This book covers the multi-faceted incentives, trade-offs, and challenges associated with the economics and politics of resource efficiency investments. By contributing a wide range of empirical evidence, practitioners' insights, and policy perspectives, this book carefully examines the role of resource efficiency in reconciling environmental and economic considerations. It also discusses the critical role of resource efficiency investments in mitigating climate change and enabling sustainable development. Featuring expert insights from academia, the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, this book provides a policy oriented guide, reference, and toolbox for unlocking the potential of resource efficiency. To this end, it identifies practical measures for overcoming barriers and creating smart incentives for leveraging resource efficiency investments. Overall, this book brings together evidence to develop innovative ideas and strategies for improving the efficient use of resources and advancing clean and sustainable development. "This book is an important and timely contribution", Angel Gurria, Secretary General, OECD
The Jevons Paradox, which was first expressed in 1865 by William Stanley Jevons in relation to use of coal, states that an increase in efficiency in using a resource leads to increased use of that resource rather than to a reduction. This has subsequently been proved to apply not just to fossil fuels, but other resource use scenarios. For example, doubling the efficiency of food production per hectare over the last 50 years (due to the Green Revolution) did not solve the problem of hunger. The increase in efficiency increased production and worsened hunger because of the resulting increase in population. The implications of this in todays world are substantial. Many scientists and policymakers argue that future technological innovations will reduce consumption of resources; the Jevons Paradox explains why this may be a false hope. This is the first book to provide a historical overview of the Jevons Paradox, provide evidence for its existence and apply it to complex systems. Written and edited by world experts in the fields of economics, ecological economics, technology and the environment, it explains the myth of efficiency and explores its implications for resource usage (particularly oil). It is a must-read for policymakers, natural resource managers, academics and students concerned with the effects of efficiency on resource use.
This edition of the OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook reviews developments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic for government borrowing needs, funding conditions and funding strategies in the OECD area.
This report responds to the request by G7 Leaders at the Schloss Elmau Summit in June 2015, for the OECD to develop policy guidance on resource efficiency.
ENERGY EFFICIENCY uses an applied scientific methodology and case studies to demonstrate and support: The need for the U.S. and the world to commit to energy and resource efficiency as the central goal in investing in electric, heat, and cooling infrastructure, the huge economic opportunity for using the inefficiency built into 20th century energy supply systems, especially, electric, to pay for the upgrades, replacements, and new production and distribution systems of the 21st century, the importance of adopting a standard, web-based energy infrastructure investment decision-making and risk management tool that will serve as a communication medium for all stakeholders to evaluate and compare energy infrastructure investment options and manage investment risks, expansions of the U.S. ‘smart’ grid investment to include evaluation and risk management of energy systems infrastructure investments not just electricity operations, the need to adopt a ‘framework’ for utilities, energy service companies, and customers to work together to close business deals, communicate and manage risks, and realize profits.
Sustainability thinking is rapidly gaining traction. It offers an inspiring vision for the future of the world and provides significant business and investment opportunities. Based on insights from over 300 empirical studies, this book explores the possibilities in the field of renewable energy finance, carbon trading, and sustainable investing. In addition, it describes innovative finance mechanisms – such as green bonds and peer-to-peer lending – that may further spur environmental and social sustainability. By taking an empirical, fact-based approach, this book aims to provide investors, business executives, and policymakers with a more thorough understanding of how sustainable finance can create value for business and society. Key words: Sustainable finance, renewable energy finance, cleantech, green investing, sustainable investments, responsible investments, carbon trading, carbon finance, ESG, impact investing.
While energy efficiency projects could partly meet new energy demand more cheaply than new supplies, weak economic institutions in developing and transitional economies impede developing and financing energy efficiency retrofits. This book analyzes these difficulties, suggests a 3-part model for projectizing and financing energy efficiency retrofits, and presents thirteen case studies to illustrate the issues and principles involved.
