The particular emphasis is on the use of geotextiles as filters beneath the revetment cover layer. It is limited in scope to revetments constructed as part of inland waterways where waves and currents generated by ships and other vessels are the dominant loads.
Successful coastal and ocean engineering projects rely on practical experience with technical tools and knowledge available to the engineer. Often, problems arise from projects that are too complex for theoretical description, which require that engineers exercise sound judgment in addition to reliance on past practical experience.This book focuses on the latest technology applied in design and construction, effective engineering methodology, unique projects and problems, design and construction challenges, and other lessons learned. In addition, unique practices in planning, design, construction, maintenance, and performance of coastal and ocean projects will be explored.
"This report is intended to give public and port authorities, designers and contractors insight in the applications and the limitations of geosynthetics in waterfront structures. It is not a design book, but it should allow the users to quickly evaluate the possible use of a geotextile and to decide if a more detailed design is useful."--Introduction
The recommendations have been completely restructured in this 12th (2020) edition of the EAU (10th English edition), the aim being to provide readers with a better, clearer arrangement of the chapters. In addition, the information published in the annual technical reports of the Waterfront Structures Committee since the publication of the 11th German edition have been incorporated in this new edition. The recommendations also take into account the new generation of standards consisting of Eurocode 7, the associated National Application Documents and supplementary national publications (DIN 1054:2010). In isolated instances, partial safety factors differing from those in the codes are specified on the basis of practical experience. Safety standards for ports, harbours and marine structures are therefore upheld. The recommendations satisfy the need for international acceptance in the planning, design, tendering, award of contract, construction, site supervision, acceptance and settlement of accounts for port, harbour and waterway facilities based on uniform approaches.
A review of the existing applications of geosynthetics and geosystems in hydraulic and coastal engineering, with an overview on material specifications, structural components, relevant tools during conceptual and detail design, possible applications, and execution aspects. A more detailed description is given of new or lesser-known systems and applications. Additional basic information on design methodology and geosynthetics is included to provide a basic framework of information for design purposes.
The mechanisms and behaviour of the scour process is a challenging subject, and one which is expertly dealt with in this informative, illustrated volume. Specifically, this book addresses issues relating to computing and controlling the scour process near hydraulic structures, and pays special attention to the time-dependent character of the scour processes and the predictability of scour relations. Providing information on the latest developments in scouring, this text is intended for practising hydraulic engineers.