"The Council of Europe European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional/Spatial Planning (CEMAT) brings together representatives of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe, united in their pursuit of a common objective: sustainable spatial development of the European continent. This compendium presents the texts adopted by CEMAT between 1970 and 2010 and the most important texts adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe regarding CEMAT."--P. [4] of cover.
This book aims to contribute to the current debate on how to integrate rural development policies and landscape planning in rural areas. It highlights the key issues at stake and the possibilities for synergies between landscape planning and policies in light of European development policies, particularly the EU’s Rural Development Policy and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Case studies from different rural contexts and landscapes are provided, illustrating tools and options to make the advocated integration operational. Recommendations and guidance to policy making are proposed. The case studies presented cover 1) the use of visual assessment techniques to support landscape planning in rural areas; 2) participative applications of landscape assessment techniques in peri-urban areas; 3) multi-scale approaches to landscape management in Alpine areas and 4) the application of landscape economic evaluation to foster rural development strategies.
In recent years, interest for local energy production, supply and consumption has increased in academic and public debates. In particular, contemporary energy transition discourses and strategies often emphasize the search for increased local energy autonomy, a phrase which can refer to a diverse range of configurations, both in terms of the spaces and scales of the local territory considered and in terms of what is meant by energy autonomy. This book explores policies, projects and processes aimed at increased local energy autonomy, with a particular focus on their spatial, infrastructural and political dimensions. In doing so, the authors – Sabine Barles, Bruno Barroca, Guilhem Blanchard, Benoit Boutaud, Arwen Colell, Gilles Debizet, Ariane Debourdeau, Laure Dobigny, Florian Dupont, Zélia Hampikian, Sylvy Jaglin, Allan Jones, Raphael Ménard, Alain Nadaï, Angela Pohlmann, Cyril Roger-Lacan, Eric Vidalenc – improve our understanding of the always partial and controversial processes of energy relocation that articulate forms of local metabolic self-sufficiency, socio-technical decentralization and political empowerment. Comprising fifteen chapters, the book is divided into four parts: Governance and Actors; Urban Projects and Energy Systems; Energy Communities; and The Challenges of Energy Autonomy.
In presenting the concepts and the logical structure of the reasoning offered by game theory and their applications, the book explains the rational process of decision making in the framework of firm management and market competition. The book will expose both general teachings and a comprehensive analysis applied to specific case studies of various sectors of the economy.
Etabli par la Section française de la Division de la traduction de l'OCDE, ce glossaire anglais-français est le fruit du travail quotidien des traducteurs et se veut essentiellement pragmatique. Pour chaque entrée, il propose une ou plusieurs traductions, en précisant, lorsqu'il y a lieu, le champ d'application de chacune d'elles. Le lecteur trouvera ainsi la traduction de quelque 17 000 termes et expressions couvrant un large éventail de domaines comme les plantes cultivées, la sylviculture, l'élevage, l'industrie agroalimentaire, les techniques et le machinisme agricoles, l'accent étant mis en particulier sur les marchés et l'économie agricoles ainsi que sur les biotechnologies appliquées à l'agriculture. Le nombre d'entrées de cette seconde édition a triplé. On y trouve également une longue liste de noms scientifiques latins avec leurs équivalences en anglais et en français. Cet ouvrage intéresse un public très divers : tous ceux qui souhaitent disposer d'un instrument de travail anglais-français fiable et à jour.
This updated and expanded edition of the 1992 Glossaire de l’économie anglais-français contains some 30 000 terms and expressions, covering a wide range of subject areas: economics, statistics, finance and banking, trade, management, accounting, insurance, employment, development and taxation.
This report makes recommendations for good practice bringing the results of economic appraisals and environmental assessments before decision makers in the transport sector on the basis of reviews of recent experience in infrastructure planning and policy development in seven countries.