La globalización representa nuestro mundo actual. Gracias, en gran medida a las nuevas tecnologías, nuestro planeta se está reduciendo a la mínima expresión: las herramientas de comunicación, como internet, nos permiten con tan solo un click conocer lo que está pasando al otro lado del mundo en décimas de segundo. No obstante, y como veremos, la globalización no solo atiende a factores comunicativos sino que también afecta a las propias personas en su día a día: las marcas comerciales, los comportamientos sociales, la forma de vestir o el ocio son muchos de los otros componentes que también forman parte de este mundo globalizado.
El contenido de este texto dice relación directa con las investigaciones que presentaron diferentes académicos nacionales y extranjeros en el V Congreso Chile España, que se desarrolló en la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción durante el año 2018. Las temáticas que se consideraron en dicha actividad, tuvieron directa relación con la Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales y se iniciaron con el origen y rol de la Sociedad de Naciones el año 1919, culminando con la iniciativa americana en este campo, representada por UNASUR y su actual condición.
What would a body of literature, focusing on Southern childhoods, look like when epistemologically driven by the demands (social, cultural, economic, political) of the localities in which they are shaped and produced? To answer this question, this book explores locally driven perspectives of childhoods in diverse contexts in the Global South to produce knowledge of Southern childhoods determined, not by Northern priorities and frameworks, but by local needs and contexts. Given the intensification of global processes and the extent to which the local and the global intersect in the everyday lives of children and their families, this edited volume demonstrates that a focus on the epistemological demands of localities necessarily grapples with global as well as local processes and concepts. Chapters in this collection include empirical research on child participation and activism, schooling/educational experiences, child work and street children. They use methodologies ranging from arts-based methods to participant observation, and engage with theories relating to child participation, agency and vulnerability to produce a key resource on Southern childhoods. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Third World Thematics.
This study discusses an original proposal aimed at critically analyzing the power relations that exist in contemporary agriculture. The author endeavors herein to clarify some of the strategies that industrial agribusiness, in collusion with the state and multilateral structures, sets in motion in order to functionalize the lives of millions of farmers, so that their bodies, enunciations, and sensibilities can be repurposed in accordance with the dynamics of capital accumulation. The argument is based on the idea that agro-extractivism cannot be thought of exclusively as an economic-political and technological system, but as a complex interweaving of cultural meanings, aesthetics, and affections, which, amalgamated under the abstract name of "development", act as a support for the whole system's scaffolding. The book also explores the other side of the coin, describing how, and under what conditions, social movements are responding to the calamities generated by this model. The central thesis is that many ongoing agroecological processes are providing one of the most interesting guidelines at present for visualizing transitions towards post-development, post-extractivism, and the construction of multiple worlds beyond the sphere of capital. Political ecology of agriculture joins the calls that question the cultural project of modernity and the predatory sense imposed by the globalized food empire, and invites recognition of the importance of agroecology in the context of the end of the fossil-fuel era and the likely collapse of our industry-based civilization.
The open access publication of this book has been made possible thanks to the International Institute of Social History – Amsterdam. Potosí (today Bolivia) was the major supplier for the Spanish Empire and for the world and still today boasts the world's single-richest silver deposit. This book explores the political economy of silver production and circulation illuminating a vital chapter in the history of global capitalism. It travels through geology, sacred spaces, and technical knowledge in the first section; environmental history and labor in the second section; silver flows, the heterogeneous world of mining producers, and their agency in the third; and some of the local, regional, and global impacts of Potosí mining in the fourth section. The main focus is on the establishment of a complex infrastructure at the site, its major changes over time, and the new human and environmental landscape that emerged for the production of one of the world ́s major commodities: silver. Eleven authors from different countries present their most recent research based on years of archival research, providing the readers with cutting-edge scholarship. Contributors are: Julio Aguilar, James Almeida, Rossana Barragán Romano, Mariano A. Bonialian, Thérèse Bouysse-Cassagne, Kris Lane, Tristan Platt, Renée Raphael, Masaki Sato, Heidi V. Scott, and Paula C. Zagalsky.
The public authorities have not successfully resolved the management of the traumatic memory of the wars, dictatorships and massacres to which the European project was always intended to be a counterpoint. The conflict of memories and the public discourses about the past are latent on ideological, political and cultural levels. However, if in the past the conflict concerning memories tended to develop inside the borders of countries, it has now leapt into the European arena. This has also led to the confrontation and questioning of the great narratives established in the common memory, especially with countries of the East joining the European Union. Each community, group or nation maintains common memories that do not always fit in or converge with a general overall account. The origins of the UB Solidarity Foundation’s European Observatory on Memories lie in these debates, and through this book — which includes the contributions of specialists in multiple disciplines and the speeches that were given at the first international symposium, “Memory and Power: A Transnational Perspective” — it hopes to present some of the key challenges that this conflict of memories has in store for us in the present and in the future.
Whether used for the development and support of an existing collection or for the creation of a new collection serving Spanish-speaking young readers, this outstanding resource is an essential tool. Following the same format as the highly praised 1996-1999 edition, Schon presents critical annotations for 1300 books published between 2000 and 2004, including reference, nonfiction, and fiction. One section is devoted to publishers' series, and an appendix lists dealers who carry books in Spanish. Includes author, title, and subject indexes.
Introducción a la historia de la lengua española es una introducción completa a la historia externa e interna de la lengua española desde sus orígenes indoeuropeos hasta la lengua moderna de más de 400 millones de personas. Los autores escudriñan los cambios fonológicos, morfológicos, sintácticos semánticos y léxicos que caracterizan la evolución de la lengua española desde sus orígenes latinos. El foco de este libro es el español moderno. Los autores abordan cuestiones tan fundamentales como: ¿De dónde proviene el español? ¿Cómo llegó a ser la lengua que conocemos hoy en día? ¿Cómo se relaciona genética y culturalmente con los demás lenguas romances y a las lenguas no romances? ¿Cuáles son los efectos del bilingüismo en las áreas donde el español coexiste con otras lenguas? La segunda edición incluye numerosos ejercicios, una sección de preguntas de repaso al final de cada capítulo, y una extensa bibliografía. El libro está actualizado y ampliado en gran medida en el alcance y profundidad; sin embargo, respeta y conserva la estructura y el enfoque pedagógicos de la primera edición para el uso con los estudiantes que no tienen conocimientos previos en la lingüística. En los cursos avanzados y de posgrado, el programa puede incorporar asignaciones adicionales y secciones, incluyendo la opción "Temas y datos adicionales" que acompañan a cada capítulo.
Transregional connections play a fundamental role in the history of East-Central Europe. This volume explores this connectivity by showing how people from eastern and central parts of Europe have positioned themselves within global processes while, in turn, also shaping them. The contributions examine different fields of action such as economy, arts, international regulations and law, development aid, and migration, focusing on the period between the middle of the nineteenth century and the end of the Cold War. The authors uncover spaces of interaction and emphasize that internal and external entanglements have established East-Central Europe as a distinct region. Understanding the connectedness of this subregion is stimulating for the historiography of East-Central Europe as it is for the field of global history.