This text presents a comprehensive mathematical theory for elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic differential equations. It compares finite element and finite difference methods and illustrates applications of generalized difference methods to elastic bodies, electromagnetic fields, underground water pollution, and coupled sound-heat flows.
This book introduces finite difference methods for both ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs) and discusses the similarities and differences between algorithm design and stability analysis for different types of equations. A unified view of stability theory for ODEs and PDEs is presented, and the interplay between ODE and PDE analysis is stressed. The text emphasizes standard classical methods, but several newer approaches also are introduced and are described in the context of simple motivating examples.
This book develops a systematic and rigorous mathematical theory of finite difference methods for linear elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations with nonsmooth solutions. Finite difference methods are a classical class of techniques for the numerical approximation of partial differential equations. Traditionally, their convergence analysis presupposes the smoothness of the coefficients, source terms, initial and boundary data, and of the associated solution to the differential equation. This then enables the application of elementary analytical tools to explore their stability and accuracy. The assumptions on the smoothness of the data and of the associated analytical solution are however frequently unrealistic. There is a wealth of boundary – and initial – value problems, arising from various applications in physics and engineering, where the data and the corresponding solution exhibit lack of regularity. In such instances classical techniques for the error analysis of finite difference schemes break down. The objective of this book is to develop the mathematical theory of finite difference schemes for linear partial differential equations with nonsmooth solutions. Analysis of Finite Difference Schemes is aimed at researchers and graduate students interested in the mathematical theory of numerical methods for the approximate solution of partial differential equations.
This volume presents the refereed proceedings of the Guangzhou International Symposium on Computational Mathematics, held at the Zhongshan University, People's Republic of China. Nearly 90 international mathematicians examine numerical optimization methods, wavelet analysis, computational approximation, numerical solutions of differential and integral equations, numerical linear algebra, inverse and ill-posed problems, geometric modelling, and signal and image processing and their applications.
This text presents a comprehensive mathematical theory for elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic differential equations. It compares finite element and finite difference methods and illustrates applications of generalized difference methods to elastic bodies, electromagnetic fields, underground water pollution, and coupled sound-heat flows.
This book is devoted to the numerical computation of linear and nonlinear differential equations, and their mathematical theory and applications. The contributed papers reflect the interest and high research level of the Chinese mathematicians working in these fields.
This book explores new difference schemes for approximating the solutions of regular and singular perturbation boundary-value problems for PDEs. The construction is based on the exact difference scheme and Taylor's decomposition on the two or three points, which permits investigation of differential equations with variable coefficients and regular and singular perturbation boundary value problems.
"Illuminates the most important results of the Lyapunov and Lagrange stability theory for a general class of dynamical systems by developing topics in a metric space independantly of equations, inequalities, or inclusions. Applies the general theory to specific classes of equations. Presents new and expanded material on the stability analysis of hybrid dynamical systems and dynamical systems with discontinuous dynamics."
"Analyzes algebras of concrete approximation methods detailing prerequisites, local principles, and lifting theorems. Covers fractality and Fredholmness. Explains the phenomena of the asymptotic splitting of the singular values, and more."