading westward until North Africa and the Atlantic, and on the other hand, to the Iberian Peninsula, and on that side of the globe, they conquered the Middle East, Asia Minor, and Central Asia in a sweep the world has known since the Roman Empire. The process of Islam expansion has also produced the great Islamic Empires of the Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, the Muwahhidun of North Africa and Iberia, the Ottoman in the Middle East and the Balkans, and the Moghuls of India. Even after the Islamic empires were defeated and colonized, and from their point of view victimized and humiliated, the revived Islam continued to witness vast movement of volunteer Jihadis, flocking to Afghanistan, then to Iraq and Syria. In contemporary Islam, that movement has come to embrace large numbers of Western Muslims from Europe and the Americas, who have been swept by the exciting idea of a revived Caliphate.

In Their Own Words

In Their Own Words

Author: David Aaron

Publisher: Rand Corporation

Published: 2008-10-15

Total Pages: 349

ISBN-13: 083304690X


This book presents the actual statements and writings of jihadis expressing their views on virtually every subject relevant to their cause. It is not about Islam as it is practiced in its many varieties in Muslim communities throughout the world, nor is it about Islamic fundamentalism or the various Islamist political movements. Rather, it is about a small group of Muslims who carry out and promote terrorism in the name of Islam. Because the jihadis' statements are often more appalling and more profoundly revealing than the accounts that have been written about jihadi terrorism, this book provides unfiltered access to a broad range of the stories, rationales, ideas, and arguments of jihadi terrorists and those who support them. Introductory and contextual material is also included, to provide the background and origins of what the jihadis are saying?to each other and to the world. It is hoped that this will provide greater insights into the motives, plans, and participants in jihadi terrorism, as well as the nature of the threat they pose. Not all of the quotations are from prominent jihadis. Some have been selected because they are representative, others because they are contradictory, and still others because they provide a unique insight into the jihadi mentality.

Becoming Jihadis

Becoming Jihadis

Author: Julie Chernov Hwang

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Published: 2023

Total Pages: 217

ISBN-13: 0197653006


Why does someone join an extremist group? What are the pathways via which individuals join such groups? How does one show commitment to an extremist group? Why does someone participate in acts of terrorism? Drawing on 175 interviews with current and former members of Islamist extremist groups in Indonesia and the Philippines, Becoming Jihadis: Radicalization and Commitment in Southeast Asia answers these questions by exploring the socio-emotional underpinnings of joining an extremist group. This book argues that social ties play a critical role at every juncture in the joining process, from initial engagement to commitment to participation in jihad experiences, paramilitary training, and terrorism. It unpacks the process by which members build a sense of community, connection, solidarity, and brotherhood; how they come to trust and love one another; and how ideology functions as a binding agent, not a cause. Becoming Jihadis draws its conclusions from broad patterns data based on nearly a decade of iterated interviews with current and former members of Islamist extremist groups between 2010 and 2019, as well as partial life histories detailing the journeys of men and women who joined Indonesian and Filipino extremist groups. This book makes a unique contribution to the literature on terrorism and radicalization for students, practitioners, and policymakers.

Political, Social and Religious Studies of the Balkans

Political, Social and Religious Studies of the Balkans

Author: Raphael Israeli and Ana Dimitrovska

Publisher: Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency

Published: 2021-05-24

Total Pages: 358

ISBN-13: 1682353869


This volume explores the roots and centennial development of radical Islam in the Balkans since the rise of early Muslim fundamentalists in the Muslim world in the early 20th century. It also follows current militant Muslim movements, which have grown in the world and were the direct trigger of the Bosnia war (1992-5). The book also clarifies the parallels between the predominant events in the world of Islam during the past century, specific developments in Balkan Islam in general, and of Bosnia in particular.

Misnomers and Cultural Choices

Misnomers and Cultural Choices

Author: Raphael Israeli

Publisher: Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency

Published: 2019-08-06

Total Pages: 436

ISBN-13: 1950860035


Misnomers are often used in international politics to describe issues and situations that use common words, but carry different meanings. For example, tolerance, suicide bombers, women’s equality, and many other words are commonly used by Muslims to make us believe that these words mean the equivalent of the jargon we know, when in fact they cover up dark schemes that depart miles from conventional meanings. • Tolerance means for us to accept others as they are without value/judgment. For Muslims, it means accepting others (often temporarily), despite their inherent inferiority, until converting or dominating them becomes feasible. • Suicide bombers for us means terrorists who do not care for human life, and are prepared to kill themselves together with other targeted enemies. For Muslims, these bombers are holy martyrs who sacrifice themselves for the sake of Allah by killing enemies of Islam, and are assured the bliss of Paradise in the proximity of Allah. • Women are diminished and relegated to a second-rate status in Islam. Women can be beaten and disciplined, while at the same time, equality and special concern is claimed for them. A wide array of examples and situations of Muslim misnomers are cited and elaborated in the book.

