Illuminating The Star Clusters And Dwarf Galaxies by Multi-scale Baryonic Simulations

Illuminating The Star Clusters And Dwarf Galaxies by Multi-scale Baryonic Simulations

Author: Moupiya Maji


Published: 2018

Total Pages:



Over the past decade, advances in computational architecture have made it possiblefor the first time to investigate some of the fundamental questions around the birthand the growth of the building blocks of the universe; star clusters and galaxies. Inthese stellar and star-forming systems, baryonic physics play an important role indetermining their formation and evolution. Therefore, in my research, I have exploredstar-forming systems using high resolution baryonic cosmological simulations andexplored the origin of star clusters, anisotropic spatial distribution of satellite galaxiesand the effect of reionization on the evolution of dwarf galaxies.Observations of globular clusters show that they have universal lognormal massfunctions with a characteristic peak at 2 10^5MSun , although the origin of this peakeddistribution is unclear. Here I have investigated the formation and evolution of starclusters (SCs) in interacting galaxies using high-resolution hydrodynamical simulationsperformed with two different codes. I have found that massive star clusters in therange of 10^5.5 10^7.5 MSun form preferentially in extremely high-pressure gas cloudsin highly-shocked regions produced by galaxy interactions. These findings provide thefirst simulation confirmation of the analytical theory of high pressure induced clusterformation. Furthermore, these massive star clusters have quasi-lognormal initial massfunctions with a peak around 106 M . The number of clusters declines with timedue to destructive processes, but the shape and the peak of the mass functions do notchange significantly during the course of galaxy collisions. These results suggest thatgas-rich galaxy mergers provide a favorable environment for the formation of globularclusters and that the lognormal mass functions and the unique peak may originatefrom the extreme high-pressure conditions of the birth clouds and may survive thedynamical evolution.Observations of classical Milky Way satellites suggest that they are aligned in aplane inclined to the Galactic stellar disk, a phenomenon which later became knownas the disk of satellites(DoS). However, N-body simulations of galaxies predict anisotropic distribution of subhalos around the host galaxy and this discrepancy hasbeen strongly criticized as a failure of CDM. In this thesis, I have explored this highlydebated topic by reanalyzing the observations and exploring the satellite distributions in high-resolution baryonic simulations. In particular, I have demonstrated that asmall sample size can artificially produce a highly anisotropic spatial distributionand a strong clustering of the angular momenta of the satellites and have shownthat the current Milky way DoS is transient. Furthermore, I have analyzed twocosmological simulations using the same initial conditions of a Milky-Way-sizedgalaxy, an N-body run with dark matter only, and a hydrodynamic one with bothbaryonic and dark matter, and found that the hydrodynamic simulation producesa more anisotropic distribution of satellites than the N-body one. These resultssuggest that an anisotropic distribution of satellites in galaxies can originate frombaryonic processes in the hierarchical structure formation model, but the claimedhighly flattened, coherently rotating DoS of the Milky Way may be biased by the small number selection effect. Finally, I have investigated the distribution and kinematicsof satellites around a large sample of few thousand host galaxies in the Illustrissimulation and found that the DoS become more isotropic with increasing numberof satellites and no clear coherent rotation is found in most ( 90%) of the satellitesystems. Furthermore, their overall evolution indicates that the DoS may be part oflarge scale filamentary structure. These findings can help resolve the contradictoryclaims of DoS in galaxies and show that baryonic processes may be the key to solvethe so-called small scale CDM problems.Additionally, I have also explored the effects of reionization on the star formationhistories of dwarfs galaxies, using a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation of MilkyWay and its satellite galaxies. I have found that most dwarfs are extremely old systemsand star formation is quenched earlier in lower mass galaxies. During reionization,most of the lower mass dwarfs are destroyed while the remaining massive dwarfsbecome severely baryon deficient. The dwarf galaxies play a very important role inshaping the path of cosmic history, especially in terms of reionization. Observingand studying the ultra-faint dwarfs hold the key to understanding the physics of earlyuniverse in great depth.

