This book is the first of a new series which will present the proceedings of the newly established Nestlé Nutrition Workshop Series: Clinical & Performance Programme aimed at adult nutrition. Undernutrition is a common phenomenon in elderly people, and malnutrition reaches significant levels in those being in hospital, nursing homes or home care programs. Consequences of malnutrition often go unrecognised owing to the lack of specific validated instruments to assess nutritional status in frail elderly persons. The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) provides a single, rapid assessment of nutritional status in the elderly of different degrees of independence, allowing the prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition to be determined and to evaluate the efficacy of nutritional intervention and strategies. Easy, quick and economical to perform, it enables staff to check the nutritional status of elderly people when they enter hospitals or institutions and to monitor changes occurring during their stay. Moreover, the MNA is predictive of the cost of care and length of stay in hospital. This publication will be of immense assistance to heads of geriatric teaching units, teachers in nutrition, clinicians general practitioners and dieticians, enabling them to better detect, recognise and start treatment of malnutrition in the elderly.
Parenteral nutrition in general is required if nutritional needs cannot be met by oral or enteral feeding. In the paediatric patient, its initiation depends both on individual circumstances and the age and size of the infant or child. This compact reference work on parenteral nutrition in children is based on the 'Guidelines for Paediatric Parenteral Nutrition' that have been developed jointly by the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) and the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN), in collaboration with the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR).These guidelines were based on systematic literature reviews as well as a formal consensus process of a multidisciplinary panel of professionals. However, as a result of the scarcity of good quality clinical trials in children, many of the recommendations were extrapolated from adult studies and based on expert opinion. A detailed analysis of the available data was performed, and for each statement, the level of evidence and grade of recommendation was assessed. This reference guide has been conceived as an aid for the treating physician to assist him in the decision process, thus being a valuable companion in clinical practice.
"This important publication is the final report of the most recent expert group meeting, the Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consulation on Human Energy Requirements, convened in October 2001 at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy ... FAO publishes this report on behalf of the three United Nations (UN agencies (FAO/WHO/UNU that organised the consultation" -- Foreword.
This guideline provides updated global, evidence-informed recommendations on the intake of free sugars to reduce the risk of NCDs in adults and children, with a particular focus on the prevention and control of unhealthy weight gain and dental caries. The recommendations in this guideline can be used by policy-makers and programme managers to assess current intake levels of free sugars in their countries relative to a benchmark. They can also be used to develop measures to decrease intake of free sugars, where necessary, through a range of public health interventions. Examples of such interventions and measures that are already being implemented by countries include food and nutrition labelling, consumer education, regulation of marketing of food and non-alcoholic beverages that are high in free sugars, and fiscal policies targeting foods and beverages that are high in free sugars. This guideline should be used in conjunction with other nutrient guidelines and dietary goals, in particular those related to fats and fatty acids (including saturated fatty acids and trans-fatty acids), to guide development of effective public health nutrition policies and programmes to promote a healthy diet.
Guide for nutrition professionals to implement the four steps of the Nutrition Care Process: assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring and evaluation.
This edition of the Manual of Neonatal Care has been completely updated and extensively revised to reflect the changes in fetal, perinatal, and neonatal care that have occurred since the sixth edition. This portable text covers current and practical approaches to evaluation and management of conditions encountered in the fetus and the newborn, as practiced in high volume clinical services that include contemporary prenatal and postnatal care of infants with routine, as well as complex medical and surgical problems. Written by expert authors from the Harvard Program in Neonatology and other major neonatology programs across the United States, the manual’s outline format gives readers rapid access to large amounts of valuable information quickly. The Children’s Hospital Boston Neonatology Program at Harvard has grown to include 57 attending neonatologists and 18 fellows who care for more than 28,000 newborns delivered annually. The book also includes the popular appendices on topics such as common NICU medication guidelines, the effects of maternal drugs on the fetus, and the use of maternal medications during lactation. Plus, there are intubation/sedation guidelines and a guide to neonatal resuscitation on the inside covers that provide crucial information in a quick and easy format.
The essentials of teaching carbohydrate counting are presented in this revised and much expanded edition. This resource provides clear and practical approaches that will allow you to help your patients achieve glycemic control with Basic or Advanced Carbohydrate Counting. Includes: reasons for teaching carbohydrate counting, which type, and to whom; complete information on both Basic and Advanced Carbohydrate Counting; skills and readiness checklists for patients; case studies; and much more!
