On cover and title page: House, committees of the whole House, general committees and select committees. On title page: Returns to orders of the House of Commons dated 14 May 2013 (the Chairman of Ways and Means)
This reference book is primarily a procedural work which examines the many forms, customs, and practices which have been developed and established for the House of Commons since Confederation in 1867. It provides a distinctive Canadian perspective in describing procedure in the House up to the end of the first session of the 36th Parliament in Sept. 1999. The material is presented with full commentary on the historical circumstances which have shaped the current approach to parliamentary business. Key Speaker's rulings and statements are also documented and the considerable body of practice, interpretation, and precedents unique to the Canadian House of Commons is amply illustrated. Chapters of the book cover the following: parliamentary institutions; parliaments and ministries; privileges and immunities; the House and its Members; parliamentary procedure; the physical & administrative setting; the Speaker & other presiding officers; the parliamentary cycle; sittings of the House; the daily program; oral & written questions; the process of debate; rules of order & decorum; the curtailment of debate; special debates; the legislative process; delegated legislation; financial procedures; committees of the whole House; committees; private Members' business; public petitions; private bills practice; and the parliamentary record. Includes index.
Violence at work, ranging from bullying and mobbing, to threats by psychologically unstable co-workers, sexual harassment and homicide, is increasing worldwide and has reached epidemic levels in some countries. This updated and revised edition looks at the full range of aggressive acts, offers new information on their occurrence and identifies occupations and situations at particular risk. It is organised in three sections: understanding violence at work; responding to violence at work; future action.
The Annotated Standing Orders of the New South Wales Legislative Council is a comprehensive commentary charting the purpose, development and modern operation of the rules of procedure of the Legislative Council. Canvassing over 150 years of proceedings of the House and its committees, the Annotated Standing Orders provides interesting anecdotes and important precedents to rules in common use today and rules less seldom used, even obscure. The work renders the seemingly complex and impenetrable language and practice of parliamentary procedure in the Westminster tradition, as it has developed in the Legislative Council, accessible to members, parliamentary officers and others with an interest in parliamentary law, practice and procedure.Key features:A concise summary of the purpose and development of each current rule.Explanations and examples of the practical operation of regularly used rules and the creative use of seldom used procedures.A chronology of the adoption, repeal and amendment of the rules and orders of the Legislative Council since 1824.Practical illustration of the role of parliamentary procedure in upholding the core principles of freedom of speech, the rights of the minority, and the function of the Council as a House of Review.