Completo y riguroso panorama de la Hermenéutica a lo largo de la historia que incluye, junto a los clásicos de la disciplina (Dilthey, Gadamer, Derrida,...), a numerosos autores, lo que convierte al libro en una de las mejores y más completas exposiciones sobre la materia
Esta historia de la iglesia, que habla de ella como comunidad e institución, abarca el camino recorrido por la iglesia durante los primeros siete siglo de la era cristiana, en los cuales esta misma comunidad comenzó su devenir histórico superando muchos obstáculos hasta convertirse en una institución que tenía una palabra para decir a la sociedad de aquel tiempo.
A ABPJD (Academia Brasileira de Produção Jurídica Discente) apresenta seu terceiro livro produzido com a colaboração de diversos profissionais da área jurídica, intitulado: "JUSTIÇA E DEMOCRACIA: as novas perspectivas da hermenêutica constitucional". Essa obra é fruto de inúmeras pesquisas dos alunos do curso de Pós-Graduação em Direito da PUC Minas, tendo contado com a colaboração de diversos docentes e discentes de outras instituições espalhadas por todo o Brasil. Com o objetivo de facilitar a leitura, a obra foi dividida em dois volumes, sendo este o primeiro volume. O que se busca a todo momento é crer em um ordenamento jurídico mais justo e democrático, para tanto, entendemos que a hermenêutica é um caminho seguro para reflexão da aplicação das normas no Estado Democrático de Direito brasileiro. Esperamos que esse livro seja uma reflexão da hermenêutica constitucional e de seu papel na manutenção de ideais mais sólidos de Justiça e Democracia. As Organizadoras.
This book defends that the pursuit of originality constitutes one of the most important characteristics of creativity, but that originality refers, etymologically, to both origin and originary. Hence, the book is structured into two parts, dedicated, respectively, to the creative categories of origin and the creative categories of originary. Within the former are creation myths, games – the origin of all cultural activity, the dialectic chaos-order, axial civilizations – the germ of our time, and the struggle between generations – a factor of social transformation, and, within the second, creative capitalism, creative work in the context of the global economy of risk and uncertainty, and representative democracy. However, these two concepts are not isolated, but deeply interrelated, in a way that explains how creative originality builds a temporal narrative. It has been dislocated in late modernity and, with it, creativity has been broken.
Since the 1990s, following the end of postmodernism, literary theory has lost much of its dynamics. This book aims at revitalising literary theory exploring two of its historical bases: German poetics and aesthetics. Beginning in the 1770s and ending in the 1950s, the book examines nearly 200 years of this history, thereby providing the reader with a first history of poetics as well as with bibliographies of the subject. Particular attention is paid to the aesthetics and poetics of popular philosophy, of the Hegel-school, empirical and psychological tendencies in the field since the 1860s, the first steps towards a plurality of methods (1890–1930), theoretical confrontations during the Nazi-period as well as the rise of formalist and anthropological approaches from the 1930s onwards. All approaches are evaluated regarding their relevance for academia as well as for the general history of education. If possible, international references and contexts of the relevant theories are taken into account. In sum, the analysis not only shows how differentiated historical accounts in the field were but also reflects how current literary theory could move forward through the rediscovery of sunken ideas.
Scholars of the history of theology and the humanities from North America, Scandinavia and Germany investigate Biblical hermeneutics from its foundations laid during the Reformation (Luther, Melanchthon) to its multifaceted effects during the 16th and 17th centuries. This book specifically focuses on the diversity of the art of exegesis as exemplified in theological textbooks, sermons and the divine service.