Desde pediatras generales, hasta especialistas en gastroenterología, oncología, endocrinología, medicina crítica pediátrica y otras, todos son conscientes de la importancia de una evaluación y abordaje nutricional adecuados, tanto en el niño sano como enfermo.Mas allá de los aspectos básicos de la historia clínica nutricional, los parámetros antropométricos y las diversas variables utilizadas para evaluar crecimiento y desarrollo, los requerimientos calóricos y de micro/macronutrientes de acuerdo a la edad, el diagnóstico y abordaje del niño con malnutrición, y otros, los pediatras deben comprender la importancia de la Nutrición, no solo como estrategia de soporte sino como pilar fundamental del tratamiento de gran variedad de patologías, desde la enfermedad celiaca, alergias alimentarias y esofagitis eosinofílica, hasta la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, errores innatos del metabolismo, hepatopatía y cáncer, entre otras.Esta visión de la Nutrición como estrategia de tratamiento de enfermedades específicas es el objetivo del presente Manual en el que participan un grupo muy importante de expertos iberoamericanos con el fin de desarrollar todos los aspectos antes mencionados.Con el aval de la LASPGHAN Latinoamerican Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition y de la LASPGHAN NUTRITION Latinoamerican Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Índice de capítulos (extracto)UNIDAD I. Nutrición básica1. Valoración nutricional. 2. Requerimientos de energía. 3. Macronutrimentos. 4. Micronutrimentos. 5. Programación nutricional. 6. Nutrición y neurodesarrollo. 7. Microbiota intestinal.UNIDAD II. Alimentación infantil8. Lactancia humana. 9. Fórmulas regulares para lactantes y niños pequeños. 10. Fórmulas infantiles especiales. 11. Alimentación del recién nacido pretérmino. 12. Transición de la alimentación del lactante y nutrimentos clave. 13. Alimentación complementaria. 14. Alimentación del preescolar, escolar y adolescente. 15. Dietas selectivas en pediatría.UNIDAD III. Malnutrición16. Desnutrición y tamización nutricional pediátrica. 17. Falla para crecer. 18. Obesidad infantil y síndrome metabólico.UNIDAD IV. Soporte nutricional19. Nutrición enteral. 20. Nutrición parenteral.UNIDAD V. Nutrición en desórdenes y enfermedades digestivas y del hígado21. Nutrición en desórdenes de la alimentación y deglución. 22. Manejo nutricional de la diarrea aguda en pediatría. 23. Nutrición en trastornos de la interacción intestino-cerebro. 24. Alergias e intolerancias alimentarias. 25. Nutrición en esofagitis eosinofílica. 26. Nutrición en enfermedades inflamatorias intestinales crónicas. 27. Nutrición en el niño con insuficiencia intestinal. 28. Nutrición en hepatopatías. 29. Nutrición en enfermedad celíaca. 30. Nutrición en linfangiectasia intestinal. 31. Nutrición en pancreatitis aguda. 32. Nutrición en fibrosis quística.UNIDAD VI. Nutrición en errores innatos del metabolismo33. Generalidades de los errores innatos del metabolismo. 34. Nutrición en los errores innatos del metabolismo de hidratos de carbono. 35. Nutrición en errores innatos del metabolismo de aminoácidos. 36. Nutrición en errores innatos del metabolismo de lípidos.UNIDAD VII. Nutrición en otras situaciones y enfermedades37. Dificultades de alimentación en la infancia. 38. Nutrición en discapacidades del desarrollo. 39. Nutrición en niños con cáncer, talasemia y anemia de células falciformes. 40. Interacciones alimento-medicamento. 41. Nutrición en el niño en estado crítico. 42. Nutrición en el niño con enfermedad renal. 43. Nutrición en el niño con diabetes mellitus tipo 1.Material de apoyo: QRs.QR1. Herramienta de evaluación dietética automatizada autoadministrada de 24 horas (ASA24R), NIH. QR2. Calculadora de ingesta dietética de referencia para profesionales de la salud, USDA. QR3. Patrones de crecimiento infantil, OMS. QR4. AnthroR, software para análisis de datos antropométricos en niños, OMS. QR5. Requerimientos humanos de energía, FAO/OMS/UNU. QR6. Ingestas diarias recomendadas, IOM. QR7. Ingestas dietéticas de referencia, USDA. QR8. Tablas de crecimiento de bebes prematuros, Fenton. QR9. Tablas de crecimiento posnatal de bebes prematuros, INTERGROWTH-21st. QR10. Guía para planificación de DBP en pediatría, VegPlate Junior. QR11. Tratamiento de la diarrea, OPS. QR12. Calculadora de requerimientos energéticos en niños, Baylor College of Medicine. QR13. CFTR2, Clinical and Functional Translation of CFTR. QR14. Informacion para padres, pacientes y cuidadores, CFF. QR15. El Plato para Comer Saludable para Niños, Harvard T. H. Chan. QR16. Alimentación en fibrosis quística. QR17. Herramientas y recursos, ADA. QR18. Tabla de raciones de hidratos de carbono, Fundación para la Diabetes (España). QR19. Guías visuales de raciones de hidratos de carbono, IDIBAPS. QR20. Tabla de alimentos, índice glucémico y carga glucémica. Clínica D-Medical. QR21. Infografía sobre polialcoholes o polioles. Clínica D-Medical.