While Moderate Muslims Are Repenting, the West Is Capitulating to the Radicals

While Moderate Muslims Are Repenting, the West Is Capitulating to the Radicals

Author: Raphael Israeli

Publisher: Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency

Published: 2022-11-20

Total Pages: 308

ISBN-13: 1682357732


It was paradoxical that under President Trump, who was supposed to be belligerent and irreconcilable, a new avenue of understanding opened up with the Arab world, especially the Gulf States and Egypt. This relationship had gone awry under President Obama, who had started by prostrating himself before the Saudi King and speaking of accommodation and engagement with the Islamic world at Cairo University, but ended up supporting the Muslim Brother government there and condemning the Sisi coup that overturned it. The pragmatic move of President Trump, which scuttled the radical Muslim takeover of many Arab countries in the wake of the abortive “Arab Spring” of the 2010s, also helped open the road to a new era of reconciliation between Israel and the Gulf States, to which were gradually added Morocco, Sudan, and Chad, with more following. This move has launched a new, unprecedented wave of repenting Arab countries besides Egypt and Jordan, which made peace with Israel, discovering that peace and cooperation were more fruitful and promising than vain hatred and repeated battles that resulted only in destruction, death, and loss.

Confucius and Muhammad

Confucius and Muhammad

Author: Raphael Israeli

Publisher: Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency


Total Pages: 332

ISBN-13: 1682355527


In the 19th century, the scramble for colonies in Asia and Africa by Western nations produced international power competition. This generated different forms of reactions by the colonized civilizations to the Western impact on their cultures. This volume, Confucius and Muhammad: Contrasting Responses of China and Islam to Western Intrusion, is based on original historical archival materials. It exemplifies the differential conduct of France and the United Kingdom in China and Morocco, representing Confucian and Islamic responses to the West in terms of modernization.

War and Escalation in South Asia

War and Escalation in South Asia

Author: John E. Peters

Publisher: Rand Corporation

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 121

ISBN-13: 0833038125


The advent of two nuclear powers in South Asia, discoveries of nuclear trafficking, and insurgencies and terrorism that threaten important U.S. interests and objectives directly have transformed the region from a strategic backwater into a primary theater of concern for the United States. The United States, to a great extent free of the restrictions of earlier sanction regimes and attentive to the region's central role in the global war on terrorism (GWOT), has engaged the states of South Asia aggressively with a wide variety of policy initiatives. Despite the diversity of policy instruments, few are very powerful; indeed, only the U.S. military seems to offer many options for Washington to intensify further its security cooperation and influence in the region. This monograph highlights key factors in the region that imperil U.S. interests, and suggests how and where the U.S. military might play an expanded, influential role. The report notes that the current U.S. military force posture, disposition, and lines of command may not be optimal, given South Asia's new status in the U.S. strategic calculus, and suggests seven key steps the military might take to improve its ability to advance and defend U.S. interests, not only in South Asia, but beyond it, including the Middle East and Asia at large. Beyond the specifics, however, the broader message arising from this analysis is straightforward: the region's salience for U.S. policy interests has increased dramatically. It is therefore prudent to intensify Washington's involvement in the region and to devote the resources necessary to become more influential with the governments within the region. Given the area's potential for violence, it is also prudent to shape a part of the U.S. military to meet the potential crises emanating from South Asia, just as the United States once shaped its military presence in Western Europe for the contingencies of the Cold War.

Political, Social and Religious Studies of the Balkans

Political, Social and Religious Studies of the Balkans

Author: General Editor: Raphael Israeli, Jerusalem, Israel

Publisher: Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency

Published: 2021-01-08

Total Pages: 850

ISBN-13: 1682352900


Since the end of the Bosnia War in 1995, a tradition was embraced by the West of vilifying the Serbs as the villains, and the Muslims as their victims. This necessitated the military intervention of the U.S. and NATO on the Muslim side, which caused an untold travesty of justice to the Serbs. For indeed, there was enough blame to go around to condemn all parties in that war, including Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, of committing massacres and huge abuses of the other parties. To single out the Serbs as the bad guys simply distorts the facts. This collective volume, which is the product of a Commission of Inquiry, worked 18 months on this project, redressing the balance based on a meticulous and well-documented report about the process of this inquiry, step by step.

Retreating from the Mirage of Multi-Culturalism?

Retreating from the Mirage of Multi-Culturalism?

Author: Raphael Israeli

Publisher: Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency

Published: 2018

Total Pages: 396

ISBN-13: 1948858622


Government strategies for immigration in the Western world are changing. This follows decades in which the West enthusiastically embraced a policy of multiculturalism, hoping to integrate the critical mass of Muslim immigrants arriving in Europe. Some have come in search of economic opportunity; others are legitimate political refugees fleeing tyranny, oppression, and persecution. Multiculturalism, however, became an ideology so deeply and wholly adopted by certain Western governments, as to trigger processes of separatism instead of integration, while efforts to accord citizenship and facilitate assimilation have instead created undercurrents of revivalist Islam. The resulting policy has deteriorated into anger and frustration, leading some new immigrants to support terrorism against their host countries, and to participate in planning and initiating acts of violence in Britain, Spain, France, Germany, and Belgium. In view of this, some host countries have begun to rethink the benefits of multi-culturalism, adjusting to a new policy seeking the integration of Muslim minorities, not through recognizing and cultivating their separate identities, but through imposing the dominating culture of the adopted country. Case studies include Holland, Britain, and Israel.