The adverse environmental impacts from inefficient building construction increase if measures to reduce energy and resource use, through stringent building policies and efficient technology, are not implemented in developed and developing countries. To illustrate a holistic approach to reducing buildings’ energy and resources, the comparison of energy efficient and green buildings in terms of their technological aspects and their policy context in developed and developing countries, mainly in Europe, the USA and India, is presented together with a policy package recommendation for Nepal. A quality review of multiple literature sources, supported by various expert opinions, were the methods used for this in-depth analysis. It discusses that mandatory building standards, voluntary labels, information instruments and financial incentives are the most effective combination for the shift towards market transformation, that results in a higher share of energy efficient and green buildings. The lesson such as higher compliance with, and enforcement of, building energy standards can be seen in developed countries (e.g. Germany). Looking at a building’s life cycle perspective, it is not sufficient to focus solely on operational energy reduction in higher energy efficient buildings as this is achieved by the increased use of energy intensive materials. Green requirements must be considered in updating building energy standards and labels, particularly for developed countries. Green building certification will also become more effective when the stringency of energy standards is higher and when the whole building life cycle assessment is considered. Due to the increasing scarcity of energy and resources, many developing countries are forced to face up to the need for holistic green buildings. Although baseline standards are not as high as in most developed countries and national financial support is low, the gradual move towards making the standards more stringent and incorporating the wider scope of resource saving are positive developments in developing countries (e.g. India). However, to achieve significant success, strategies must include the establishment of a suitable funding environment, a political commitment and a strong government vision for long term and sustainable building construction. The challenges faced by Nepal are even greater due to the fast pace of urban growth and the absence of energy and resource efficient buildings policies, highlighting the need for an effective policy package. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates how energy efficient and green buildings are interlinked. Green buildings reinforced with higher levels of energy efficiency and energy efficient buildings incorporating green requirements are stepping-stones for achieving greater building energy and resource efficiencies. And a suitable policy package fosters its development. Nachteilige Umweltwirkungen eines ineffizienten Bausektors nehmen zu, wenn Maßnahmen zur Reduktion des Energie- und Ressourcenbedarfs in Form stringenter Gebäudepolitiken und effizienter Technologie in Industrieländer und Entwicklungsländer nicht umgesetzt werden. Um einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zur Reduktion des Energie- und Ressourcenbedarfs von Gebäuden abzubilden, werden energieeffiziente und grüne Gebäude hinsichtlich technologischer Aspekte und ihres Politikkontextes in Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern verglichen. Die Analysen beziehen sich hauptsächlich auf Europa, die USA und Indien und werden ergänzt um Empfehlungen für ein Maßnahmenpaket für Nepal. Ein Review unterschiedlicher Literaturquellen, unterstützt durch diverse Expertenmeinungen, stellt die methodische Grundlage für diese detaillierte Analyse dar. Es diskutiert dass Bauvorschriften und -standards, freiwillige Label, Informationsinstrumente und finanzielle Anreize bilden die effektivste Kombination für die Einleitung einer Markttransformation, die schließlich zu einem höheren Anteil energieeffizienter und grüner Gebäude führt. Gute Beispiele einer höheren Beachtung von Gebäudeenergiestandards und deren Weiterentwicklung existieren in verschiedenen Industrieländern wie Deutschland. Unter Berücksichtigung des Lebenszyklus von Gebäuden ist es nicht ausreichend, nur die Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs in der Nutzungsphase der Gebäude zu beachten, weil diese den Einsatz von Materialien mit hohem Energieverbrauch in der Herstellung bedeuten kann. Grüne Anforderungen muss in der zukünftigen Entwicklung von Gebäudeenergiestandards und -labels berücksichtigt werden, insbesondere in Industrieländern. Die Zertifizierung grüner Gebäude wird auch effektiver werden, wenn Energiestandards verschärft werden und wenn vollständige Gebäude-Ökobilanzen berücksichtigt werden. Auf Grund steigender Knappheit von Energie und Ressourcen sind viele Entwicklungsländer gezwungen, sich der Notwendigkeit grüner Gebäude zu stellen. Obwohl das Niveau von Mindeststandards unterhalb dessen der meisten entwickelten Ländern liegt und die finanzielle Unterstützung gering ist, sind die schrittweise Verschärfung der Standards und die Einbeziehung der weiteren Perspektive der Ressourcenschonung positive Entwicklungen in Entwicklungsländer wie Indien. Um erfolgreich zu sein, müssen bestehende Strategien umfasst werden, an die Schaffung eines geeigneten Förderrahmens, die politische Bekenntnis und eine starke Regierungsvision für einen langfristigen und nachhaltigen Bausektor. Die Herausforderungen, mit denen Nepal konfrontiert wird, sind noch umfangreicher. Sie resultieren aus einem schnellen urbanen Wachstum und dem Fehlen von energie- und ressourceneffizienten Gebäudepolitiken. Die Erforderlichkeit eines effektiven Maßnahmenpakets für Nepal wird hierdurch unterstrichen. Insgesamt wird hierdurch der Zusammenhang zwischen energieeffizienten und grünen Gebäuden aufgezeigt. Die verstärkte Berücksichtigung von Energieeffizienz in grünen Gebäuden sowie von Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen in energieeffizienten Gebäude sind Sprungbretter für die verbesserte Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz von Gebäuden. Eine solche Entwicklung wird durch ein geeignetes Maßnahmenpaket unterstützt.