The Local Group and Its Dwarf Galaxy Members in the Standard Model of Cosmology

The Local Group and Its Dwarf Galaxy Members in the Standard Model of Cosmology

Author: Azadeh Fattahi


Published: 2017

Total Pages:



According to the current cosmological paradigm, ``Lambda Cold Dark Matter'' (LambdaCDM), only ~20% of the gravitating matter in the universe is made up of ordinary (i.e. baryonic) matter, while the rest consists of invisible dark matter (DM) particles, which existence can be inferred from their gravitational influence on baryonic matter and light. Despite the large success of the LambdaCDM model in explaining the large scale structure of the Universe and the conditions of the early Universe, there has been debate on whether this model can fully explain the observations of low mass (dwarf) galaxies. The Local Group (LG), which hosts most of the known dwarf galaxies, is a unique laboratory to test the predictions of the LambdaCDM model on small scales. I analyze the kinematics of LG members, including the Milky~Way-Andromeda (MW-M31) pair and dwarf galaxies, in order to constrain the mass of the LG. I construct samples of LG analogs from large cosmological N-body simulations, according to the following kinematics constraints: (a) the separation and relative velocity of the MW-M31 pair; (b) the receding velocity of dwarf galaxies in the outskirts of the LG. I find that these constraints yield a median total mass of 2*10^#x12; solar masses for the MW and M31, but with a large uncertainty. Based on the mass and the kinematics constraints, I select twelve LG candidates for the APOSTLE simulations project. The APOSTLE project consists of high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of the LG candidates, using the EAGLE galaxy formation model. I show that dwarf satellites of MW and M31 analogs in APOSTLE are in good agreement with observations, in terms of number, luminosity and kinematics. There have been tensions between the observed masses of LG dwarf spheroidals and the predictions of N-body simulations within the LambdaCDM framework; simulations tend to over-predict the mass of dwarfs. This problem is known as the ``too-big-to-fail'' problem. I find that the enclosed mass within the half-light radii of Galactic classical dwarf spheroidals, is in excellent agreement with the simulated satellites in APOSTLE, and that there is no too-big-to-fail problem in APOSTLE simulations. A few factors contribute in solving the problem: (a) the mass of haloes in hydrodynamical simulations are lower compared to their N-body counterparts; (b) stellar mass-halo mass relation in APOSTLE is different than the ones used to argue for the too-big-to-fail problem; (c) number of massive satellites correlates with the virial mass of the host, i.e. MW analogs with virial masses above ~ 3*10^#x12; solar masses would have faced too-big-to-fail problems; (d) uncertainties in observations were underestimated in previous works. Stellar mass-halo mass relation in APOSTLE predicts that all isolated dwarf galaxies should live in haloes with maximum circular velocity (V_max) above 20 km/s. Satellite galaxies, however, can inhabit lower mass haloes due to tidal stripping which removes mass from the inner regions of satellites as they orbit their hosts. I examine all satellites of the MW and M31, and find that many of them live in haloes less massive than V_max=20 km/s. I additionally show that the low mass population is following a different trend in stellar mass-size relation compared to the rest of the satellites or field dwarfs. I use stellar mass-halo mass relation of APOSTLE field galaxies, along with tidal stripping trajectories derived in Penarrubia et al., in order to predict the properties of the progenitors of the LG satellites. According to this prediction, some satellites have lost a significant amount of dark matter as well as stellar mass. Cra~II, And~XIX, XXI, and XXV have lost 99 per-cent of their stellar mass in the past. I show that the mass discrepancy-acceleration relation of dwarf galaxies in the LG is at odds with MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) predictions, whereas tidal stripping can explain the observations very well. I compare observed velocity dispersion of LG satellites with the predicted values by MOND. The observations and MOND predictions are inconsistent, in particular in the regime of ultra faint dwarf galaxies.

