This in-depth, comprehensive book is a must read for women of all ages! Hormone Heresy challenges the very foundational beliefs that have shaped women's understanding and perception of their bodies and hormonal cycles. It's an outstanding guide to enlighten all women with truthful information, practical knowledge and lifestyle solutions for hormonal challenges that women encounter through their life's journey. Dr. Sellman provides solutions for the fertility years, the perimenopausal and menopausal years, through to the post-menopausal years. There is leading-edge information about PMS, infertility problems, depression, anxiety, insomnia, low libido, fatigue, pain and inflammation, etc. Dr. Sellman also guides women to truly become younger and healthier as they get older and outlines the causes and possible solutions to the obesity epidemic in the world today.
When Anni Matthews was diagnosed with cancer, she decided to do something really valuable with the experience: she produced a book that is a friendly companion for those who must face the disease. Of huge practical help to anyone diagnosed with cancer and those who care for them, this book is a one-stop guide to making sense and use of the orthodox treatments, complementary therapies, and psychological, spiritual and holistic options available. Subjects ranging from the most current major advances in treatments and diagnosis to the small but effective ways of relieving the side-effects are explained clearly and concisely, often with humour and always with warmth. Written by a bright, articulate woman, who was determined to have an informed say in what happened to her, Anni's Cancer Companion marks a new generation of books about cancer. It is that rare thing: a reference book that is human.
Can America's wild calcium craze really save bones? Does Alzheimer's have a heavy metal or fluoride link? Could hypothyroidism be part of the answer? Can Lyme disease imitate other diseases such as MS or ALS? What are alternative physicians using to treat this treacherous spirochete? Do autism and Alzheimer's share the same roots? Are Americans facing an iodine deficiency? Do you think your skin is totally safe with sunscreen? Think again. Can a popular antibiotic cause Achilles' tendon rupture? If you're on statin drugs for cholesterol, shouldn't you be taking Coenzyme Ql0? Has a major study proven the least expensive diuretics are the best for treating high blood pressure? Could there be a fungus link to that sinus infection? Can a new breath machine diagnose disease? Can bee propolis relieve pain and fight bacteria? What does your blood type say about the foods you should and shouldn't eat? Can a sugar in cranberry help urinary tract infections? Learn about the simple things you can do to enhance your well-being and use nature to work with and heal your body
From the bestselling authors of the classic What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You books about menopause and pre-menopause comes an easy-to-use guide on balancing hormone levels safely and naturally. Dr. John Lee will help you answer key questions like: Are my symptoms caused by a hormonal imbalance? Which hormones do I need to regain hormone balance? How do I use hormones for optimal health and balance? Plus, learn how and when to use estrogen, testosterone and progesterone cream, in simple, effective language. If you want the ABCs of using natural hormones, this book is for you.
SUPERFOODS IN EVERY SIP You know a daily diet rich in fruits and vegetables can maximize your health and well-being. But did you know that drinking a smoothie every day made from fruits and vegetables can dramatically increase the amount of life-saving nutrients your body takes in? - Lose Weight - Detoxify the Body - Increase Energy - Fight Heart Disease - Prevent Diabetes, Depression and Certain Cancers - Boost the Immune System - Improve Skin and Hair More than 300 inviting recipes in The Green Smoothie Bible show how to combine leafy green vegetables and delicious, antioxidant-rich fruits into the most nutritious drinks imaginable--leaving you healthy and feeling amazing inside and out.
Both a reference work and a health guide, 'For Women Only!' joins together hands-on advice from the country's leading alternative health practitioners with essays, interviews and commentary by leading thinkers, activists, writers, doctors and sociologists. Contributors include the Boston Women's Health Book Collective, Phyllis Chesler, Angela Davis, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the National Black Women's Health Project, Gloria Steinem, Sojourner Truth and Naomi Wolf, among many others.
Offering breakthrough and effective holistic methods to manage and reduce thyroid problems naturally from a leading naturopathic doctor. Thyroid health problems have already reached epidemic proportions in North America. Due to modern day medical treatment protocols, protecting one's thyroid is no longer as simple as providing a few key nutrients to maintain its function and vital body support. Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally provides a comprehensive overview of thyroid disease and other related problems and how to effectively and naturally treat them. The book is a complete resource of healing remedies, dietary recommendations and protocols to bolster the systems of the body. Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally offers practical tips and alternative solutions to popular drugs as well as beneficial supplements and home remedies.
"In Healing Depression Naturally," readers will follow a 12-week program to learn about the arsenal of herbs that fight depression, discover help through aromatherapy, master breathing exercises, and more.
It is only recently that transgenderism has been accepted as a disorder for which treatment is available. In the 1990s, a political movement of transgender activism coalesced to campaign for transgender rights. Considerable social, political and legal changes are occurring in response and there is increasing acceptance by governments and many other organisations and actors of the legitimacy of these rights. This provocative and controversial book explores the consequences of these changes and offers a feminist perspective on the ideology and practice of transgenderism, which the author sees as harmful. It explores the effects of transgenderism on the lesbian and gay community, the partners of people who transgender, children who are identified as transgender and the people who transgender themselves, and argues that these are negative. In doing so the book contends that the phenomenon is based upon sex stereotyping, referred to as 'gender' – a conservative ideology that forms the foundation for women's subordination. Gender Hurts argues for the abolition of ‘gender’, which would remove the rationale for transgenderism. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of political science, feminism and feminist theory and gender studies.
From patient advocate and author of Living Well with Hypothyroidism Mary J. Shomon, here is a holistic roadmap for diagnosis, treatment and recovery for the millions of people suffering from Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism. There are an estimated 3 million-plus Americans suffering from Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism, and patient advocate Mary J. Shomon will guide them through the diagnosis and the wide-ranging treatments available. Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism are the result of the thyroid gland being overactive. This gland controls the body's metabolism, so people afflicted with the disorder can suffer from symptoms such as significant weight loss, fatigue, muscular weakness, and rapid heartbeat, among others. In addition to conventional treatments, this resource uniquely highlights holistic treatments, and through case studies and testimonials from patients and doctors, presents an honest look at the lifestyles and choices of people living with these conditions. Shomon presents the reader with a comprehensive resource that spans from diagnosis to treatment to life after treatment. She goes beyond the conventional advice of other books, utilizing patient anecdotes and, as a fellow thyroid disease patient, her own experience. Her extensive network of experts—from conventional physicians to alternative practitioners—allows for a wide range of treatment options. In addition, a comprehensive Appendix serves as a fantastic resource for patients seeking treatment and additional advice. The first edition of Living Well With Hypothyroidism (2/2000) started with a first printing of 7,500 copies and has now sold over 100,000 in the US. Shomon's The Thyroid Diet hit the New York Times extended bestseller list. Mary Shomon has been praised by doctors around the country for her medical knowledge and sensitivity to patients' needs. Barbara Bush brought attention to the plight of Graves' disease patients, announcing that she was suffering from it when she was First Lady.