Amerikansk militærhistorie. Oversigt over infanteriregimenterne i den amerikanske hær (US Army). Data, heraldik, udmærkelser, motto m.m. Afbildning af våbenskjolde og afdelingsmærker.
This work provides an organizational history of the maneuver brigade and case studies of its employment throughout the various wars. Apart from the text, the appendices at the end of the work provide a ready reference to all brigade organizations used in the Army since 1917 and the history of the brigade colors.
Amerikansk militærhistorie, amerikanske hær's historie. Army Almanac for 1959. Udkom første gang i 1950 (dette ex. er på DEPOT I-1159). KGB har1959-udgaven med ajourførte oplysninger på Læsesalen. En form for grundbog om US Army. Indeholder alle mulige nyttige oplysninger og informationer om den amerikanske hær, organisation, opdeling, enheder, uddannelse, officerskorpset, veteraner, material, våben, uniformer, udrustning, efterretningsvirksomhed, logistikområdet, militærlove, dekorationer og belønninger, oversigt over generaler, hærens relationer til det civile, m.m. samt afsnit om USA's deltagelse i krige og væbnede konflikter fra Uafhængighedskrigene i 1775 til Koreakrigen i 1950, væbnede konflikter, "småkrige", m.m.
Formed in 1916, the U.S. Army 31st Infantry Regiment--known as the Polar Bears--has fought in virtually every war in modern American history. This richly illustrated chronicle of the regiment's century of combat service covers their exploits on battlefields from Manila to Siberia--including Pork Chop Hill, Nui Chom Mountain and Iraq's Triangle of Death--along with their survival during the Bataan Death March and the years of brutal captivity that followed.
The parachute infantry regiments were among the most highly decorated US Army units of World War II, and between them they saw action right across the world. The elite nature of these units led to them being committed to action not only in the way that had been intended; their quality tempted commanders to keep them in the line longer than their light armament justified, and they were tested to the limit. This engaging study traces the story of each of the 17 regiments, from their creation and training in the USA, through their deployments overseas, to their combat jumps and all their battles. The book is illustrated with wartime photographs, many previously unpublished, and eight full-colour plates detailing the specifics of their uniforms, insignia, and equipment practices, which often differed from unit to unit.
This book looks at several troop categories based on primary function and analyzes the ratio between these categories to develop a general historical ratio. This ratio is called the Tooth-to-Tail Ratio. McGrath's study finds that this ratio, among types of deployed US forces, has steadily declined since World War II, just as the nature of warfare itself has changed. At the same time, the percentage of deployed forces devoted to logistics functions and to base and life support functions have increased, especially with the advent of the large-scale of use of civilian contractors. This work provides a unique analysis of the size and composition of military forces as found in historical patterns. Extensively illustrated with charts, diagrams, and tables. (Originally published by the Combat Studies Institute Press)