This is up-to-date French dictionary with a wide range of vocabulary. It contains: over 115,000 references and 170,000 translations; boxed notes on items of cultural interest; wide coverage of idiomatic French including slang; and a comprehensive French communication guide.
Wild flower identification may seem impossibly hard to those not familiar with them, but this brilliant new photographic guide aims to change that forever. With superb photography throughout, including stunning portraits and close-ups of key features where relevant, and succinct, no-nonsense text this ebook will help you identify almost any wild flower that you may encounter in Britain and Ireland. More than 800 carefully selected species are included in the guide, and only extreme rarities or seldom seen species are excluded. Key features are highlighted in tinted boxes throughout, and details of confusion species and look-alikes are given where relevant. Accurate colour maps based on the national plant-mapping scheme are provided for almost every species. This handy guide is an essential tool for anyone interested in our wild flowers.
Short Stories of Our Time is a selection of 13 short stories by contemporary authors, all with 20th Century urban settings. The stories have been chosen to appeal to students who are impatient with the classics but respond to stories which illuminate the reality they know.
The most robust and up-to-date mass market Spanish dictionary available Spanish is the third most widely spoken language in the world, behind Mandarin Chinese and English. In July 2006, there were 44.3 million Hispanics in the U.S., constituting 15 percent of the total population. Increasingly, Americans want to understand Spanish in order to communicate with workers, customers, and others. Completely updated with new terms and references, this dictionary has more entries than other handily sized Spanish dictionaries. It also gives users free access to audio downloads of the correct pronunciations of key Spanish verbs in all conjugations. Inside, a new supplement helps them with basic conversation. Webster's New World dictionaries are among the most recognized and respected references in the world. This edition features the legible and readable design users are comfortable with, making it easy for them to find the word or definition they need fast.
Mike Dash is a master of atmospheric and entertaining historical narrative. In Satan's Circus he vividly opens up the world of twentieth-century New York, telling the gripping story of police officer Charley Becker's rise and fall and of the sensational murder trials that led to his gruesome death in the electric chair. With a cast of colourful characters, from Big Tim Sullivan, the election-rigging vice lord, to future President Theodore Roosevelt and beloved gangster Jack Zelig, Satan's Circus brings to life an almost forgotten Gotham - a raucous, gaudy and utterly corrupt city.