Das Zusammenspiel von Unternehmertum, Gender, Nachhaltigkeit und insbesondere der sozialen Dimension ist komplex und unterschätzt. Diese Studie analysiert Social Entrepreneurship durch eine Gender-Linse und stellt deutsche Sozialunternehmerinnen und ihre politischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Kontexte dar. Im Rahmen eines deskriptiven qualitativen Forschungsdesigns wurden eine Sekundäranalyse verschiedener Dimensionen des Social Entrepreneurship-Systems und fünfundzwanzig Interviews durchgeführt. Die Autorin zeigt, dass dieser Sektor das Potenzial hat, Gender neu zu denken und die Wirtschaft neu zu gestalten, indem er Normen und Grenzen in Richtung eines systemischen Wandels herausfordert.
The International Kierkegaard Commentary-For the first time in English the world community of scholars systematically assembled and presented the results of recent research in the vast literature of Søren Kierkegaard. Based on the definitive English edition of Kierkegaard's works by Princeton University Press, this series of commentaries addresses all the published texts of the influential Danish philosopher and theologian. This is volume 21 in a series of commentaries based upon the definitive translations of Kierkegaard's writings published by Princeton University Press, 1980ff.
This book represents the physical outcome of the symposium “Academic Voices in Contrast”, organised at the University of Bergen, Norway, in May 2006. The symposium, focusing on recent research within the field of academic discourse, was initiated and organised by the KIAP project (Cultural Identity in Academic Prose; see www.uib.no/kiap/). In this project, a special focus has been put on the study of the voice(s) of the academic author, in the doubly contrastive perspective of language and discipline. A narrow selection of distinguished scholars were invited to participate at the symposium. They were asked to address issues related to “traditional” linguistic versus contextual approaches or to interlingual and interdisciplinary similarities and differences in academic discourse. By the papers of the following, the symposium and the present book constitute a clear advancement of the research on academic discourse: M. A. A. Ariza, L. Berge, M. Bondi, S. V. Bonn, S. Carter-Thomas, T. Dahl, K. Fløttum, A. M. Gjesdal, F. Grossmann, K. Hyland, T. Kinn, L. Lundquist, A. Mauranen, M. Pabón, E. Rowley-Jolivet, F. Salager-Meyer, P. Shaw, J. M. Swales, J.L. Tønnesson, E. T. Vold, F. Wirth.
The Rough Guide Snapshot to Puglia is the ultimate travel guide to this beautiful, beguiling "heel" of Italy. It guides you through the region with reliable information and comprehensive coverage of all the sights and attractions, from exploring the gorgeous medieval hilltop town of Ostuni and enjoying the sunniest, sandiest beaches this side of Rome, to admiring the swirly Baroque architecture of stand-out town Lecce and feasting on the best bread and pasta dishes in Italy. Detailed maps and up-to-date listings pinpoint the top caf�s, restaurants, hotels, shops, bars and nightlife, ensuring you have the most memorable trip possible, whether passing through, staying for the weekend or longer. Also included is the Basics section from The Rough Guide to Italy, with all the practical information you need for travelling in and around the country, including transport, food, drink, costs, health and festivals. Also published as part of The Rough Guide to Italy. Full coverage: F�ggia, Monfredonia, The Gargano promontory, The Tr�miti Islands, Bari, Castellana Grotte, T�ranto, Br�ndisi, Ostuni, Lecce, Salento, Otranto, Galatina, Gallipolli (Equivalent printed page extent 76 pages).