Poetry. The poems in Jessica Walsh's HOW TO BREAK MY NECK are alive, visceral, and softly twitching. Each section beginning with different famous last words, these poems interrogate hard-hitting themes of purpose, mortality, and legacy with beautifully playful language. Whether discussing summer camp or a shark in a tsunami, these poems illuminate what it feels like to live, to be breakable.
Introduction. Bone Biology. Anatomical Terminology. Skull. Dentition. Hyoid and Vertebrae. Thorax: Sternum and Ribs. Shoulder Girdle: Clavicle and Scapula. Arm: Humerus, Radius, Ulna. Hand: Carpals, Metacarpals, and Phalanges. Pelvic Girdle: Sacrum, Coccyx, and Os Coxae. Leg: Femur, Patella, Tibia, and Fibula. Foot: Tarsals, Metatarsals, and Phalanges. Recovery, Preparation, and Curation of Skeletal Remains. Analysis and Reporting of Skeletal Remains. Ethics in Osteology. Assessment of Age, Sex, Stature, Ancestry, and Identity. Osteological and Dental Pathology. Postmortem Skeletal Modification. The Biology of Skeletal Populations: Discrete Traits, Distance, Diet, Disease, and Demography. Molecular Osteology. Forensic Case Study: Homicide: "We Have the Witnesses but No Body." Forensic Case Study: Child Abuse, The Skeletal Perspective. Archaeological Case Study: Anasazi Remains from Cottonwood Canyon. Paleontological Case Study: The Pit of the Bones. Paleontological Case Study: Australopitheus Mandible from Maka, Ethiopia. Appendix: Photographic Methods and Provenance. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
Darkly beautiful, funny yet self-aware, 'Break My Curse' takes tropes from werewolf romance lore and turns them on their head. A lovely tale about love, found family, and forgiveness. After a lonely trek across the US, Chris Navarro is offered a home with the strange but charming Cain clan—much to the dismay of Noah Cain who hates everything about Chris at first sight. But as Chris and Noah start getting closer, Chris learns about the family's tragic past, and secrets start to unravel. To help the family he has come to cherish and save the man he loves, Chris has no choice but to throw himself headfirst into a war that's been raging since before he was born.
This highly illustrated book explains the effects of scars and adhesions on the body through the lens of biotensegrity, a concept that recognizes the role of physical forces on their formation, structure and treatment. It includes contributions from specialists in the fields of fascial anatomy, biotensegrity, movement, surgery and other manual therapies. It takes a comprehensive approach to providing a better understanding of these complex issues and will be valuable to every hands-on practitioner. The text is supported with online videos demonstrating five ScarWork therapeutic techniques.
Підручник призначений для тренування та контролю знань з практики усного та писемного англійського мовлення студентів старших курсів філологічних факультетів педагогічних та мовних вищих навчальних закладів III—IV рівнів акредитації. У підручнику містяться коротки анотації щодо лексичних особливостей вживання найбільш поширених фразових дієслів та синонімів сучасної англійської мови, які супроводжуються низкою вправ і тестів для закріплення вивченого матеріалу. У підручнику реалізовано комплексний підхід до пояснення словникових та контекстуальних значень синонімів, систематизовано найновіші граматичні сполучення фразових дієслів, використано інноваційні практики засвоєння мовного матеріалу. Методика викладу матеріалу, запропоновані вправи та тести відповідають вимогам, що передбачені програмою вивчення іноземної мови на рівнях Upper-Intermediate та Advanced (бакалавр та магістр). Подаються також індивідуальні навчально-дослідні та практичні завдання, спрямовані на формування вмінь у студентів моделювати та відтворювати різні комунікативні ситуації. Адресований студентам-філологам, корисним буде вчителям англійської мови, учням старших класів, усім, хто прагне оволодіти сучасною англійською мовою.
These twelve dazzling stories from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie — the Orange Broadband Prize–winning author of Half of a Yellow Sun — are her most intimate works to date. In these stories Adichie turns her penetrating eye to the ties that bind men and women, parents and children, Nigeria and the United States. In “A Private Experience,” a medical student hides from a violent riot with a poor Muslim woman, and the young mother at the centre of “Imitation” finds her comfortable life in Philadelphia threatened when she learns that her husband has moved his mistress into their Lagos home. Searing and profound, suffused with beauty, sorrow and longing, this collection is a resounding confirmation of Adichie’s prodigious literary powers.
This book is for every parents who recognises parenting as an important job in their life. It is a book about raising children full of spirit and life, and teaching them to be caring human beings. But it is also about parents learning how to empower themselves and their children and how to turn their power struggles into powerful relationships. This book offers nine valuable chapters on raising children who are respectful, responsible and resilient. Combining profound insights with practical ideas, this book will show parents how to encourage children to develop the courage to discover their own strengths and offer their gifts to others. The book is full of stories and examples that bring parenting tools and concepts to life. Parenting is a matter of the heart, it offers us the personal and spiritual growth opportunity of a lifetime, and this book allows parents to take full advantage of this opportunity while bringing out the best in their child.