Career Secret Sauce provides a roadmap to help young people launch their careers on a successful path. The core strategies come from the author's 30-year career rising from clerk to CEO and are augmented with profiles of nine additional exemplary individuals.
Career Planning Strategies is designed to be used by anyone looking to enter into a new career or job field. This text will help students discover career happiness and job satisfaction. The approach of this text goes beyond the one-shot job hunt. It shows students how to be continuously in charge of their career. The focus of Career Planning Strategies is on planning. Planning involves developing a systematic approach to the direction students want their working life to take. The approach described in this book not only sets the plan, but shows students how to implement it as well. Excellent source for resume material Helps prepare students for interviews Applicable for senior seminar courses For junior/senior career planning courses
New technologies and widespread corporate restructuring have created tremendous growth opportunities. Many people are looking for new jobs in small businesses, while others wish to upgrade their skills. This book provides detailed descriptions of all major office, managerial, and sales jobs. Also includes a job search section and data on more than 500 jobs.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
Today’s job market has inspired many in the work force to reevaluate their career choices and to reinvent themselves. Careers with Dogs is an engaging resource book for anyone who wants to learn about the many and varied canine-related jobs available today. From veterinary technician and medical specialist to dog trainer and professional handler, this comprehensive volume covers every imaginable job, offering advice to recent high school and college graduates as well as adults seeking a new profession. Each chapter provides information on individual occupations, in-depth narratives about a day-in-the-life of a professional on the job, the education and training required, salary and job forecast information, as well as an up-to-date listing of resources and career sites to help the hopefuls find their place in the dog-eat-dog world. Careers with Dogs is the best and most complete source on the market for all those who love dogs and want to realize their career potential in a dog-centric industry.