GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Pro 2.6 is the introductory workbook for learning geographic information systems with ArcGIS Pro, the premier professional desktop GIS application from Esri.
This study guide meets a growing demand for effective GIS training by combining ArcGIS tutorials and self-study exercises that start with the basics and progress to more difficult functionality. Presented in a step-by-step format, the book can be adapted to a reader's specific training needs, from a classroom of graduate students to individaul study. Readers learn to use a range of GIS functionality from creating maps and collecting data to using geoprocessing tools and models for advanced analysis. the authors have incorporated three proven learning methods: scripted exercises that use detailed step-by-step insturctions and result graphics, Your Turn exercises that require users to perform tasks without steo-by-step instructions, and exercise assignements that pose real-world problem scenarios. A fully functioning, 180-day trial version of ArcView 9.2 software, data for working through the tutorials, and Web-based teacher resources are also included.
From working with map layers to analyzing spatial data, GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 helps users explore GIS concepts, apply ArcGIS software, and instill GIS skills.
Focus on Geodatabases in ArcGIS Pro introduces readers to the geodatabase, the comprehensive information model for representing and managing geographic information across the ArcGIS platform. Sharing best practices for creating and maintaining data integrity, chapter topics include the careful design of a geodatabase schema, building geodatabases that include data integrity rules, populating geodatabases with existing data, working with topologies, editing data using various techniques, building 3D views, and sharing data on the web. Each chapter includes important concepts with hands-on, step-by-step tutorials, sample projects and datasets, 'Your turn' segments with less instruction, study questions for classroom use, and an independent project. Instructor resources are available by request.
Switching to ArcGIS Pro from ArcMap is an invaluable resource for those looking to migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro. Rather than teach Pro from the start, this book focuses on the difference between Pro and ArcMap for a more rapid adjustment to common workflows.
The authors teach new and existing GIS users how to get started solving problems by visualizing, querying, creating, editing, analyzing, and presenting geospatial data in both 2D and 3D environments using ArcGIS Pro. This book teaches the basic functions and capabilities of the system through practical project workflows and shows how to be productive with the components of the platform. The second edition has been updated to include information relevant for ArcGIS Pro 2.3.--adapted from publisher's description.
Mastering ArcGIS Pro introduces the basic ideas behind GIS, teaching the concepts and skills needed to enter this rapidly evolving industry or use GIS in your current discipline. Based on the widely used ArcGIS software developed by Esri, Inc., this text integrates learning fundamental concepts with practicing software skills and is suitable for classroom use or for professionals studying independently
Learn the latest version of ArcGIS Pro with the newest edition of this bestselling series. Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 introduces the tools and functions of ArcGIS Pro, the powerful desktop GIS application. Geographic information systems (GIS) software is making a huge impact in businesses and organizations with mapping and analytic capabilities. Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 uses practical project workflows to teach best practices for readers of all skill levels. Readers will explore data visualizations, build a geodatabase, discover 3D GIS, create maps for web and physical presentations, and more. With over 300 full-color images, Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 clarifies complicated processes such as developing a geoprocessing model, using Python to write a script tool, and creating space-time cubes for analysis. Each chapter begins with a prompt describing a real-world scenario in a different industry to help readers understand how ArcGIS Pro can be applied widely to solve problems. At the end of each chapter, a summary and glossary help reinforce the skills learned. This edition has been completely updated for use with ArcGIS Pro 2.8. Other updates include new chapters on ArcGIS Online and geocoding. The Getting to Know series has been teaching readers about GIS for over twenty years. Ideal for students, self-learners, and professionals who want to learn the premier GIS desktop application, Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 is a textbook and desk reference designed to show users how they can use ArcGIS Pro successfully on their own.