A chess expert has distilled an enormous amount of information into an easy-to-follow, question-and-answer format that not only explains the most basic rules and essentials of play, but also offers advice on opening, combinations, middle- and end-game strategies, notation, castling, and other topics. Over 100 carefully chosen diagrams and illustrations.
A fascinating challenge and great training tool, these two- three- and four-move checkmates are great for beginning, intermediate, and expert players. Mates are in order of difficulty, from simple to very complex positions. Learn the standard patterns for cornering the king, corridor and support mates, attraction and deflection sacrifices, pins and annihilation, the quiet move, and the dreaded zugzwang. Mate challenges are presented from both Blacks and Whites perspective so players learn to see both sides of the board. Examples from old classics to the new millenium illustrate a wide range of ideas. This book is lots of fun and an easy way for a player to improve skills! 192 pages
Veteran chess teachers and authors, Wilson and Alberston, who specialize in teaching chess to children, present 202 fascinating puzzles that are both instructional and fun. Large diagrams and clearly explained solutions will thrill kids as they work their way through the concepts while they have fun with chess. This book is perfect for kids! The authors should know - they have used these puzzles in their lessons for years.
The screenplays and films of Quentin Tarantino raise profound comic and ethical dilemmas. Developing ideas from Lacanian psychoanalysis, Botting and Wilson explore ethical issues in relation to Tarantino's work, postmodernity and recent cultural theory. They argue that Tarantino's texts provide a provocative and telling contribution to theorized accounts of contemporary culture. The term `Tarantinian' has been coined to refer to a set of sampled, self-authorizing signs that are cinematically assembled in processes of `consuming-producing-expending' in the general context of a postmodern capitalism that enjoins excess. The Tarantinian ethics are elaborated, in the midst of a homogenized fast-food, movie and video culture, in