An Investigation Into the Effects of Baryons on Satellite Galaxies in Cosmological Simulations

An Investigation Into the Effects of Baryons on Satellite Galaxies in Cosmological Simulations

Author: Sheehan Ahmed


Published: 2017

Total Pages: 72



Cosmological N-body simulations are essential tools in verifying and analyzing the details of the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) paradigm of the Universe. In this work I analyze the effects of baryons in these simulations by comparing cosmological, zoom-in simulations with baryons (gas and stars) to their dark matter-only counterparts, specifically focusing on the statistics and kinematics of satellite galaxies. Initially I investigate the formation of planes of satellites around Milky Way-sized galaxies and compare them to the satellite planes around the Milky Way and Andromeda. Then I focus on the masses and velocities of satellite galaxies around dwarf galaxies (100 to 1000 times less massive than the Milky Way) and quantify the parameters that control the differences that exist in these satellites between the dark matter-only and the baryonic simulations.

Bang to Eternity and Betwixt

Bang to Eternity and Betwixt

Author: John Hussey

Publisher: John Hussey

Published: 2014-07-31

Total Pages: 3555



Covering the Cosmos from before the Big Bang through to the creation of our universe and up to but not including our arrival on stage; our will is not yet imposed, we had no hand, act nor part in its provisions, beyond investigating to understand what has been delivered us. The many aspects of the Cosmos are melded, in a headline driven style, to paint a cohesive picture as well as allowing the reader choose to delve further where they may choose to paint their personal picture. Cosmos – includes; • The creation mechanism for our Universe and why there exists a possible Multiverse. • The creation mechanisms of the galaxies with their diversity of Star types. • The space exploration of our Solar System. • The Earth and Moon from their birth to their life driving engines for our planet. • The evolutionary processes that led to our arrival on the planet. • Our natural world with its great events. • Documentary video links on all topics of the book are included. The story is factual in manner, in the proper tradition of reporting, no personal opinions are expressed. The life stories of the standout personalities, in text and video, without whom what is now known, could not have been unraveled, in the case of Cosmos, they are; • Galileo Galilei • Isaac Newton • Albert Einstein • Charles Darwin This is a Video Book, vBook, beyond its text there are 150+ video titles, 100+ viewing hours, downloaded and stored locally on your computer, to be able to watch anytime, offline, without the need for local internet connection. Google ‘Cosmos’ and you get about 27,800,000 search results, so over these last several years I’ve searched out the best documentary videos with their hyperlinks included here, blending their content to report cohesively, supplementing, where appropriate, from Wikipedia and also include those hyperlinks for readers wanting to delve further. The ‘List of Contents’ runs to 6 levels to provide a form of map to the reader as the reporting sequence is not a mere chronology of Cosmic events, it delves, as necessary into the stories as to how the events became understood to us. There is a 7th level, hyperlinked, at its base, which brings further background content, from Wikipedia, to those who choose to read further into any of the topics. The ‘Index’ allows navigation for the reader who has specific interests to investigate through the fabric of the report. The ‘Text’ is structured to 4 levels beginning with the primary, headline driven, main body content followed by relevant Wikipedia extracts, indented in purple, for those choosing to read further into a particular topic through to hyperlinked Wikipedia - Full Article text within the book and in turn out to the website itself. For the reader that wants to stay with the big picture, main body content, there is a “Skip” link to take you past each of the extracts, on to the next headline title and main body content. There are 150+ video content links delivering 100+ hours of viewing time, of the best documentary film available online. The main sequence structure is; • Cosmology – Universe & Multiverse • Geology – Earth & Moon • Biology – Life – Plant & Animal • Ecology – Evolution & Environment – Plant, Animal & Human Special Edition There is also a Special Edition of this book available for US$49.95 which streams all video content from a secure Cloud Drive; therefore, video content cannot be removed by third party video platform providers such as YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo….. This Standard Edition streams from these. The Cloud Drive Server also allows you conveniently download to your local drive, as much video content as you choose, to watch, offline, at a time that best suits you. To view or purchase, paste the books ASIN: B00LEWY5WW into the Kindle Store search box. If you've any queries, feel welcome to contact [email protected]

