The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn (Srpski Prevod)

The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn (Srpski Prevod)

Author: Neven Paar

Publisher: Winged Shoes Publishing

Published: 2024-05-04

Total Pages: 399

ISBN-13: 1998071251


The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn je kulminacija mog duhovnog putovanja kroz Tradiciju Zapadnih Misterija nakon doživljenog potpunog i trajnog buđenja Kundalini. Jednom kada sam se pridružio tajnoj i ezoterijskoj školi zvanoj Zlatna Zora (Golden Dawn), upoznao sam se sa Ceremonijalnom Magijom — praksom Duhovne Alhemije, koja je usmerena na podešavanje i čišćenje Čakri — čija je krajnja svrha lična transformacija i Prosvetljenje. Otkrio sam da prakticiranje ove svete umetnosti prizivanja energije nije samo umanjilo intenzivan strah i anksioznost koje sam doživeo nakon buđenja Kundalini, već je i deset puta intenzivnije podstaklo moj duhovni napredak u kratkom vremenskom periodu. Zbog toga sam se posvetio savladavanju celokupnog Sistema Zlatne Zore. Nakon što sam vodio grupu Zlatna Zora u Torontu, Ontario, napustio sam organizovani sistem, ali sam nastavio da predajem Ceremonijalnu Magiju drugim tragačima za Svetlošću. Shvatio sam da svetu nedostaje jedinstven i sveobuhvatan sistem Magije koji kombinuje Istočnu duhovnost i Zapadne Misterije, čija je prezentacija jasna i koncizna, bez uobičajenih teško razumljivih okultnih konotacija. Ono što se pojavilo je Magus — univerzalna nauka o energiji u kojoj svi učestvujemo kao ljudska bića. Ne morate da budete deo Magijskog reda da biste dobili punu korist od iniciranja u energije našeg Sunčevog sistema. Sve što se može steći vežbanjem Ceremonijalne Magije, može se uraditi iz udobnosti Vašeg doma. Ako posvetite deset minuta dnevno ovoj praksi, možete značajno napredovati u svojoj duhovnoj evoluciji. Vežbe Ceremonijalne Magije u Magusu, predstavljene su kao deo programa Duhovne Alhemije čiji je cilj da vam pomognu da se povežete sa svojim „Višim Ja“ i iskoristite svoj najveći potencijal kao duhovnog ljudskog bića. Ovi programi idu ruku pod ruku sa predavanjima znanja o Kabali, Pet Elemenata, Sedam Čakri, Astrologiji, Tarotu, Gatanju, Meditaciji, Hermetičkoj Filozofiji i Alhemiji, Hrišćanskim i Egipatskim Misterijama, Enohijanskoj Magiji i još mnogo toga. Magus takođe sadrži bogato znanje o Kundalini iz istočne i zapadne perspektive. Kroz rad u Magusu, Vaša veza sa Stvoriteljem jača, što rezultira povećanjem Vaše lične moći i sposobnošću da manifestujete život kakav oduvek želite. Kada postanete najbolja verzija sebe, možete postati heroj svoje priče i doživeti radost i uzbuđenje života. Krajnji cilj Magusa je završetak Velikog Dela, što podrazumeva proširenje i ujedinjenje individualne svesti sa Kosmičkom Svešću.

An Encyclopaedia of Occultism

An Encyclopaedia of Occultism

Author: Lewis Spence

Publisher: Cosimo, Inc.

Published: 2006-09-01

Total Pages: 457

ISBN-13: 1596052376


This "compendium of information on the occult sciences, occult personalities, psychic science, demonology, spiritism, and mysticism" was one of a kind when it was first published in 1920 and is still considered the best in its field today. Spence organizes a world's worth of magic -- from "Ab" (a magical month in the ancient Semitic calendar) to "Zulu witch-finders" -- into 2,500 dictionary-style entries that explore concepts and personalities both familiar (Freemasonry, Morgan le Fay) and obscure: palingenesy (a process by which plants or vegetables are destroyed and then "resurrected"), Leonora Galigai (a 17th-century Italian aristocrat who was burned as a witch). A delight for devotees of the weird and the strange, and a valuable resource for students of mythology and the evolution of scientific thought, this important volume is at home in the libraries of all book lovers. Scottish journalist and folklorist LEWIS SPENCE (1874 -1955) was a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, and Vice-President of the Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society. He published more than 40 works on mythology and the occult, including History of Atlantis, An Introduction to Mythology, and Myth and Ritual in Dance, Game and Rhyme.

The Golden Tarot

The Golden Tarot

Author: Mary Packard

Publisher: Race Point Publishing

Published: 2013-03-21

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781937994099


The Tarot is much more than mere pictures on cards, the pictures are physical symbols for spiritual concepts. The images are symbolic representation of archetypal forces and/or beings which have always existed and have been identified and passed on to us by ancient initiates and which provide a focus for us to use in self-initiation, spiritual development, and the perception of hidden wisdom. The tarot deck included in this beautiful set was commissioned around 1451 by the Visconti and Sforza families, and it is one of the oldest tarot decks in existence. The images on the cards have been faithfully recreated, showing members of the Sforza and Visconti families in period garments. The borders of the elegant cards are adorned with gold metallic ink. The accompanying book provides a history of Visconti-Sforza cards, 35 of which are now in the collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York City. The symbolism of the different cards is described, along with explanations of different ways to arrange the cards when seeking information about different aspects of life. This beautiful gift box holds the book and card deck side by side, with a purple satin reading cloth folded and placed underneath the book.

The Encyclopedia of Tarot

The Encyclopedia of Tarot

Author: Stuart R. Kaplan


Published: 1978

Total Pages: 422



Provides information on every important theory and intepretation and every recognized deck, illustrating and commenting on the symbolism of the early Tarocchi decks and the major later decks.