New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics

New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Author: National Research Council

Publisher: National Academies Press

Published: 2011-02-04

Total Pages: 324

ISBN-13: 0309157994


Driven by discoveries, and enabled by leaps in technology and imagination, our understanding of the universe has changed dramatically during the course of the last few decades. The fields of astronomy and astrophysics are making new connections to physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science. Based on a broad and comprehensive survey of scientific opportunities, infrastructure, and organization in a national and international context, New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics outlines a plan for ground- and space- based astronomy and astrophysics for the decade of the 2010's. Realizing these scientific opportunities is contingent upon maintaining and strengthening the foundations of the research enterprise including technological development, theory, computation and data handling, laboratory experiments, and human resources. New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics proposes enhancing innovative but moderate-cost programs in space and on the ground that will enable the community to respond rapidly and flexibly to new scientific discoveries. The book recommends beginning construction on survey telescopes in space and on the ground to investigate the nature of dark energy, as well as the next generation of large ground-based giant optical telescopes and a new class of space-based gravitational observatory to observe the merging of distant black holes and precisely test theories of gravity. New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics recommends a balanced and executable program that will support research surrounding the most profound questions about the cosmos. The discoveries ahead will facilitate the search for habitable planets, shed light on dark energy and dark matter, and aid our understanding of the history of the universe and how the earliest stars and galaxies formed. The book is a useful resource for agencies supporting the field of astronomy and astrophysics, the Congressional committees with jurisdiction over those agencies, the scientific community, and the public.

Galaxies in the Local Volume

Galaxies in the Local Volume

Author: Bärbel Silvia Koribalski

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2009-04-29

Total Pages: 375

ISBN-13: 1402069332


This timely book presents an overview of the galaxies within the Local Volume, including the Local Group and our closest neighbours, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. Presented here are the latest results from radio, infrared and optical surveys as well as detailed multi-wavelength studies of individual galaxies. The book aims to provide a vibrant forum for presentations and discussions across a broad range of astrophysical topics.

Outskirts of Galaxies

Outskirts of Galaxies

Author: Johan H. Knapen

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2017-07-09

Total Pages: 367

ISBN-13: 3319565702


This book consists of invited reviews written by world-renowned experts on the subject of the outskirts of galaxies, an upcoming field which has been understudied so far. These regions are faint and hard to observe, yet hide a tremendous amount of information on the origin and early evolution of galaxies. They thus allow astronomers to address some of the most topical problems, such as gaseous and satellite accretion, radial migration, and merging. The book is published in conjunction with the celebration of the end of the four-year DAGAL project, an EU-funded initial training network, and with a major international conference on the topic held in March 2016 in Toledo. It thus reflects not only the views of the experts, but also the scientific discussions and progress achieved during the project and the meeting. The reviews in the book describe the most modern observations of the outer regions of our own Galaxy, and of galaxies in the local and high-redshift Universe. They tackle disks, haloes, streams, and accretion as observed through deep imaging and spectroscopy, and guide the reader through the various formation and evolution scenarios for galaxies. The reviews focus on the major open questions in the field, and explore how they can be tackled in the future. This book provides a unique entry point into the field for graduate students and non-specialists, and serves as a reference work for researchers in this exciting new field.

The Formation of the Milky Way

The Formation of the Milky Way

Author: E. J. Alfaro

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 1995-08-03

Total Pages: 384

ISBN-13: 9780521481779


This review examines all the key physical processes involved in the formation and evolution of the Milky Way, based on an international meeting held in Granada (Spain).